kangpeilun / VastGaussian

This is an unofficial Implementation
Apache License 2.0
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Visibility-based camera selection #18

Open FairySunny opened 5 days ago

FairySunny commented 5 days ago

I found 2 problems with the visibility-based camera selection.

First, the method point_in_image in scene/vastgs/data_partition.py may be incorrect, camera.image_height and camera.image_width on line 403 & 404 and line 417 & 419 should be swapped.

Second, on dataset Mill-19, almost all of the points in the whole point cloud are included in one partition. The initial point cloud of dataset Mill-19 downloaded from https://vastgaussian.github.io/ is noisy and has many noise points under the ground, this makes the bounding box of points very large and may be the cause of this problem.

kangpeilun commented 5 days ago

Thank you. Let me check what you mentioned