kangarko / ChatControl-Red

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Why is the player's channel saved? #2694

Closed Z3r0xh closed 3 weeks ago

Z3r0xh commented 1 month ago

Are you using MySQL?


Are you using BungeeCord/Velocity?

Yes - BungeeCord


I am giving the permissions to the default group as follows: image

The thing that I have set to false is that if a player joins, the channels they had are not saved and they follow the autojoin ones, the thing is that all the time the same channel that the user saves is set and I can't do it.



I would like to make lobby the default channel and helpop only join if they want

Can you give me a help? Thank you so much!

Z3r0xh commented 1 month ago

When you tell me how I can solve it, don't close the ticket in case I need to ask you something else.

Thank you so much!

Z3r0xh commented 1 month ago

I have been testing in 1.8 and 1.20.4, in 1.8 this option of returning to the autojoin channel if they have more channels that they can access does not work well.

In 1.20 it does work well. I have used the same permissions syntax for both

kangarko commented 4 weeks ago

Sorry for delay, I was sick. Gonna be investigating tomorrow.

kangarko commented 3 weeks ago

It is stored on mysql. Can you check the ChatControl table after the console message states that it autojoined the player whether the row with the player name got updated his data?

kangarko commented 3 weeks ago

Lets continue discussion here or on your other ticket. Feel free to ask your other question here or on the other ticket.

Z3r0xh commented 3 weeks ago

Okay, as soon as I'm home I'll connect to the databases,

Meanwhile I found that with this option in 1.8 they made it return them to their default home channels every time they logged in.

How should the Ignore_Autojoin_If_Left option be if I always want them to be in the autojoin channels when they enter?


kangarko commented 3 weeks ago

If you always want players to join to their autojoin, set Ignore_Autojoin_If_Left to false

Z3r0xh commented 3 weeks ago

Está almacenado en mysql. ¿Puedes comprobar la tabla ChatControl después de que el mensaje de la consola indique que se unió automáticamente al jugador y si la fila con el nombre del jugador actualizó sus datos?

Sorry for the delay, I've been away from home and didn't have access to most of the things.

I just checked by checking the database.

And as you can see it stays in the helpop channel for some reason


kangarko commented 3 weeks ago

Just to make sure I am understanding it 100% - I see that the player typed /channel join but did not leave the channel. That is intended. ChatControl will save the joined channel and then rejoin the player upon his return. I am missing something?

Z3r0xh commented 2 weeks ago

Just to make sure I am understanding it 100% - I see that the player typed /channel join but did not leave the channel. That is intended. ChatControl will save the joined channel and then rejoin the player upon his return. I am missing something?

The problem is not when joining, what I want is that when they enter the server they always join the same channel, in this case it is lobby and that they only have the autojoin for writing in the lobby and for reading in UnnameCraft.

The helpop can join, but once it disconnects it does not have to join again

kangarko commented 1 week ago

Sorry for the delay.

This is by feature design.

If the player leaves the autojoin channel and manually joins the second one, we will join him to the second channel once he relogs.

Z3r0xh commented 1 week ago

Sorry for the delay.

This is by feature design.

If the player leaves the autojoin channel and manually joins the second one, we will join him to the second channel once he relogs.

But in principle, setting the ignore-auto-join-if-left option to false, wouldn't it have to make it join the autojoin channel whenever it reconnects?

kangarko commented 1 week ago

No because saved channels take priority over that option.

Z3r0xh commented 1 week ago

No because saved channels take priority over that option.

In 1.20.6 it worked like this and the users are always reconnected to the same autojoin channel that they have in write, but in 1.8 this does not happen.

I'm trying to find a solution so that they always enter with autojoin

kangarko commented 1 week ago

No idea, we do not have separate logic for the two versions. Check your permissions setup