kanytu / android-parallax-recyclerview

An adapter which could be used to achieve a parallax effect on RecyclerView.
Apache License 2.0
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Contents overlap header item #7

Open MWalid opened 9 years ago

MWalid commented 9 years ago

Is it possible to make RecyclerView content overlaps little bit upon the header, something like Google's Play Newsstand??

I have tried to mimic that behavior by adding an additional offset to setClipY function, I could make contents overlap header but the problem is the header disappears early when first item reaches top edge of the view port.

Also the header appears with additional offset when scrolling down again.

Demo: Demo


public void setClipY(int offset) {
    int tmpOffset = (int)(offset * 0.7);
    mOffset = offset + tmpOffset;
kanytu commented 9 years ago

I spent my whole morning trying to fix this issue with no success. The problem is that layoutManager is detaching the header from the recyclerview when the card reaches the top. I posted a question on stackoverflow and I will keep looking for a solution to this problem:


MWalid commented 9 years ago

@kanytu I really appreciate your time & effort trying to solve it, I also spent a whole day trying :smile: and I'll still struggling till it being solved.

kanytu commented 9 years ago

So I found a workaround for this. You will have to update your version because I made some changes. 9844c3f72d18ec2d937fb5a51e670e9d43aa0ee6

Next you will have to change your activity/fragment layout so that you have a view just like the header behind your RecyclerView.

It should look like this:

   <View header/>

Next change your current header to have an alpha of 0. That will make it transparent and work as a placeholder. This way the header you actually see when you run is not the header itself but the view you added behind the RecyclerView. Next implement ParallaxRecyclerAdapter.OnParallaxScroll() and inside it translate the other header.

In conclusion:

  1. Add the header behind the recyclerview.
  2. Either make the header transparent or remove it's image (make sure the size stays the same)
  3. Implement OnParallaxScroll
  4. Translate the header that's behind the RV (1.) using the offset returned by OnParallaxScroll multiplied by the same SCROLL_MULTIPLER factor (currently 0.5f)

I've uploaded a new branch to my example-project so that you see what needs to be changed. https://github.com/kanytu/example-parallaxrecycler/tree/issue7


Here is the final result ezgif com-optimize 6

I will leave the issue open until someone finds a better solution

sirvon commented 9 years ago

is that example-project displaying a cardview like the above gif?

where can I view the code behind the recyclerview with cards?


kanytu commented 9 years ago

Yes @sirvon. That's a CardView layout. Refer to this https://developer.android.com/training/material/lists-cards.html for more information.

A simple example of a row layout is:


            android:layout_height="match_parent" />
MWalid commented 9 years ago

@kanytu I really thank you for your effort to make it work :+1:, sorry for late response because I was kinda busy past 3 days.

kanytu commented 9 years ago

I've created a branch with an attempt to fix this https://github.com/kanytu/android-parallax-recyclerview/tree/fixing7:

You should use now HeaderLayoutManagerFixed instead of LinearLayoutManager.

You should also call:

HeaderLayoutManagerFixed.setHeaderIncrementFixer(header); //where header is your inflated header.

And also call: ParallaxRecyclerAdapter.setShouldClipView(false); do disable the clipping. You have to call this before calling setParallaxHeader.

saitejdandge commented 8 years ago

Try, This Library .Helped me !
