kangarko / ChatControl-Red

Issue tracker and documentation for the next generation ChatControl Red, the most advanced chat management plugin.
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1.18: enable bungee join/leave/switch messages or is it a bug #1520

Closed KKYH246 closed 2 years ago

KKYH246 commented 2 years ago

Minecraft Version: 1.18.0 BungeeCord: true

this is regarding bungeecontrol red. How to enable network join leave switch messages? Im asking this because no matter what option i changed in settings.yml there are no network join leave switch messages.

Heres my settings.yml. (my messages files are the default ones)

# !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
#                       Welcome to the main configuration of BungeeControl
# !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
#  *IMPORTANT* Ensure you set a unique name for each server in "server.properties" file
#              in your root server folder. The name must be the same as your server name in
#              BungeeCord config.yml.
# !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Server name aliases used when broadcasting messages below
# You can edit the sections and remove old keys below.
# Put the server name (see header) as the key, and its alias as the value.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  hub: hub
  survival: survival
  vanilla: vanilla
  minigames: minigames
  kitpvp: kitpvp
  creative: creative
  squidgames: squidgames

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Represents settings for player messages such as join, quit and switch messages
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  # What aspects of messages should be enabled?
  # Options: join, quit, switch
  # If you have another plugin handling join/quit etc. messages, remove them from list below.
  # If you want to hide those messages, leave them in Apply_On and empty your messages/ .rs files.
  - 'join'
  - 'quit'
  - 'switch'

  # List of server names (see Server_Aliases) that we ignore from broadcasting
  - 'silent_server'

  # Files in messages/ folder are read from top to bottom. A true value means that if you have
  # multiple messages there, we only send the first eligible message to the player (we evaluate
  # this for each player separatedly). A false value means players will see all messages
  # that are eligible for them. 
  Stop_On_First_Match: true

  # Automatically append prefix to messages of the given type. Edit/remove/add sections below
  # from Apply_On key above to the left, and prefix to the right.
  # The message types that you do not specify below, will have no prefix unless specified
  # individually. You can also disable prefix for some messages by writing "prefix none" there.
  # Example:
  # Prefix:
  #   join: "&8[&2+&8] &7"
  #   quit: "&8[&4-&8] &7"
  #   kick: "&8[&4-&8] &7"
  #   death: "&8[&4x&8] &7"
  #   timed: "{announce_prefix}"

  # If you want to display join message after other plugins, you can send it
  # a bit later such as 1 tick later than the other messages. 
  Defer_Join_Message_By: 1 tick

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Intercepting bungeecord tab commands section - ONLY filters BungeeCord commands, to filter
# Spigot commands, configure ChatControl on your Spigot server(s).
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # A map of command labels and their arguments to remove. Put arguments to ["*"] to remove all.
  # Example: This will remove the "survival" tab completion when trying to tab complete /server.
  # Filter_Arguments:
  #   server: [survival]

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Chat relay is used for servers that do not have ChatControl installed to forward chat.
# [WARNING] This only forwards chat, no filtering is applied for these servers.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Enable this feature?
  Enabled: false

  # List of what servers do not have ChatControl and need chat forwarded to them?
  - 'minigame1'

  # List of what servers do not have ChatControl and need chat forwarded from them?
  - 'minigame1'

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable clusters to group your servers into clusters, which limits data transmitted only within
# the same cluster group. Example: You can limit tab-completion to only players on lobbies, etc.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Enable this feature?
  Enabled: false

  # The map of clusters with a list of servers they belong to. 
  # Servers not in the list will be placed into a "global" cluster automatically and share data.
  # Example:
  # List:
  #   gameplay: 
  #   - factions
  #   - pvp
  #   lobbies: 
  #   - hub1
  #   - hub2

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# List of section names that will print informative messages about their features.
# You normally don't need to edit this unless you have problems or been navigated by the dev.
# By default we show important messages about our packets being sent and received. This helps you
# understand how plugin works (or not works) and solve bugs.
# DO NOT disable this unless you have been using BungeeControl Red for a few weeks otherwise you
# will miss out and then waste time reading our Wiki and opening tickets where things could easily
# be explained simply by reading the console.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- true

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not change this value, otherwise it will corrupt your plugin installation!
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Version: 10
kangarko commented 2 years ago

Check your messages/ folders and check join.rs, quit.rs and switch.rs if they are configured to show messages. To test the bare minimum you can remove everything that is in these folders and then just place something simple:

group default
- &e{player} &fjoined the network &7({server})