kappa-db / multifeed

Multi-writer hypercore.
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Enable encryption and feed-replication-control #18

Closed telamon closed 5 years ago

telamon commented 5 years ago

Hey! Here's a patch that somehow required more words than necessary to describe, apologies.


It's entirely backwards compatible in storage so all previously created&stored multifeeds can be safely upgraded. (I haven't touched the storage handling routines)

Protocol changes

But PROTOCOL_VERSION bumped to 2.0.0 because replication was heavily refactored.

The header exchange was rewritten to use hyperprotcol-extension messaging. Meaning that the multifeed header exchange now uses the 'fake feed' key for encrypting the communication and as a positive side effect we also benefit from hyperprotocol's built-in multiplexing. The effective result is that we now have a secure active sidechannel that allows the transport of custom protocol messages even if they are split up into multiple chunks. Also provides us with the opportunity to exchange messages/feeds after the first initial manifest-exchange. (Realtime feed-key exchange during live replication, no need to force reconnection between peers to share new feeds)

TODO: Update README.md with encourangement for setting the 'fake' public key.

Currently set using: multifeed(hypercore, storage, {key: ENCRYPTION_KEY}) (private key can still be safely discarded, but I would discourage the use of the hardcoded pubkey as it exposes feed-exchange to non-participating third parties.) Maybe even radically change the constructor to require multifeed(hypercore, protoKey, storage, opts)

Lowlevel key-exchange API

I've implemented a what I hope to be 'fair & secure' standard policy that can be exposed to higher level applications for fine-grained control.

Replication now follows theese sets of rules:

Given multifeed A and multifeed B.

  1. A sends a list of 'have' feeds to B
  2. B sends a list of 'have' feeds to A
  3. A uses B's 'have' to send a list of 'want'
  4. B uses A's 'have' to send a list of 'want'
  5. Both A and B individually compares the 'wants' and 'haves' to build an identical array of feeds to be exchanged using: keys_to_replicate = ( (AWant - (BHave - Awant)) + (BWant - (AHave - BWant)) ).sort()

That should prevent your node from ever sharing something it does not offer and receiving something it did not ask for.

Unconfigured 'default' behaviour works the same as before: Have: All local feeds Want: All remote feeds

Highlevel exchange API

This is we're I could use some help, because if you're looking at the patch you're probably going think "what the hell is _restrictedMode?"

I started this quest by trying to implement a personal-feed exhange policy which enables selective replication by signature generated from a pre-shared secret, in an attempt to overcome the limitation of one writable-feed per device even if both devices are my own.

Use-cases: personal storage, multi-device profile, public read but invite-only write cabal. You get the picture.

And well along the way of refactoring I actually finished a working implementation and immediately regret polluting multifeed with this 'hardcoded' policy. (It's disabled by default has no impact on storage or replication unless activated, the test/signed-exchange.js describes it's behaviour)

So for lack of better knowledge I maybe propose to expose the feed selection api using the middleware pattern:

var m = multifeed(...);

// Current 'SHARE_ALL_ACCEPT_ALL' policy
  have: function(localKeys, share) {
  want: function(remote, request) {

// Cabal incative feeds policy
  have: function(localKeys, share) {
    getLastActivity(localKeys, function(timestamps){
      // share all feeds with extra meta-data about feeds
      share(localKeys, {timestamps: timestamps})
  want: function(remote, request) {
    var activeFeeds = remote.keys.filter(function(key) {
      // Reject feeds that hasn't had a new entry in the previous 30 days
      return (new Date() - remote.timestamps[key]) > 30 * 86400000

That way I'd be able to move out the personal-feed-policy into a separate reusable multifeed-plugin.

hackergrrl commented 5 years ago

Exciting! I'm not sure if I'll have time to review this before the new year, though I'm looking forward to going over it. :tada:

telamon commented 5 years ago

@noffle no worries. this is probably my last contribution for 2018 as well 🎉🎊

telamon commented 5 years ago

Added one more commit that removes all code related to the signed exchange, restoring multifeed back to the state of minimalism, should be less code to review now. A copy of the signature based exchange can be found here: https://github.com/telamon/multifeed/tree/feature/signed-exchange-backup

hackergrrl commented 5 years ago

Great PR! These are great features & code reorg :tada:

cblgh commented 5 years ago

woah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🔥 🔥 📯

good job @telamon & @noffle !!! this is really big ^_^