kangarko / CoreArena

A high-end monster arena Minecraft plugin with procedural damage and RPG system. Maps included!
29 stars 12 forks source link

1.12.2: NullPointerException - SimpleCuboidRegion.java:68 #494

Closed gre3x closed 1 year ago

gre3x commented 1 year ago

When playing with more than 10 players, the arena often never finishes.

Arena config: https://pastebin.com/zuEBbvnE

Settings file: https://pastebin.com/5jXvTRCK

This exception occurs often:

------------------------------------[ 21.06.2023 16:29:32 ]-----------------------------------
CoreArena 3.4.5 encountered a NullPointerException
Running Paper 1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT and Java 1.8.0_292
Plugins: WDLCompanion v1.2.0, BuildersUtilities v1.2.9, PlaceholderAPI v2.11.1, SimpleGeyserVL v1.1b, NetworkInterceptor v3.2.1, SkWaze v3.0.9, ServerUtils v3.5.4, ViaVersion v4.7.1-SNAPSHOT, ViaBackwards v4.7.1-SNAPSHOT, CoreProtect v2.15.2, LuckPerms v5.4.71, SyncCommands v4.0.1, OpenInv v3.3.5, ViaRewind-Legacy-Support v1.4.0, MineSecure v1.3.10-SNAPSHOT, BuycraftX v12.0.8, Votifier v2.7.3, ProtocolLib v4.8.0, The Multiverse-Core Plugin, HamsterAPI v0.2.3, MVdWPlaceholderAPI v3.1.1, FastAsyncWorldEdit v21.03.26-5ff3a9b-1286-22.3.9, InventorySlotFixer v1.0, DeluxeMenus v1.10.5, PlaceholderHook v0.3.0, FeatherBoard v4.30.0, ExploitFixer v2.2.8, LuckPermsMVdWHook v5.4-SNAPSHOT, Vault v1.7.3-b131, floodgate v2.2.2-SNAPSHOT (b88-2278589), TokenManager v3.2.6-SNAPSHOT, ViaRewind v2.0.4-SNAPSHOT, FastAsyncVoxelSniper v21.03.07-9eab8d7-1282-22.3.5, SimpleRename v13.9, HolographicDisplays v2.4.9, Vulcan v2.7.4, VoxelSniper v5.172.0-SNAPSHOT, SimplePortals v1.3.7, WorldEdit v6.1.7;dd00bb1, Log4JExploitFix v1.3.3, CrashFixer v1.0-SNAPSHOT, AnimatedNames v7.3.2, goBrush v3.0.0, spark v1.10.37, HeadDatabase v4.17.0, Arceon v0.3.1, goPaint v2.0.1, WorldEditSelectionVisualizer v2.1.4, HolographicExtension v1.10.9, WorldGuard v6.2.2-SNAPSHOT;8eeab68, AdvancedHelp v1.12.8, AddLight v4.3.2, Skript v2.6.3, Essentials v2.20.0, Citizens v2.0.30-SNAPSHOT (build 2759), Plan v5.4 build 1722, skript-placeholders v1.5.2, skript-reflect v2.2.3, ItemJoin v5.0.6-RELEASE-b395, ChatControlRed v10.18.8, Boss v4.7.9, LeaderHeadsRevamped v4.0.6, WolvSK v1.7.2, CoreArena v3.4.5, EssentialsSpawn v2.20.0, PremiumVanish v2.8.8, Skellett v1.9.11, BungeeTabListPlus v3.6.0

More Information: 
Arena Arena has failed entering phase: 1
Stopping arena for safety.
NullPointerException (Unknown cause)
     at org.mineacademy.game.impl.SimpleCuboidRegion.getEntities(SimpleCuboidRegion.java:68)
     at org.mineacademy.game.impl.arena.SimpleArena.getAliveMonsters(SimpleArena.java:918)
     at org.mineacademy.game.impl.SimplePhaseIncremental.onNextPhase(SimplePhaseIncremental.java:172)
     at org.mineacademy.game.countdown.PhaseCountdown.onTick(PhaseCountdown.java:24)
     at org.mineacademy.corearena.lib.model.Countdown.run(Countdown.java:72)
     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:64)
     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:423)
gre3x commented 1 year ago

The exception is different than https://github.com/kangarko/CoreArena/issues/492. This occurs without entering paper code. As you can see the top error comes from the plugin.

And in the other report, it was SimpleCuboidRegion.java:66, but this exception is in SimpleCuboidRegion.java:68

kangarko commented 1 year ago

You're right. Can you please try this file? https://ufile.io/y3rn4966

gre3x commented 1 year ago

Seems to be working thank you!

kangarko commented 1 year ago

@gre3x if you appreciated my support I'd appreciate you dropping us a quick review ;)