kannix / monero-full-node

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Mapped folder remains empty for node #42

Open dolphinkite opened 2 years ago

dolphinkite commented 2 years ago


I'm running this node on a Synology Docker (as described here: https://medium.com/decentralize-today/how-to-run-a-monero-node-on-a-synology-nas-3a3ed36bc3f8) but I am having a few issues:

When I look on the mapped drive, the folder is completely empty. I did use the parameter: -v /volume1/docker/MyNode:/home/.bitmonero

When I go to /volume1/docker/MyNode there is absolutely nothing. However, if I attach to the Docker process using: docker exec -ti MyNode bash I am able to see that there are various files, in 5GB file (although this has been running for 5 days. It should only have taken an hour or so do download the whole DB so I don't understand that part either).

Is there an explanation why I can't see the files on my mapped drive? I assume this is related to the fact that the container runs under the monero user?

My concern is that if I need to update the container by deleting it and re-running it, I'll lose the DB. From the looks of it, it will take me a couple of weeks to build the DB, which also doesn't make any sense. Any possible explanation on that?


samturner3 commented 2 years ago

I have this issue also, even when ssh as root ls -las shows nothing, yet when I stop and restart the docker image the console picks up syncing from where it left off, so must be saving somewhere...

teambvd commented 2 years ago

I have this issue also, even when ssh as root ls -las shows nothing, yet when I stop and restart the docker image the console picks up syncing from where it left off, so must be saving somewhere...

@samturner3 Assuming you've your volume mappings the same as what's initially referenced above, it's currently saving within the docker image file - you've likely seen it grow over time as the daemon runs

When I look on the mapped drive, the folder is completely empty. I did use the parameter: -v /volume1/docker/MyNode:/home/.bitmonero

When I go to /volume1/docker/MyNode there is absolutely nothing

@dolphinkite the mapping's unfortunately incorrect here (referring to the outline here)- homedirs follow a format of /home/<user>/<usersFolders>. In your case, it'd look like:

-v /volume1/docker/MyNode/monero-data:/home/monero/.bitmonero

What I'd probably do though is set up a config file instead, and point the .bitmonero folder wherever you'd like with that, along with setting up your peer and rate limits all in one. Have that file as /volume1/docker/MyNode/bitmonero.conf so it's persistent as well.

Been a while, and I know it's likely you've both got it sorted by now, but figured I'd post this up in case someone else comes along 👍