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Lecture 21 : Graphs 2 #8

Open karakib2k18 opened 1 year ago

karakib2k18 commented 1 year ago

Lecture 21 : Graphs 2  START HERE

Lecture 21 : Graphs 2

//============>>>>>>>>>> Lecture 21 : Graphs 2 Notes

Lecture 21 : Graphs 2 Notes.pdf

MST & Kruskals Introduction


Cycle Detection


Kruskal's Algorithm


Code : Kruskal's Algorithm - Solution

Code : Kruskal's Algorithm

Given an undirected, connected and weighted graph G(V, E) with V number of vertices (which are numbered from 0 to V-1) and E number of edges.
Find and print the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) using Kruskal's algorithm.
For printing MST follow the steps -
1. In one line, print an edge which is part of MST in the format - 
v1 v2 w
where, v1 and v2 are the vertices of the edge which is included in MST and whose weight is w. And v1  <= v2 i.e. print the smaller vertex first while printing an edge.
2. Print V-1 edges in above format in different lines.
Note : Order of different edges doesn't matter.
Input Format :
Line 1: Two Integers V and E (separated by space)
Next E lines : Three integers ei, ej and wi, denoting that there exists an edge between vertex ei and vertex ej with weight wi (separated by space)
Output Format :
Print the MST, as described in the task.
Constraints :
2 <= V, E <= 10^5
Time Limit: 1 sec
Sample Input 1 :
4 4
0 1 3
0 3 5
1 2 1
2 3 8
Sample Output 1 :
1 2 1
0 1 3
0 3 5
Time complexity: O(E* log(E)) 
Space complexity: O(V + E) 
where E is the number of edges in the graph and 
V is the number of vertices in the graph 
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Edge
    int source;
    int dest;
    int weight;
    void printEdge()
        cout << min(source, dest) << " " << max(source, dest) << " " << weight;
bool compare(Edge e1, Edge e2)
    return e1.weight < e2.weight;
int findParent(int v, int *parent)
    if (parent[v] == v)
        return v;
    return findParent(parent[v], parent);
void printMST(Edge *input, int v, int e)
    // Sort the input array in ascending order based on weights 
    sort(input, input + e, compare);
    Edge *output = new Edge[v - 1];
    int *parent = new int[v];
    for (int i = 0; i < v; i++)
        parent[i] = i;
    int count = 0;
    int i = 0;
    while (count != v - 1)
        Edge currentEdge = input[i];
        // Check if we can add the currentEdge in MST or not 
        int sourceParent = findParent(currentEdge.source, parent);
        int destParent = findParent(currentEdge.dest, parent);
        if (sourceParent != destParent)
            output[count] = currentEdge;
            parent[destParent] = sourceParent;
            // parent[sourceParent] = destParent;
    for (int i = 0; i < v - 1; i++)
        cout << "\n";
int main()
    int v, e;
    cin >> v >> e;
    Edge *input = new Edge[e];
    for (int i = 0; i < e; i++)
        int s, d, w;
        cin >> s >> d >> w;
        input[i].source = s;
        input[i].dest = d;
        input[i].weight = w;
    printMST(input, v, e);

Time Complexity of Kruskal's Algorithm


Prim's Algorithm AND Code : Prim's Algorithm + Solution



Code : Prim's Algorithm

Given an undirected, connected and weighted graph G(V, E) with V number of vertices (which are numbered from 0 to V-1) and E number of edges.
Find and print the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) using Prim's algorithm.
For printing MST follow the steps -
1. In one line, print an edge which is part of MST in the format - 
v1 v2 w
where, v1 and v2 are the vertices of the edge which is included in MST and whose weight is w. And v1  <= v2 i.e. print the smaller vertex first while printing an edge.
2. Print V-1 edges in above format in different lines.
Note : Order of different edges doesn't matter.
Input Format :
Line 1: Two Integers V and E (separated by space)
Next E lines : Three integers ei, ej and wi, denoting that there exists an edge between vertex ei and vertex ej with weight wi (separated by space)
Output Format :
Print the MST, as described in the task.
Constraints :
2 <= V, E <= 10^5
1 <= Wi <= 10^5
Time Limit: 1 sec
Sample Input 1 :
4 4
0 1 3
0 3 5
1 2 1
2 3 8
Sample Output 1 :
0 1 3
1 2 1
0 3 5
Time complexity: O(E* log(V)) 
Space compleity: O(V^2) 
where E is the number of edges in the graph and V is the number of vertices in the graph
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <climits>
using namespace std;

