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Disable JNLPSecurityManager #596

Open WeierE1 opened 1 month ago

WeierE1 commented 1 month ago

Dear OpenWebStart support team,

is it possible to deactivte via a setting the JNLPSecurityManager

I found out that it is possible to do that with writing javaws.exe -nosecurity my.jnlp

but here i added the -nosecurity parameter manual to the command. Is there a way to do this via a property.

My Main Problem is, that when the JNLPSecurityManager is enabled i got a lot of AccessControlException: Access Denied exeptions. The most of them in the ForkJoinPool. For example when using a CompletableFuture.

CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> { //do something }

AccessControlException: Access Denied - java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission

janakmulani commented 4 weeks ago

-nosecuirty is a commandline argument in icedtea-web. For Access Denied Exception you could add required permissions to the java.policy file of the JVM that is used to run the application specified in the Jnlp file. Alternatively you can have a bat file that invokes javaws such as "javaws.exe -nosecurity %1" and you can make a file association for .jnlp to this bat file.