kangarko / ChatControl-Red

Issue tracker and documentation for the next generation ChatControl Red, the most advanced chat management plugin.
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1.20.4 : Server Prefix working opposite to expectation #2661

Closed markie1611 closed 2 months ago

markie1611 commented 2 months ago

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"/chc debug" output (strongly recommended)


Information about the issue/bug

Hello, I recently set my Chatcontrol up on a velocity network for the first time and I think I've misunderstood a behaviour. In Bungee.yml there's the code

# The optional prefix before all messages so that you know where they are coming from.
Prefix: '[G]'

Which to me means any message sent from this server will have the [G] in front. but the behavior is that all messages I receive from players on others servers all have [G] while I'm in this server, making it impossible to distinguish which server sent it. I've probably set something up wrong, but any help would be great.

Gingied commented 2 months ago

Second this. I am seeing the same behavior using 1.0.1-BETA, where all received messages have the server's configured prefix, but sent messages do not.

kangarko commented 2 months ago

Thanks guys, fixed. A new release will appear tonight.