karakun / OpenWebStart

Run Web Start based applications after the release of Java 11
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javaws does not work on ubuntu 18 #175

Closed doncorley closed 4 years ago

doncorley commented 4 years ago

Error: Missing Resource: manCommandLineOptions_en To reproduce:

  1. Start with a clean Ubuntu install
  2. sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
  3. sudo apt-get install OpenWebStart_linux_1_1_4.deb
  4. sudo apt-get install libcanberra-gtk-module
  5. javaws -viewer Here's my console:

    dcorley@ubuntu:~$ java -version
    openjdk version "1.8.0_242"
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_242-8u242-b08-0ubuntu3~18.04-b08)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.242-b08, mixed mode)
    dcorley@ubuntu:~$ javaws -viewer
    [MESSAGE_ALL][Tue Jan 28 19:58:23 PST 2020] OWS main args [-verbose, -viewer].
    [MESSAGE_ALL][Tue Jan 28 19:58:23 PST 2020] Starting OpenWebStart 1.1.4
    [MESSAGE_ALL][Tue Jan 28 19:58:24 PST 2020] Ico provider registered correctly.
    [MESSAGE_ALL][Tue Jan 28 19:58:24 PST 2020] Ico provider registered correctly.
    [MESSAGE_ALL][Tue Jan 28 19:58:24 PST 2020] Loading USER level properties from: file:/home/dcorley/.config/icedtea-web/deployment.properties
    [MESSAGE_ALL][Tue Jan 28 19:58:24 PST 2020] Property 'ows.install4j.propertyUpdate' is unknown.
    [MESSAGE_ALL][Tue Jan 28 19:58:24 PST 2020] Loading USER level properties from: file:/home/dcorley/.config/icedtea-web/deployment.properties
    [MESSAGE_ALL][Tue Jan 28 19:58:24 PST 2020] Property 'ows.install4j.propertyUpdate' is unknown.
    [MESSAGE_ALL][Tue Jan 28 19:58:24 PST 2020] Saving properties into /home/dcorley/.config/icedtea-web/deployment.properties
    [MESSAGE_ALL][Tue Jan 28 19:58:24 PST 2020] Loading USER level properties from: file:/home/dcorley/.config/icedtea-web/deployment.properties
    [MESSAGE_ALL][Tue Jan 28 19:58:24 PST 2020] Property 'ows.install4j.propertyUpdate' is unknown.
    [MESSAGE_ALL][Tue Jan 28 19:58:24 PST 2020] Calling ITW Boot with args [-verbose].
    [MESSAGE_ALL][Tue Jan 28 19:58:24 PST 2020] OpenWebStartLauncher called with args: [-verbose].
    [MESSAGE_ALL][Tue Jan 28 19:58:24 PST 2020] OS: Linux
    [MESSAGE_ALL][Tue Jan 28 19:58:24 PST 2020] Java Runtime AdoptOpenJDK-1.8.0_212
    Gtk-Message: 19:58:24.354: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
    [MESSAGE_DEBUG][Tue Jan 28 19:58:25 PST 2020] Starting security dialog thread
    [MESSAGE_DEBUG][Tue Jan 28 19:58:25 PST 2020] Selected ProxyProvider : OPERATION_SYSTEM 
    [MESSAGE_DEBUG][Tue Jan 28 19:58:25 PST 2020] Linux based proxy created
    ***  icedtea-web 1.1.4  ***  
    javaws - a Web Start client

SYNOPSIS javaws [-run-options] jnlp file javaws [-control-options]

DESCRIPTION javaws is an implementation of a JNLP client. It uses a JNLP file to securely run a remote application or a applet. This implementation of javaws is from the IcedTea project and is based on the NetX project.

A JNLP file is an xml file that describes how to securely run a remote application or a applet.

Missing Resource: manCommandLineOptions_en When specifying options, the name of the jnlp file can be after the command, the -jnlp option, an option with no arguments, or after an argument with an option that takes one argument. A html file that launches a jnlp can be specified after the -html option. The jnlp-file can either be a url or a local path. The JNLP file should only be specified once, whether as a main argument, after -jnlp or through an html file. Control options: -about - Shows a sample application.(No argument expected) -help - Prints out information about supported command and basic usage.(No argument expected) -license - Display the GPL license and exit.(No argument expected) -viewer - Shows the trusted certificate viewer.(No argument expected) -Xcacheids - List available IDs in cache, which you can use to delete individual applications.(Expected none or one argument) -Xclearcache - Clean the JNLP application cache. If you pass argument, only specified application is deleted.(Expected none or one argument) Run options: -allowredirect - Follows HTTP redirects.(No argument expected) -arg arg - Adds an application argument before launching.(Expected one or more arguments) -browser - Launch embedded browser. Use in great need only!(Expected one or more arguments) -headless - Disables download window, other UIs.(No argument expected) -jnlp - Location of JNLP file to launch (url or file).(Exactly one argument expected) -nosecurity - Disables the secure runtime environment. You need also deployment.security.itw.ignorecertissues to workaround corrupted signatures(No argument expected) -noupdate - Disables checking for updates.(No argument expected) -param name=value - Adds an applet parameter before launching.(Expected one or more arguments) -property name=value - Sets a system property before launching.(Expected one or more arguments) -strict - Enables strict checking of JNLP file format.(No argument expected) -update seconds - Check for updates.(Exactly one argument expected) -verbose - Enable verbose output.(No argument expected) -version - Print the IcedTea-Web version and exit.(No argument expected) -Xignoreheaders - Skip jar header verification.(No argument expected) -xml - Uses a strict XML parser to parse the JNLP file.(No argument expected) -Xnofork - Do not create another JVM.(No argument expected) -Xnosplash - Do not show splash screen. (No argument expected) -Xoffline - Prevent ITW network connection. Only cache will be used. Application can still connect.(No argument expected) -Xtrustnone - Instead of asking user, will foretold all answers as no.(No argument expected)

