kannix / monero-full-node

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Remonte node on Synology and GUI Wallet #36

Open HachouBidou opened 3 years ago

HachouBidou commented 3 years ago

Hi Kannix,

I'm running your node on Docker in my Synology NAS and I also use a GUI Wallet. I think that it's well configured because the Wallet says that the wallet and the daemon are synchronised. On the wallet the bars are full and on Docker I can see that everything is finished even sometimes I have few new blocks to mine.

But on the wallet, I can't validate what I have mined and the amount is stucked at 0.

Maybe I forgot to do something but I don't know what to do and if it's worth to continue minning.

Can you help me ? Thanks in advance

HachouBidou commented 3 years ago

I used this tutorial to install and configure the node : https://medium.com/decentralize-today/how-to-run-a-monero-node-on-a-synology-nas-3a3ed36bc3f8 Thanks in advance