kangarko / ChatControl-Red

Issue tracker and documentation for the next generation ChatControl Red, the most advanced chat management plugin.
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1.20.4: Tablist feature does not update prefix or suffix until you rejoin. #2635

Closed Denial234 closed 2 months ago

Denial234 commented 3 months ago

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Information about the issue/bug

Tablist feature does not update when you change prefix & suffix until you rejoin. I feel like this has nothing to do with the permissions plugin i'm using because the tablist works fine when i'm not using chat control red to manage my tablist. It works totally fine when i use TAB and updates as soon as i change group and give myself a new suffix using supremetags. Although as soon as i switch plugin to Chatcontrol RED to handle my tablist i have to rejoin every time i want the tablist to update the changes i've made. Every other plugin works except for this plugin when it comes to the tablist. It doesn't matter what placeholder i use, nothing updates until you rejoin. Except for the username when i change nick using /chc tag

kangarko commented 2 months ago

Thanks, I made the code update tablist on all tag changes, not just nick tags. The next update should do the trick :)

Denial234 commented 2 months ago

The tablist update unfortunately did not change anything. The problem still exists.

kangarko commented 2 months ago

I am sorry. Please use the next version from tonight, in settings.yml > Debug set the key to [tab-list] and see the console messages each time the tablist should get updated to check what is happening and what the tablist is set to. Report back to me please.


Denial234 commented 2 months ago

17.04 15:48:45 [Server] INFO UUID of player Graned is 6f63b55e-97c4-4dd6-8fb1-057c65c148f6 17.04 15:48:46 [Server] INFO Updating profile player reference for: Graned 17.04 15:48:46 [Server] INFO Updating tab list name of Graned to STAFF Graned ʜᴇʀᴏ 17.04 15:48:46 [Server] INFO TIP: Joining player to his saved channel standard in mode write 17.04 15:48:46 [Server] INFO TIP Alert: Supposed to add Graned to channel 'admin' which is not installed on this server, skipping 17.04 15:48:46 [Server] INFO TIP: Player Graned is already in channel 'standard' in mode read, not adding. 17.04 15:48:46 [Server] INFO TIP: Automatically enabling spy mode for Graned because they had 'chatcontrol.spy.autoenable' permission. To stop automatically enabling spy mode for players, give them negative 'chatcontrol.spy.autoenable' permission (a value of false when using LuckPerms). This message only shows once per 3 hours. 17.04 15:48:46 [Connect] User Graned, IP 17.04 15:48:46 [Multicraft] Graned ran command Message of the Day 17.04 15:48:47 [Server] INFO Graned 17.04 15:48:52 [Server] INFO Graned issued server command: /uperms 17.04 15:48:52 [Server] INFO Note: Not sending Graned's command to spying players because he had 'chatcontrol.bypass.spy.command' permission. Player messages with such permission are not spied on. To disable that, negate this permission (a false value if using LuckPerms). This message only shows once per 3 hours. 17.04 15:49:01 [Server] INFO Graned issued server command: /tags 17.04 15:49:16 [Server] INFO Listing Online Player(s)
17.04 15:49:16 [Server] INFO 1. MEMBER Graned 17.04 15:49:28 [Disconnect] User Graned has disconnected, reason: Disconnected 17.04 15:49:28 [Server] INFO Removing sell holding instance for user: Graned 17.04 15:49:29 [Server] INFO Graned 17.04 15:49:31 [Server] INFO UUID of player Graned is 6f63b55e-97c4-4dd6-8fb1-057c65c148f6 17.04 15:49:31 [Server] INFO Updating profile player reference for: Graned 17.04 15:49:31 [Server] INFO Updating tab list name of Graned to MEMBER Graned Elite 17.04 15:49:31 [Server] INFO TIP: Joining player to his saved channel standard in mode write 17.04 15:49:31 [Server] INFO TIP Alert: Supposed to add Graned to channel 'admin' which is not installed on this server, skipping 17.04 15:49:31 [Server] INFO TIP: Player Graned is already in channel 'standard' in mode read, not adding.

The format of the tab list

Format: '%uperms_prefix%&r {player_nick}%supremetags_tag%'

Denial234 commented 2 months ago

I used /uperms to change my prefix from STAFF to MEMBER And used /tags to change tag from HERO to Elite

It updates as soon as i disconnect and join back.

kangarko commented 2 months ago

When you use /uperms we do not get the notification that the tag got updated. ChatControl can only update tags when it receives an event of that such as when you run the /tag command.

Denial234 commented 2 months ago

Why is it that when i use TAB it works fine? I'm not a developer so i don't really know this type of stuff. But is it not possible to automatically update the tablist when a placeholder gets changed? Those placeholders are from PlaceholderAPI

Denial234 commented 2 months ago

All and all i just want to be able to have a colored name in the tablist using chatcontrol red's nickname function. This is why i wanted to use chatcontrol red to manage the tablist. Is is possible to maybe add a placeholder for chatcontrol red that you can put in TAB that gets the nick format for the name and display it in the tablist? Just like how you can get a prefix color from a placeholder.

Something like %chatcontrol_nick% that i can use in TAB so that the chatcontrol nick is displayed in the TAB plugin's tablist? And when i have the nick disabled it just displays the name as normal.

kangarko commented 2 months ago

We already have that, doesnt it work already? {chatcontrol_nick} or {player_nick} I believe

Denial234 commented 2 months ago

But that doesn't work if i put it into TAB's config. That's a placeholder that is specifically made for ChatControl RED settings.yml Is there a PlaceholderAPI placeholder for ChatControl RED that lets me get the nick from ChatControl RED and use it in TAB's config so that i can use TAB's tablist that seems to work as i want it to when i change my placeholders so that i can get the nickname from ChatControl RED and use it in TAB?

Denial234 commented 2 months ago

%uperms_prefix% & %supremetags_tag% are both placeholders that works using PlaceholderAPI this is why i can use them in that TAB plugin. It would be amazing if there was a placeholder for ChatControl RED that allowed me to use the nick from ChatControl RED in the TAB plugin as well.

kangarko commented 2 months ago

The %chatcontrolred_nick% variable we have goes right into PlaceholderAPI so if TAB suppors PAPI, you could use that. However the tab is only refreshed when you run /tag command from ChatControl as I explained above.

Denial234 commented 2 months ago

That solved the issue! Thank you.

Denial234 commented 2 months ago

Sorry for the hassle..

Is there a wiki of all the possible placeholders that ChatControl RED has?

kangarko commented 2 months ago

Yes of course, please see https://github.com/kangarko/ChatControl-Red/wiki/Variables

Denial234 commented 2 months ago

Thank you so much!

kangarko commented 2 months ago

You're welcome!