kangarko / Foundation

Foundation™ helps you create highly customized Minecraft plugins (based on Spigot/Paper API) that support multiple MC versions.
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1.20.4 : ProtocolLib for enchantments #277

Closed steffqxyz closed 4 months ago

steffqxyz commented 4 months ago

Hello, I am doing the Custom Enchant video and I am using Foundaiton. In the video ProtocolLib was mentioned for the item lore, so I added it to the server. Latest spigotmc version, but after restarting the server I am getting this error. I was told to come and open an issue.

https://pastebin.com/cbvcJa7r - HERE IS THE ERROR

kangarko commented 4 months ago

Can you please verify your full startup log whether ProtocolLib has been properly started? Just send it to me and I have a look, thanks.

steffqxyz commented 4 months ago

https://pastebin.com/38cHkYq5 Here, thanks!

Xefreh commented 4 months ago

do you depend on protocollib in your plugin.yml file ? it seems that foundation cannot find ProtocollibManager because your plugin gets initialized before. make sure you have this in plugin.yml file:

depend: [ProtocolLib]
steffqxyz commented 4 months ago

It was a soft-depend, changed it to depend, but I get the same exact error.

Xefreh commented 4 months ago

can you send your server logs please

Xefreh commented 4 months ago

can you try to use Protocollib 5.1

steffqxyz commented 4 months ago

Protocollib 5.1 - https://pastebin.com/PPv50rLt

Not working on 1.20.4 apparently

Xefreh commented 4 months ago

can you try on 1.20.1 for example ?

steffqxyz commented 4 months ago

I used NMS, I'd have to change some methods in the plugin to make it for 1.20.1 don't really know the alternative and it will not help since I need this on 1.20.4

kangarko commented 4 months ago

Try using the latest devbuild from https://ci.dmulloy2.net/job/ProtocolLib/

The issue is that foundation calls getprotocolmanager which returns null. Unfortunately that's out of our control especially now that you have the plugin in your softDepends

Feel free to continue talking below.

steffqxyz commented 4 months ago

Still doesn't work, but I am curious there isn't something I should do for the protocollib to work right? Like setting something in the onPluginStart or onPluginLoad. If not I will just wait for more releases from ProtocolLib.

kangarko commented 4 months ago

What's your /version ?

steffqxyz commented 4 months ago

[17:50:08] [Server thread/INFO]: This server is running CraftBukkit version 4090-Spigot-b754dcc-38b1f49 (MC: 1.20.4) (Implementing API version 1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) sorry for late response I had some problems with my pc

kangarko commented 4 months ago

Use Paper not Spigot 1.20.4