kangarko / ChatControl-Red

Issue tracker and documentation for the next generation ChatControl Red, the most advanced chat management plugin.
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Version: Discord diffrent format #2825

Closed noaskers closed 2 days ago

noaskers commented 2 days ago

Are you using MySQL?


Are you using a proxy?

Yes - Velocity


About the proxy chc is not conntect to the proxy.

I was wondering if its possible to make it so if a messages comes from discord

To give it a diffrent format like:

[Discord] {name}: {message}

noaskers commented 2 days ago

Right now it takes the formation of the normal chat format but it needs to be clear that it comes from discord

JerichoTorrent commented 2 days ago

This is already a feature. In ChatControlRed/formats you can specify the message format if the sender is in Discord, there is an example provided in chat.rs already. You can change it to your liking.

noaskers commented 2 days ago

Can u send the code I can't seem to find it?

TheIntolerant commented 2 days ago

The current setting is due to change as a result of complaints regarding the formatting of discord messages via in-game VS on the discord server.

See #2804 for more information

noaskers commented 2 days ago

No I want to make it so when a message comes from discord it gets send in the chat like this;

[Discord] {Name}: {message}

noaskers commented 2 days ago

How can i achieve that?