kangarko / Foundation

Foundation™ helps you create highly customized Minecraft plugins (based on Spigot/Paper API) that support multiple MC versions.
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1.20.1: IncompatibleClassChangeError #297

Closed iHxtch closed 2 months ago

iHxtch commented 2 months ago

Currently using foundation 6.8.2. Seems like the newer versions have the InventoryView class as an Interface but versions such as 1.20.1 has it an abstract class. Received the below error when using the setItem() method in org.mineacademy.fo.menu.

Error: https://pastebin.com/REpPQqc8

kangarko commented 2 months ago

I don't honestly know how to fix that. You can import spigot above foundation and then just call that method directly on the inventory.

kangarko commented 2 months ago

Correction: Fixed using reflection, see latest foundation commit.