Closed FiRepRooFC closed 10 months ago
It will default to the first one indeed. But you can circumvent this by providing the character-span of the word you want! for instance, if you want the most recent occurrence of 'one', you could do this by:
import re
sentence = 'There are two books. The red one is mine, and the other one is yours.'
span = list(re.finditer(r'one', sentence))[-1].span()
#> (56, 59)
# extract reps:
model.extract_representation(['There are two books. The red one is mine, and the other one is yours.', span], layer = 12)
does this help/make sense?
Thank you so much! It helps me a lot. Here is another question. I am doing a psychological study on ambiguous words, and I am wondering which layer of BERT provides lexical representations, excluding higher-level representations such as grammar or position information. Do you have any suggestions? :)
I asked around a bit and found the following:
In this paper the authors found that the middle layers of bert base are best at predicting word similarity. that is, paradigmatic (wordnetlike) relations between words.
And this kind of echoes that the middle layers are better at semantics and the later layers better at syntax, e.g.
Unsure if these help, but you could perhaps also determine this empirically on your data! Try with multiple layers if you can!
Hi! I have a question about extracting word representations. If the sentence has two target words, for example, "There are two books. One is mine, the other one is yours.", when using model.extract_representation(['There are two books. The red one is mine, and the other one is yours.', 'one'], layer = 12), which representation in extracted? Is the representation of the first "one"? Many thanks!