karan / joe

:running: A .gitignore magician in your command line
MIT License
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Nested .idea directories created by JetBrains Rider IDE not recognized #83

Open chronodm opened 8 years ago

chronodm commented 8 years ago

The JetBrains Rider IDE creates nested .idea configuration directories under the project name:

└── .idea.MyProject
    ├── .idea
    │   ├── .name
    │   ├── modules.xml
    │   ├── vcs.xml
    │   └── workspace.xml
    └── riderModule.iml

Files in the inner .idea/.idea.MyProject/.idea aren't caught by the .idea lines in the joe-generated JetBrains .gitignore, so (e.g.) .idea/.idea.MyProject/.idea/workspace.xml gets added. I worked around this by prefacing the .idea lines in my .gitignore with **, thus:

# User-specific stuff:

# Sensitive or high-churn files:

# Gradle:

# Mongo Explorer plugin: