kapitainsky / RcloneBrowser

Simple cross platform GUI for rclone. Supports macOS, GNU/Linux, BSD family and Windows.
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Listing (cache) pre warming in mounts #132

Open caspertone2003 opened 4 years ago

caspertone2003 commented 4 years ago

Hi @kapitainsky so long so good, back here. saw a lot of progress with the beta seems close to a 2 release...

I am coming back to the subject of listing caching pre warming for mounts as per https://github.com/kapitainsky/RcloneBrowser/issues/93#issuecomment-600265751

I wish to try this; I need to confirm that I am understanding really what to do.

So, steps...

A) create somewhere a file such as prewarmingscript.bat that contains

@echo off echo %1 echo %2 echo %3 echo %4 echo %5

::Variables set driveletter=%5

:: Check that the folder is valid, otherwise wait until it is echo Waiting for %driveletter% to be ready ...

:LOOP1 vol %driveletter% >nul 2>nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo " "| set /p dummyName=. timeout /t 1 > nul goto LOOP1 ) else ( echo. echo Drive %driveletter% OK!, )

echo. echo Warming up cache... echo This may take a few minutes to complete echo You can use the cloud-drive normally while this runs echo.

echo Awaiting completion-message from RC... %1 rc vfs/refresh -v recursive=true --rc-addr localhost:%2 --rc-user %3 --rc-pass %4 > nul

if not %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 ( echo Something went wrong during precaching. ) else ( echo Cache warmup for %driveletter% OK! )

B) in RB, in remote, select create mount

C) go to the extra options tab (in the mount dialog), and include the following parameters:

--vfs-cache-mode writes --vfs-cache-poll-interval 20m --vfs-cache-max-age 8760h --vfs-cache-max-size 1024G --attr-timeout 8700h --dir-cache-time 8760h --poll-interval 30s --multi-thread-streams 0

C) go to advanced tab, and introduce in "custom script to run after mount" the full path to prewarmingscript.bat

Save task / Run mount

Question is, could all that not be possible to automate for the user, just with the user selecting a tick box and RB taking care of all that mumbo jumbo? Looks that settings are general and that the user has nothing to customize....

Just a final question. Is prewarming "persistent" (that is, downloaded information cached is kept for next mounts?)?


kapitainsky commented 3 years ago

I have had to focus on other things but now I will return to rclone browser and investigate it.

caspertone2003 commented 3 years ago

Long time no see you… wish all is ok. thanks