kangarko / ChatControl-Red

Issue tracker and documentation for the next generation ChatControl Red, the most advanced chat management plugin.
43 stars 22 forks source link

Download / Beginner Creator #2689

Closed ZYMEEEE closed 1 month ago

ZYMEEEE commented 1 month ago

Are you using MySQL?


Are you using BungeeCord/Velocity?

Yes - Velocity


Hi, I've recently bought VelocityControl. However I don't seem to find a way to download / acces the plugin. I haven't been in this business for a long time so perhaps this may be an incredibly stupid question, but. Where can I download the purchased plugin?

Sincerely, Me.

kangarko commented 1 month ago

Hey and thanks for purchasing!

Do you see a button to download it at https://builtbybit.com/resources/velocitycontrol-cross-network-chat.43226/ like this?

2024-05-27-15 18-995

If not, let me know your BBB username below - if you paid through tebex - or email me from purchase email address - if you paid through mineacademy - and I'll check that for you.