karakun / OpenWebStart

Run Web Start based applications after the release of Java 11
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etx: External Launch Error: Could not launch JNLP file. (could not find any suitable runtime) #100

Closed JavaUser20 closed 4 years ago

JavaUser20 commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to replace Oracle's Java with an opensource solution. I'm using DHL's silent.jnlp for Zebra printing. When I try running the .jnlp they supply I get the following:

ERROR netx: External Launch Error: Could not launch JNLP file. (could not find any suitable runtime) netx: External Launch Error: Could not launch JNLP file. (could not find any suitable runtime) result: null arg: net.sourceforge.jnlp.JNLPFile@26ab59ca call privileged method: checkSingleInstanceRunning Acceptable title tag found, contains: DHL Silent print Jars not ready to provide attribute Application-Name Acceptable title tag found, contains: DHL Silent print Jars not ready to provide attribute Application-Name Acquired shared lock on C:\Users\ucs\AppData\Local\Temp\ucs\netx\locks\netx_running to indicate javaws is running UNIQUEKEY=1574275082304-150677184-file:/C:/Users/ucs/Desktop/silent.jnlp Acceptable vendor tag found, contains: EPAM Acceptable title tag found, contains: DHL Silent print Jars not ready to provide attribute Application-Name Description: null Homepage: null Using MalformedXMLParser UNIQUEKEY=1574275082304-1125424811-file:/C:/Users/ucs/Desktop/silent.jnlp Acceptable vendor tag found, contains: EPAM Acceptable title tag found, contains: DHL Silent print Jars not ready to provide attribute Application-Name Description: null Homepage: null Using MalformedXMLParser JNLP file location: C:\Users\ucs\Desktop\silent.jnlp Proceeding with jnlp Unable to use Firefox''s proxy settings. Using "DIRECT" as proxy type. Starting security dialog thread Forcing of offline set to: false JvmLauncher set to com.openwebstart.launcher.OwsJvmLauncher. ITW Boot called with custom OwsJvmLauncher and args [-verbose, -jnlp, C:\Users\ucs\Desktop\silent.jnlp]. Saving runtime cache to filesystem Adding runtime definition Saving runtime cache to filesystem Adding runtime definition Saving runtime cache to filesystem Adding runtime definition Saving runtime cache to filesystem Adding runtime definition Saving runtime cache to filesystem Clearing runtime cache Loading runtime cache from filesystem RelevantJavawsArgs: '[-verbose, -jnlp, C:\Users\ucs\Desktop\silent.jnlp]' Checking if installation time (1574273505241) is after last initial config time (1574273513635) Property 'ows.install4j.propertyUpdate' is unknown. Loading USER level properties from: file:/C:/Users/ucs/.config/icedtea-web/deployment.properties Property 'ows.install4j.propertyUpdate' is unknown. Loading USER level properties from: file:/C:/Users/ucs/.config/icedtea-web/deployment.properties Ico provider registered correctly. Ico provider registered correctly. OS detected: Win[true], MacOS[false], Linux[false] OpenWebStartLauncher called with args [-verbose, -jnlp, C:\Users\ucs\Desktop\silent.jnlp]. Starting OpenWebStart 1.0.0 ITW Boot called with custom OwsJvmLauncher and args [-verbose, -jnlp, C:\Users\ucs\Desktop\silent.jnlp].

sclassen commented 4 years ago

Could you please attach the JNLP file to this ticket. As the reason for the error is most likely to be found there

JavaUser20 commented 4 years ago


I attached the JNLP file here. Please let me know if it doesn't work.

sclassen commented 4 years ago

Here the plain text:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jnlp spec="6.0+" codebase="https://mydhl.express.dhl:443">
        <title>DHL Silent print</title>

        <jar href="https://mydhl.express.dhl/content/dam/dhl/print/silent-print.jar" main="true" />

    <application-desc main-class="com.dhl.ewf.sprint.SilentPrintApplication" >

        <all-permissions />

    <update check="always" policy="always" />
sclassen commented 4 years ago

OK the problem is that the JNLP file is missing the required Java version. Add the following line to <resources>

        <java version="1.8*"/>

This will select a java 1.8. If you replace the * with + it will take the newest java available.

JavaUser20 commented 4 years ago

That definitely seems like that's the problem. I was able to edit the JNLP and run it from the desktop and the app ran.

I'm so close, yet so far away from getting this to work.

The problem I have now is that DHL has a "Print Waybill" icon, which downloads the JNLP which is in the original form (doesn't have the tag. So naturally, it doesn't work. :(

Is there any way I can work around that with OpenWebsStart? Is there a way to have OpenWebStart ignore the missing tag? Oracle's webstart must ignore that tag missing since it works ok with Oracle's non-opensource friendly version.

sclassen commented 4 years ago

I implemented a fallback to 1.8+ in #101 next version of OWS will have this issue fixed

JavaUser20 commented 4 years ago

I'm sorry for my ignorance, I just found out about OWS a few days ago. When will the next release be available? OWS seems like a very viable solution to my Oracle problem.

sclassen commented 4 years ago

have a look at https://openwebstart.com/#openwebstart-roadmap It will be early December but a date is not yet fixed

JavaUser20 commented 4 years ago

I will be waiting for the next release eagerly.

Thank you for all the hard work you put into this project. :)