kaptain-kavern / CK_AnimalPlant_Pack

This mod alter the tropical rainforest biome : it add a significant amount of new animals and plants to the game and increase fauna and flora diversity.
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Wild Edibles, Drugs & Crops #8

Open lpCoercion opened 8 years ago

lpCoercion commented 8 years ago

Wild Edibles:

Tarot > Tarot Root [food]: identical to potatoes Coffee > Coffee Beans [drug]: mild version of wake-up

Can these be planted and harvested as crops as well without creating compatibility issues?

Can pandas eat bamboo (similar to beavers and wood)?

kaptain-kavern commented 8 years ago

Regarding compatibility :

Adding Plants and modifying will make incompatibilities with VegetableGarden (it use modded biomesdefs for adding new plants, it also directly use bamboo and coffee). What I think : we still go ahead and I will look at those issues after we released (I may been able to make a patch that will use VegGarden plants Def for plants both mods will use)

That being said, yes I can add plants (like how it's done in VeGarden) no problems at all. Codewise the Coffee beans will be half plant/half drug, no problems either.

About pandas and Bamboo

I'm not sure I can specifically force them to eat bamboo only (in the code Beavers and Thrumbos are set to "dendrovore" at that seem to include all kind of trees at once excluding non-trees ones) I will search more

kaptain-kavern commented 8 years ago

Taro plants dropping roots when harvested are in (on my PC, will upload soon)

lpCoercion commented 8 years ago

alright cool :)

lpCoercion commented 8 years ago

Current Harvestables: Taro Root, Coconuts, Bananas, Rice, Smokeleaf, Cotton, Psycoid, Healroot, Coffee Beans, Lemongrass

Future Haverstables: cocoa beans, vanilla beans, tobacco, red chile pepper, yellow chile pepper, green chile pepper

Drug Recipes

Chocolate (core): cocoa beans Coffee: coffee beans = minor energy boost/minor addiction Expresso: coffee beans = slightly stonger effects than coffee Caffe Mocha: coffee beans & cocoa beans = expresso effects + minor mood boost Caffe Latte: coffee beans & vanilla beans = expresso effects + minor mood boost Cigarette: slight mood boost/ highly addictive Cigar: slightly stronger effects than cigarettes

Food Recipes

coconut soup: coconut & meat & lemongrass rice-noodle soup: rice & meat & lemongrass red curry: red chile & coconut & meat & lemongrass green curry: green chile & coconut & meat & lemongrass yellow curry: yellow chile & coconut & meat & lemongrass

kaptain-kavern commented 8 years ago

I like that ! I will start to put code together for now ^^

lpCoercion commented 8 years ago

Why did you make the Food and Drug Pack a branch of this mod? Shouldn't it have its own Github page with its own code?

kaptain-kavern commented 8 years ago

It can be done like that, or we can release it on this (main) page - In fact we can put any zip files we want on the release pages. (Here is how we do with A Dog Said)

But either way, when developing I will always make a "Full version" and split files as needed after. That was just because I used to do like that (because it permits me to work in advance - like now with all the branches). But if you prefer we can make a separate page. No problems at all for me :ok_hand:

lpCoercion commented 8 years ago

Oh ok. So we can release a "full version" and then separate versions underneath for those who only want to use some of them?

kaptain-kavern commented 8 years ago

What I was trying to say is : either way you'd prefer it to be released/managed I will still proceed the same way for the development process : Making a full version and then refine it in any versions wanted. It is simpler for me to have all files (and especially the defName in them) in the same place.

After that, having a full version and also provide "truncated" version as wanted or having a barebone/Core version with aside patches is really a matter of taste (for all I understand).

