kaorahi / lizgoban

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How to solve the garbled code problem of sgf files? #103

Closed qcgm1978 closed 7 months ago

qcgm1978 commented 9 months ago

When opening some sgf files, garbled code appears. How to choose the appropriate encoding to open them? I tried the following code, which seems to solve the problem, but I don't know if it is still effective in other language conditions?

function containsGarbledCharacters(str) { 
        // Remove spaces, tabs, newlines, and carriage returns 
        const cleanedStr = str.replace(/\s+/g, '');
        // Remove punctuation
        const punctuationRegex = /[[]+.,/#!$%^&*;:{}=-_`~()]/g;
        const withoutPunctuation = cleanedStr.replace(punctuationRegex, '');

        // Determine if the string is composed of only numbers, letters, or CJK characters
        const alphanumericRegex = /^[0-9a-zA-Z\u4e00-\u9fa5]+$/;
        return !alphanumericRegex.test(withoutPunctuation);

function load_sgf(filename, internally) { 
        // Read the file contents 
        let buffer = fs.readFileSync(filename,);
        // Automatically detect the encoding
        let encoding = iconv.encodingExists(buffer);

        // If the encoding detection fails, default to UTF-8
        if (!encoding) {
                encoding = 'utf8';

        // Convert to a string
        let sgf_str = iconv.decode(buffer, encoding);

        // Check if the string contains garbled characters
        if (containsGarbledCharacters(sgf_str)) {
                // Retry with GB2312 encoding
                sgf_str = iconv.decode(buffer, 'gb2312');

        // Read the sgf object
        return read_sgf(sgf_str, filename, internally);
kaorahi commented 9 months ago

Usage of encodingExists seems incorrect. Something like this? (not tested)

const fs = require('fs')
const jschardet = require('jschardet')
const iconv = require('iconv-lite')

// not sure whether this is necessary
function fixed_encoding(detected) {
    const {encoding, confidence} = detected
    // cf. Sabaki (ugf.js)
    if (detected.confidence <= 0.2) {return 'utf8'}
    // cf. KaTrain (sgf_parser.py)
    const fix = {
        'windows-1252': 'gbk',
        gb2312: 'gbk',
    return fix[encoding] || encoding

const buffer = fs.readFileSync(filename)
const detected = jschardet.detect(buffer)
const encoding = fixed_encoding(detected)
const sgf_str = iconv.decode(buffer, encoding)
qcgm1978 commented 9 months ago

Yes, I tested it, and it worked. It's a clever solution.

kaorahi commented 9 months ago

In the current implementation, .gib and .ngf are supposed to be UTF-8 and GB18030 respectively in xyz2sgf. Is this correct? Is it better to use similar auto-detection for them, too?

qcgm1978 commented 9 months ago

It seems that this should also be handled. When opening Sabaki/test/gib/gb2312.gib, garbled code appears. It might be a good idea to handle this uniformly in read_sgf and ascii seems to be handled independently:

function get_go_str(buffer_or_str) {
    const detected = jschardet.detect(buffer_or_str);
    const encoding = fixed_encoding(detected);
    const sgf_str = iconv.decode(buffer_or_str, encoding);
    return sgf_str;
const fix = {
    'windows-1252': 'gbk',
    gb2312: 'gbk',
function read_sgf(sgf_str, filename, internally, n = Infinity, enable_save_img = false, img_name, dir) {
    sgf_str = get_go_str(sgf_str);
kaorahi commented 9 months ago

thx. It may be safer to apply iconv BEFORE calling xyz2sgf for the conversion from GIB to SGF (014bb03a4).

qcgm1978 commented 9 months ago

Yes, it works and get the correct result. My solution has problem.

qcgm1978 commented 7 months ago

Garbled characters appeared when pasting link. The reason might be that res.setEncoding('utf8') was set in the open_url_sub method, but this is not necessarily correct. According to the explanation in Use Buffers when decoding, I can solve this problem using the following code:

function open_url_sub(url, u) {
    const on_get = res => {
        let chunks = [];
        res.on('data', function (chunk) {
        res.on('end', function () {
            const buffer = Buffer.concat(chunks);
            const decode_str = get_decode_str(buffer);
function get_decode_str(buffer, given_encoding) {
    const encoding = given_encoding || fixed_encoding(jschardet.detect(buffer));
    const decode_str = iconv.decode(buffer, encoding);
    return decode_str;
function fixed_encoding(detected_by_jschardet) {
    const fix = {
        'windows-1252': 'gbk',
        gb2312: 'gbk',
    // encoding maybe capital letters
    return fix[encoding.toLowerCase()] || encoding

However, for SGF files that have already been downloaded, if they are saved in an incorrect format, such as GBK encoding being saved as UTF-8 encoding, they cannot be parsed correctly. This is because double-decoding not only leads to wrong results, but it is also nearly impossible to restore the original bytes because UTF-8 conversion is lossy.

kaorahi commented 7 months ago

You are correct. thx!

qcgm1978 commented 7 months ago

new URL(url) This method returns a file URL string (macOS) that may be encoded, like:


It needs to be decoded before read. readFileSync may error when handling such addresses.

I forgot to mention this in my previous reply. For example:

function read_file_with_iconv(filename, given_encoding) {
    return read_buffer_with_iconv(fs.readFileSync(decodeURIComponent(filename)), given_encoding)
kaorahi commented 7 months ago

Ah, is this ok?

--- a/src/main.js
+++ b/src/main.js
@@ -2227,7 +2227,7 @@ function open_url_sub(url, u) {
     switch (u.protocol) {
     case 'https:': https.get(url, on_get); break;
     case 'http:': http.get(url, on_get); break;
-    case 'file:': load_sgf_etc(u.pathname); break;
+    case 'file:': load_sgf_etc(decodeURIComponent(u.pathname)); break;
     default: toast(`Unsupported protocol: ${url}`); break;
qcgm1978 commented 7 months ago

Yes, it works.

kaorahi commented 7 months ago

fixed. thx!