karamanolev / WhatManager2

Torrent management system based on Django and Transmission
MIT License
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Transcoding + uploading not occurring after completed transfer #82

Open coopxerxes opened 7 years ago

coopxerxes commented 7 years ago


I am on a managed dedicated server, and just about everything seems to be set up correctly with WM2.

When I try to run celery.sh, I encounter this error:

Cannot connect to amqp://guest:**@localhost:5672//: Error opening socket: a socket error occurred.

This is the broker setting in settings.py:

BROKER_URL = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/'

karamanolev commented 7 years ago

Is RabbitMQ running?

coopxerxes commented 7 years ago

I am following the troubleshooting directions on https://github.com/karamanolev/WhatManager2/wiki/Troubleshooting and have forwarded the workaround to the person managing the server.

Thank you for the very quick response. Once I get this fixed, and assuming everything else is configured properly (they appear to be), do you think the entire system will work as expected? Transfer -> transcode -> upload

coopxerxes commented 7 years ago

RabbitMQ is now running, but I am not seeing any transcoding actually occurring. I am adding IDs to: [my host]/transcode/

I also have the following added to crontab -e (my host is set properly on my end) * * * * * curl http://[my host]/transcode/update

When I attempt to visit that URL in my browser, I see this error: KeyError at /transcode/update 'Torrent not found in result'

I feel like I'm getting close to having this awesome thing functioning properly... so close!