Either way I will try to separate/split things in several files when appropriate to achieve most of the modularity. I want to avoid having different version of the code in several branches as much as possible and will try to make it like that :

lpCoercion commented 8 years ago

sounds good to me :)

kaptain-kavern commented 8 years ago

All right then. We may have to write a manual just because of that lol ^^ (there is a wiki feature in Github - see in the upper menu - if needed)

lpCoercion commented 8 years ago

We may have to do that anyway because of all the animal stats lol

lpCoercion commented 8 years ago

The following revipes should also requure milk: chocolate, mocha, latte

kaptain-kavern commented 8 years ago

With the next released in mind (new plants, crops, recipes, etc), I went nuts and progressed on several "fronts" yesterday, here is an update because I want to know if it suits you :

lpCoercion commented 8 years ago

looks good :)

Can you please check out the checklist issue?


kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

Already spotting some little problems with 1.3 :sob:

What do you think about those numbers ? Maybe go for 0.025 instead of 0.01?

Again it's going well with the all "choose to cook it or not" thing, we talked about earlier, i found. But what ever we decide to do, i think it is something the player should be aware of. (I think simply writing it in item's description and maybe write it plainly on the forum thread's tips list).

Haven't thought about it or what it really meant; but things I noticed also :

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

I answered in the checklist issue. I think we should probably just remove them from food bills since food is so abundent anyway.

We should consider adding coffee to the base mod since it is simple and basically raw food (coffee beans and water). all it would do is remove the taste debuff. I still think we should drop the food pack idea. I have come to like the simplicity of "simple meal" "fine meal" and "lavish meal"

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

Okey dokey... Food is abundant here because we are working on this particular biome, but in other biomes it could be another story ;)

Most of the added code (and guessing/learning works) for me, was the creation of the whole Caffeine drug, anyway. But what is "cool" the way it's works, it's that now that the whole code for tolerance and addiction (with the all hediffdefs and thoughtdefs) is done, it will be super easy for making any items (here coffe cups) using it without having to rewrite the whole.

It also means I start to understand this better :gear: and if we happen to have ideas for other drugs/needs I should be able to do it

So do you have a texture for the :coffee:Coffee Cup:coffee: BTW?

edit : Barely related : Do we completely forgot the tobacco/cigars ?

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

We can also add a tobacco plant, tobacco drug and recipe for cigarettes in a future release. I had some other ideas for drugs too:

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

For Tobacco and cigars/cigarettes I have kept our previous code, so I just need the textures again.

Tammabanana commented 7 years ago

Popping in to say, I am noticing I can't make coffee out of the coffee beans - ah, I see you have already considered this; carry on!

Also, possibility of mood boost associated with brewed coffee (or its potential variants), maybe. I've seen it used quite heavily as a comfort food.

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

due to other mods already having coffee. I think instead of making a coffee recipe, we should instead rename the "Coffea" bush (to something made up) and replace the "coffee beans" texture and name (with another made up drug). This will allow the coffee bean effect to stay in the game without duplicating other mods already made.

I posted a similar comment in the forum.

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

I'm all for this. :+1: What we can do in addition, regarding the code, is to put all code for coffee (or the future name we will use) in a separate file. That way it will be simpler for users to remove the plant from the game, for compatibility between mods (just erase the file VS having to open/edit several files). It can be done for each item/animal that are often existing in other mods.

I posted a similar comment in the forum, as well.

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

Yeah we can do that. It may not be as big of an issue now that the plant/drug wont be coffee (and therefore wont be duplicated by other mods) but we can do that anyway. We should just leave the "coffee beans" (or whatever new name) raw now too and not worry about a drinkable version. Also, if you want, since the drugs are now completely made up (fictional) we can increase/ change the effects to whatever we want.

I think there is a bug by the way. I think nutrition of the "coffee beans" needs to be set to 0 beacuse if a colonist is hungry they will injest an entire stack at once (nutrition is currently .01)

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

lemongrass food retexture


kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

I am testing actually (much more easy now with the CCL prerelease) but all new textures are in. I will upload screenshots for you to see in a bit


lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

hm. that green may be too bright

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

It looks more bright in the screenshot than the picture just above. I don't even understand why because the in game texture came from that precise file -__-

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

try this one out:


kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago


lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

looks good :)

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

agreed :D