kangarko / ChatControl-Red

Issue tracker and documentation for the next generation ChatControl Red, the most advanced chat management plugin.
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1.20.4: Breaking Change #2607

Closed tavaresjoshua8 closed 6 months ago

tavaresjoshua8 commented 6 months ago

"/version ChatControlRed" - plugin version


Are you using MySQL?


Are you using BungeeCord?


Error log (if applicable)

No response

"/chc debug" output (strongly recommended)

No response

Information about the issue/bug

This version has a change called "Patched stack overflow when attempting to parse variables inside variables", but it has completely broken my prefixes that used this same function.


Format Config: image

kangarko commented 6 months ago

Apologizes for the delay. Please drop your /chc debug as per the issue template

Timoti11 commented 6 months ago

me too!

Timoti11 commented 6 months ago


Hiii! I made a patch that fixes it: REMOVED

Here is script to apply patch on PS, it should be executed in the directory with plugin:

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Timoti11/189016ebae4d2600c508f2afd99d60aa/raw/4d85bee4f2fc3b542f5576eab562860ccbff719f/fix.patch" -OutFile .\fix.patch
Copy-Item .\ChatControl-Red-10.24.6.jar -Destination .\ChatControl-Red-10.24.6.zip
Expand-Archive .\ChatControl-Red-10.24.6.zip -DestinationPath .\ChatControl
Set-Location -Path .\ChatControl
git apply ..\fix.patch
Compress-Archive -Path .\** -DestinationPath ..\ChatControl-Red-10.24.6.fixed.zip
Set-Location -Path ..\
Rename-Item -Path .\ChatControl-Red-10.24.6.fixed.zip -NewName ChatControl-Red-10.24.6.fixed.jar
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse .\ChatControl
tavaresjoshua8 commented 6 months ago

Nevermind, i fixed it using the "%utils_parse:num_placeholder%" placeholder, from the Utils Expansion.

kangarko commented 6 months ago

@Timoti11 please make a public pull request to the Variables class since it's a public class in Foundation: https://github.com/kangarko/foundation/releases

I have removed your link due to security concerns, would be hard for me to check the safety of your hack so please go the official way. If you need access to chatcontrol's source code just let me know.

Timoti11 commented 6 months ago

@Timoti11 please make a public pull request to the Variables class since it's a public class in Foundation: https://github.com/kangarko/foundation/releases

I have removed your link due to security concerns, would be hard for me to check the safety of your hack so please go the official way. If you need access to chatcontrol's source code just let me know.

It's not the best solution to the issue - just hot fix for the moment

I just rolled back certain lines to make it work on my server today. All in all, I'll wait for a full-fledged fix image (36)

kangarko commented 6 months ago

We had to remove these lines since they opened a vulnerability where a certain scripted message would cause an infinite loop and crash the server. I am unaware of a better solution at the moment but I welcome your contributions.