kangpeilun / VastGaussian

This is an unofficial Implementation
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python train_vast.py : ValueError: min() arg is an empty sequence #4

Open goometasoft opened 1 month ago

goometasoft commented 1 month ago
python train_vast.py ....

  File "E:\train_vast.py", line 291, in <module>

  File "E:\train_vast.py", line 283, in train_main
    training(lp, op, pp, args.test_iterations, args.save_iterations,

  File "E:\train_vast.py", line 44, in training
    big_scene = BigScene(dataset)  # 这段代码整个都是加载数据集,同时包含高斯模型参数的加载

  File "E:\VastGaussian_scene\datasets.py", line 77, in __init__
    DataPartitioning = ProgressiveDataPartitioning(scene_info, self.train_cameras[resolution_scales[0]],

  File "E:\VastGaussian_scene\data_partition.py", line 61, in __init__

  File "E:\VastGaussian_scene\data_partition.py", line 66, in run_DataPartition
    partition_list = self.Position_based_data_selection(partition_dict)

  File "E:\VastGaussian_scene\data_partition.py", line 176, in Position_based_data_selection

  File "E:\VastGaussian_scene\data_partition.py", line 138, in get_point_range
    return [min(x_list), max(x_list),

ValueError: min() arg is an empty sequence
Aayushma-angelswing commented 1 month ago

I also got the same error. Did you find any solutions?

kangpeilun commented 1 month ago

Which dataset did you use for the test? I have not encountered such problems with tandt/train data

aasmanbashyal commented 1 month ago

I am encountering a ValueError: min() arg is an empty sequence error when running train_vast.py. I used COLMAP to generate the datasets. The same datasets work fine with train.py, but the error occurs with train_vast.py. Below is the dataset used: image

k73kondrashov commented 2 weeks ago

I'm facing the same problem. The solution that worked for me was replacing --plantform threejs with --plantform tj in the arguments to run. I wrote about it in #21

yuxiaoz commented 6 days ago

The same problem occurs! return [min(x_list), max(x_list), ValueError: min() arg is an empty sequence,is there any solutions?The dataset I used is my own data that COLMAP exported.

GYiFeng commented 2 days ago
