kanzitelli / rn-navio

🧭 Navigation library for React Native (Expo). Build once, navigate from anywhere to everywhere!
MIT License
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WARN Looks like you're passing an inline function for 'component' prop for the screen 'Home' (e.g. component={() => <SomeComponent />}). Passing an inline function will cause the component state to be lost on re-render and cause perf issues since it's re-created every render. You can pass the function as children to 'Screen' instead to achieve the desired behaviour. #21

Open sebastianjung opened 1 year ago

sebastianjung commented 1 year ago

It seems that this piece of code: return React.createElement(Stack.Screen, { key: name, name: name, component: C, options: Opts }); throws warnings in minified bundle.

Changing the code to the following, seems to resolve the issue. return React.createElement(Stack.Screen, { key: name, name: name, options: Opts },(props) => <C {...props} />);

Any thoughts on this?

kanzitelli commented 1 year ago

Hi @sebastianjung! Thanks for reporting the issue.

That's interesting, I've never faced that before. Navio's code is highly memoised (so shouldn't have unnecessary re-renders) but the warning is linked to this line, however I couldn't find anything wrong. I will need some time to test that and understand why it's happened.

Can you provide the steps on how to get to that warning? And maybe some code snippet?

sebastianjung commented 1 year ago

@kanzitelli I've been using your rn-starter template.

When minifiying with npx expo start --dev-client --minify the warning occures.

That may be sufficient.

kanzitelli commented 1 year ago

Hey @sebastianjung. I couldn't reproduce the warning on my end following the steps you provided. However, I changed some code in Navio related to the warning but idk if that's a correct way.

// line 633
return <Stack.Screen key={name} name={name} component={C} options={Opts} />;

Changed to

return (
  <Stack.Screen key={name} name={name} options={Opts}>
    {(props: any) => <C {...props} />}

And after building it, it generated following code:

return (React.createElement(Stack.Screen, { key: name, name: name, options: Opts }, (props) => React.createElement(C, { ...props })));

It seems the same with what you sent before. But I'm not sure if that's correct way of building react-navigation's Stack Screens component. Let me know if that resolves the issue.

sebastianjung commented 1 year ago

@kanzitelli Sorry, but how to test if this works? Any branch i should check inside my project?

sebastianjung commented 1 year ago

I tried cloning this repo but building it does not give me a dist folder (probably because no bundler is involved). Sorry, i am not sure how to properly build this project i guess.