Closed TheMochonful closed 8 years ago
There is no handlers.xml. Did you mean handlers.yml
You can define your rules within the files you can find in the rules
Please paste the actual rule your defined which does not work for you.
This is the file rules.txt
match \b(f+(\W|\d|)*u+(\W|\d|)c+(\W|\d|)k+(\W|\d|)*)
handle as swear
match \b(p+(\W|\d|)*u+(\W|\d|)t+(\W|\d|)a+(\W|\d|)*) handle as swear
match \b(f+(\W|\d|)*o+(\W|\d|)l+(\W|\d|)l+(\W|\d|)*a+(\W|\d|_)r+(\W|\d|)_) handle as swear
And this is the file handlers.yml
swear: Bypass_With_Permission: "chatcontrol.bypass.swear" Ignored_In_Commands:
Player_Warn_Message: "&cPlease do not swear, otherwise an action will be taken!" Console_Message: "%player violated rule ID %ruleID, triggered %handler filter with: %message"
Staff_Alert_Message: "&8[&7Swear/ID %ruleID&8] &7%player: &f%message" Staff_Alert_Permission: chatcontrol.notify.swear Block_Message: true
Rewrite_To: Donare a MineSteel Write_To_File: logs/swears.txt
Cannot reproduce. Ensure you test from a player account without bypass permissions. You can post me your settings.yml (upload to pastebin) so I ensure it is not caused from there.
Closing, Rewrite_To has recently been fixed.
By putting the "handlers.xml" in the Swear, placing Rewrite_to file: "Viva MineSteel" does not replace the word or message.