kangarko / CoreArena

A high-end monster arena Minecraft plugin with procedural damage and RPG system. Maps included!
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Add a way to disable arena always stopping on errors. #493

Closed gre3x closed 1 year ago

gre3x commented 1 year ago

It is annoying to deal with the arena stopping whenever there is any kind of error. Aka the "Stopping arena for safety."


Arena Arena has failed entering phase: 2
Stopping arena for safety.
NoSuchElementException (Unknown cause)
     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.util.UnsafeList$Itr.next(UnsafeList.java:248)
     at java.util.AbstractCollection.toArray(AbstractCollection.java:141)

Please add a toggle to disable this safety. Maybe make a note in the console logs that this is unsafe and we accept the risks and etc.

kangarko commented 1 year ago

This is a safety feature, I am rather interested in resolving the issues than having data corrupted.