Closed Nurlan199206 closed 3 years ago
hello @Nurlan199206 apologize for this. This was already reported and it is happening because v3.0.0
is not present in the first 100 results and thats the max per_page that github allows.
I will check a way to handle this! 🙇🏼
Hello @Nurlan199206 I have added a hack fix to address this problem. Please use @master
or use latest version v1.2.1
I will work on having a proper fix for this later on. Thank you.! 🙇🏼
how to bypass this error? help pls
Run karancode/kustomize-github-action@master /usr/bin/docker run --name e4fec0ae5cb17f4da89857f83af869fcd5_e30b9e --label 5588e4 --workdir /github/workspace --rm -e IMAGE_NAME -e GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN -e INPUT_KUSTOMIZE_VERSION -e INPUT_KUSTOMIZE_BUILD_DIR -e INPUT_KUSTOMIZE_COMMENT -e INPUT_KUSTOMIZE_OUTPUT_FILE -e INPUT_KUSTOMIZE_BUILD_OPTIONS -e INPUT_ENABLE_ALPHA_PLUGINS -e HOME -e GITHUB_JOB -e GITHUB_REF -e GITHUB_SHA -e GITHUB_REPOSITORY -e GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER -e GITHUB_RUN_ID -e GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER -e GITHUB_RETENTION_DAYS -e GITHUB_ACTOR -e GITHUB_WORKFLOW -e GITHUB_HEAD_REF -e GITHUB_BASE_REF -e GITHUB_EVENT_NAME -e GITHUB_SERVER_URL -e GITHUB_API_URL -e GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL -e GITHUB_WORKSPACE -e GITHUB_ACTION -e GITHUB_EVENT_PATH -e GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY -e GITHUB_ACTION_REF -e GITHUB_PATH -e GITHUB_ENV -e RUNNER_OS -e RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE -e RUNNER_TEMP -e RUNNER_WORKSPACE -e ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL -e ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN -e ACTIONS_CACHE_URL -e GITHUB_ACTIONS=true -e CI=true -v "/var/run/docker.sock":"/var/run/docker.sock" -v "/home/runner/work/_temp/_github_home":"/github/home" -v "/home/runner/work/_temp/_github_workflow":"/github/workflow" -v "/home/runner/work/_temp/_runner_file_commands":"/github/file_commands" -v "/home/runner/work/test1/test1":"/github/workspace" 5588e4:fec0ae5cb17f4da89857f83af869fcd5 Downloading kustomize v3.0.0 curl: no URL specified! curl: try 'curl --help' or 'curl --manual' for more information Failed to download kustomize v3.0.0.