kangarko / ChatControl-Red

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1.20.1: Format_Discord variables do not parse correctly on some messages #2469

Closed TZ122 closed 11 months ago

TZ122 commented 11 months ago

"/version ChatControlRed" - plugin version


Are you using MySQL?


Are you using BungeeCord?


Error log (if applicable)

No response

"/chc debug" output (strongly recommended)

No response

Information about the issue/bug

I am using CHC with discordsrv integration. I have my Format_Discord setup as: Format_Discord: '{tagdiscord}{tag4} {player}: {message}'

Occasionally in my discord chat {tagdiscord}{tag4} will show instead of the correct variable. This only happens occasionally and there are no errors in console when this happens. It seems there are no patterns to this and it seems to happen randomly and break on ordinary messages.

kangarko commented 11 months ago

Should be fixed in the next version.

TZ122 commented 10 months ago

Hey, I'm still receiving this issue on the latest version.


kangarko commented 10 months ago

Is there any console error on Spigot when that happens?

TZ122 commented 10 months ago

Nope, there are no errors when it happens.

kangarko commented 10 months ago

I looked into it, and it seems like PlaceholderAPI or whatever plugin you are using for that variable is sometimes not returning the value right. We always replace it and we made the code sync so it should no longer happen. Mind asking their devs one time?

TZ122 commented 10 months ago

Both the variables are Chatcontrolred Java script variables using this wiki section https://github.com/kangarko/ChatControl-Red/wiki/JavaScript-Variables

Does this still involve placeholderapi? If so I will reach out to the developer.


kangarko commented 10 months ago

Can you please send /chc debug file and point out which variables, exactly? Thanks.

TZ122 commented 10 months ago

Sent via email - the variables are the only two in the variables folder

Thanks very much for taking a look.

kangarko commented 10 months ago

Sorry for the delay - I was not able to pinpoint the issue but what I can do is log these messages into a debug file. How often does it happen?

TZ122 commented 10 months ago

Sorry for the delay - I was not able to pinpoint the issue but what I can do is log these messages into a debug file. How often does it happen?

https://imgur.com/a/fIzO3lv Here are some time stamps of when it occurs

kangarko commented 10 months ago

Mind setting your Debug key in settings.yml to [discord-variables] ? A new file will appear called discord-variables.log with debug logs for your convenience not to spam your console. Please send me it to me as soon as the bug re-appears. Sorry for the inconvenience, I am unable to join your server in real time so we'd have to run a few simple tests.


TZ122 commented 10 months ago


It occurred again and did not log it https://pastebin.com/161mZ6bY Will it log Minecraft chat -> Discord Chat variables?

kangarko commented 10 months ago

Thanks, I need some more days to debug this

kangarko commented 10 months ago

Try the next version please whether it will happen with the same frequency.

TZ122 commented 9 months ago

Haven't seen the issue occur since latest update. Thanks!