EXAMPLES javaws -about - Shows basic help and about informations. javaws -about -headless - Shows basic help and about informations in terminal only. javaws -Xnofork -Xignoreheaders -allowredirect -Xoffline http://mypage.web/dangerous.jnlp - Will start dangerous.jnlp application, originally from mypage.web, without downloading it, without headers check and in forced single VM.

FILES /opt/OpenWebStart/jre/lib/deployment.config - JVM-global deployment properties file. May be affected by deployment.jre.dir. /opt/OpenWebStart/jre/lib/security/cacerts - Contains various system JVM-wide stored certificates. Controlled by deployment.system.security.cacerts /opt/OpenWebStart/jre/lib/security/jssecacerts - Contains various system JVM-wide stored certificates. Controlled by deployment.system.security.jssecacerts /opt/OpenWebStart/jre/lib/security/trusted.certs - Contains various system JVM-wide stored certificates. Controlled by deployment.system.security.trusted.certs /opt/OpenWebStart/jre/lib/security/trusted.clientcerts - Contains various system JVM-wide stored certificates. Controlled by deployment.system.security.trusted.clientautcerts /opt/OpenWebStart/jre/lib/security/trusted.jssecerts - Contains various system JVM-wide stored certificates. Controlled by deployment.system.security.trusted.jssecerts /tmp/dcorley/netx/locks - Location of netx locks. Controlled by deployment.user.locksdir /tmp/dcorley/netx/locks/netx_running - Location of netx main lock. Controlled by deployment.user.runningfile /home/dcorley/.cache/icedtea-web/cache - Contains cached runtime entries. Controlled by deployment.user.cachedir /home/dcorley/.cache/icedtea-web/cache/recently_used - Additional information about items in cache /home/dcorley/.cache/icedtea-web/pcache - Contains saved application data. Controlled by deployment.user.pcachedir /home/dcorley/.cache/icedtea-web/tmp - Contains temporary runtime files. Controlled by deployment.user.tmp /home/dcorley/.config/icedtea-web/.appletTrustSettings - File responsible for various actions on applets and apps based on their codebase based on users actions. /home/dcorley/.config/icedtea-web/deployment.properties - Users main deployment properties file. /home/dcorley/.config/icedtea-web/icons - Location where icons of javaws applications desktop/menu launchers icons are stored /home/dcorley/.config/icedtea-web/log - contains file-log files (if enabled), itw-cplugin-date_time.log for native part of plugin, itw-javantx-date_time.log for everything else. Controlled by deployment.user.logdir file:///home/dcorley/.config/icedtea-web/security/java.policy - Contains granted permissions for selected unsigned apps. Controlled by deployment.user.security.policy /home/dcorley/.config/icedtea-web/security/trusted.cacerts - Contains various users stored certificates. Controlled by deployment.user.security.trusted.cacerts /home/dcorley/.config/icedtea-web/security/trusted.certs - Contains various users stored certificates. Controlled by deployment.user.security.trusted.certs /home/dcorley/.config/icedtea-web/security/trusted.clientcerts - Contains various users stored certificates. Controlled by deployment.user.security.trusted.clientauthcerts /home/dcorley/.config/icedtea-web/security/trusted.jssecacerts - Contains various users stored certificates. Controlled by deployment.user.security.trusted.jssecacerts /home/dcorley/.config/icedtea-web/security/trusted.jssecerts - Contains various users stored certificates. Controlled by deployment.user.security.trusted.jssecerts /home/dcorley/.local/share/applications/javaws - Subdirectory in users menus space, for placing custom menu shortcuts. /etc/.java/deployment/.appletTrustSettings - File responsible for various actions on applets and apps based on their codebase based on admins actions. /etc/.java/deployment/deployment.config - Global deployment config file.

BUGS There aren't any known bugs. If you come across one, please file it at: http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/IcedTea-Web#Filing_bugs https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/icedtea-web/issues

Please run in debug (-verbose switch or itw-settings setting or ICEDTEAPLUGIN_DEBUG variable set to true) mode and include that output (best is from the console) with URL to jnlp or html file (or the jnlp/html file or  application itself) when filing out the bug report.

AUTHOR See authors file


Thanks for keeping this project alive!

sclassen commented 4 years ago

What behavior do you expect?

doncorley commented 4 years ago

Typing: javaws -viewer is supposed to bring up the Java WebStart configuration screen. Try it in sun jdk 8 for reference. Thanks, Don

sclassen commented 4 years ago

OpenWebStart has a separate executable to start the settings dialog. It is called itw-settings and is located in the same directory as javaws

doncorley commented 4 years ago

Thanks. It does work correctly. You may want to remove this line from the help file: -viewer - Shows the trusted certificate viewer.(No argument expected) Thanks! Don