karakanb / devo

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Need to Manually Update a Section #17

Closed luanmuniz closed 5 years ago

luanmuniz commented 5 years ago


Since the update where you require permission to access devo.burakkarakan.com my content doesn't automatically update anymore. I need to manually click the update button.

I don't have any messages in my console.

karakanb commented 5 years ago

I am not sure if I understood correctly, but it should be updating with certain intervals if you allowed the access to devo.burakkarakan.com, since this is the backend host that supports the application. If you click on the icon and it updates, it probably means there is no issue communicating with the backend server, so you probably allowed the access; however, I don't think I fully understood the issue. I need some details to investigate this deeper:

I would like to solve this, but first I need to be able to reproduce and investigate this, so any help is appreciated.

karakanb commented 5 years ago

I think I've found the issue, turns out I was using my development version, this is why I've missed the issue. The problem lies in the change in the Vuex store, I have changed the value without changing the key name, which caused the value to keep living in the local storage with the old structure. I'll push an update today, which should fix this issue; however, I don't know how to prevent this from happening again in the future, will try to find a permanent solution.