int findMinVertex(vector<int> &weights, vector<bool> &visited, int v)
    int minVertex = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < v; ++i)
        if (!visited[i] && (minVertex == -1 || weights[i] < weights[minVertex]))
            minVertex = i;
    return minVertex;
void printMST(vector<vector < int>> &graph, int v)
    vector<int> parent(v, -1);
    vector<int> weights(v, INT_MAX);
    vector<bool> visited(v, false);
    parent[0] = -1;
    weights[0] = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < v - 1; ++i)
        // Find Min Vertex 
        int minVertex = findMinVertex(weights, visited, v);
        visited[minVertex] = true;
        // Explore unvisted neighbours 
        for (int j = 0; j < v; ++j)
            if (graph[minVertex][j] != 0 && !visited[j])
                if (graph[minVertex][j] < weights[j])
                    weights[j] = graph[minVertex][j];
                    parent[j] = minVertex;
    for (int i = 1; i < v; ++i)
        cout << min(parent[i], i) << " " << max(parent[i], i) << " " << weights[i] << "\n";

int main()
    int v, e;
    cin >> v >> e;
    vector<vector < int>> graph(v, vector<int> (v, 0));
    for (int i = 0, s, d, weight; i < e; ++i)
        cin >> s >> d >> weight;
        graph[s][d] = weight;
        graph[d][s] = weight;
    printMST(graph, v);

Time Complexity of Prim's Algorithm


Dijkstra’s Algorithm AND Code : Dijkstra's Algorithm && Solution + Time Complexity



Code : Dijkstra's Algorithm

Given an undirected, connected and weighted graph G(V, E) with V number of vertices (which are numbered from 0 to V-1) and E number of edges.
Find and print the shortest distance from the source vertex (i.e. Vertex 0) to all other vertices (including source vertex also) using Dijkstra's Algorithm.
Input Format :
Line 1: Two Integers V and E (separated by space)
Next E lines : Three integers ei, ej and wi, denoting that there exists an edge between vertex ei and vertex ej with weight wi (separated by space)
Output Format :
For each vertex, print its vertex number and its distance from source, in a separate line. The vertex number and its distance needs to be separated by a single space.
Note : Order of vertices in output doesn't matter.
Constraints :
2 <= V, E <= 10^5
Time Limit: 1 sec
Sample Input 1 :
4 4
0 1 3
0 3 5
1 2 1
2 3 8
Sample Output 1 :
0 0
1 3
2 4
3 5
Time complexity: O(E* log(V)) 
Space compleity: O(V^2)
where E is the number of edges in the graph and V is the number of vertices in the graph 
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <climits>
using namespace std;
int findMinVertex(vector<int> &distance, vector<int> &visited, int v)
    int minVertex = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < v; ++i)
        if (!visited[i] && (minVertex == -1 || distance[i] < distance[minVertex]))
            minVertex = i;
    return minVertex;
void printShortestDistance(vector<vector < int>> &edges, int v)
    vector<int> distance(v, INT_MAX);
    vector<int> visited(v, false);
    distance[0] = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < v - 1; ++i)
        int minVertex = findMinVertex(distance, visited, v);
        visited[minVertex] = true;
        for (int j = 0; j < v; ++j)
            if (edges[minVertex][j] != 0 && !visited[j])
                int dist = distance[minVertex] + edges[minVertex][j];
                if (dist < distance[j])
                    distance[j] = dist;
    for (int i = 0; i < v; ++i)
        cout << i << " " << distance[i] << "\n";
int main()
    int v, e;
    cin >> v >> e;
    vector<vector < int>> edges(v, vector<int> (v, 0));
    for (int i = 0, s, d, weight; i < e; ++i)
        cin >> s >> d >> weight;
        edges[s][d] = weight;
        edges[d][s] = weight;
    printShortestDistance(edges, v);

Lecture 21 : Graphs 2 END HERE