Open kapit4n opened 8 years ago
Another error log of this king of error
at MockIncomingMessage.
<- POST undefined (16ms) <- GET undefined (0ms) <- GET undefined (4ms) <- GET undefined (3ms) <- GET undefined (3ms) { user: '', message: 'Lets review that this chat works', room: '57ed62fb00473374254250c2', id: '57ed65d8bcd3df742abed3c1', createdAt: '2016-09-29T19:04:56.556Z', updatedAt: '2016-09-29T19:04:56.556Z' } <- POST undefined (10ms) <- GET /user (30ms) <- GET / (27ms) <- GET /styles/importer.css (16ms) <- GET /js/dependencies/ (12ms) error: Grunt :: FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
<- GET / (105ms) <- GET /styles/importer.css (42ms) <- GET /js/dependencies/ (19ms) error: Grunt :: FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory