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Introduction of *The Cambridge Handbook of Computational Psychology* #11

Closed xdpwjj closed 5 years ago

xdpwjj commented 5 years ago

The Cambridge Handbook of Computational Psychology


model (see, e.g., Bechtel & Graham, 1998)

Computational models present process details using algorithmic descriptions. Mathematical models present relationships betweenvariablesusingmathematicalequations. Verbal-conceptual models describe entities, relations, and processes in rather informal natural languages. Each model, regardlessofitsgenre,mightaswellbeviewed as a theory of whatever phenomena it purports to capture (as argued before by, e.g., Newell, 1990; Sun, 2005).

1.What is computational cognitive modeling?

1970s, a variety of influential symbolic “cognitive” models were proposed in artificial intelligence. Many computational cognitive models were inspired by symbolic AI work at that time (Newell & Simon, 1976).




software, tools, models, and systems


2.What is computational cognitive modeling good for?

3.Multiple Levels of Computational Cognitive Modeling

Chanpter 2 Connectionist Models of Cognition(page 37-65)

Artificial neural networks (ANN) or connectionist systems wikipedia


update to page 135 and to be continued


karanotsingyu commented 5 years ago


xdpwjj commented 5 years ago


zapp926 commented 5 years ago


zapp926 commented 5 years ago


karanotsingyu commented 5 years ago


xdpwjj commented 5 years ago

CHAPTER 4 Dynamical Systems Approaches to Cognition(page 116-137) 认知的动力系统方法


The view of cognition emphasizes the close link of cognition to the sensory and motor surfaces and the structured environments in which these are immersed. 认知观强调认知与感觉和运动曲面以及这些曲面所处的结构环境之间的密切联系。 The dynamical systems approach to cognition is the theoretical framework within which this embodied view of cognition can be formalized. 认知的动力系统方法是使这种具体的认知观形式化的理论框架。 how cognition can be understood that are compatible with principles of neural function 认知过程和神经功能原理过程一致的时空连续性。

Embodiment, Situatedness, and Dynamical Systems

Dynamical systems theory about cognition

Dynamical Systems Thinking

A highly illustrative example comes from the orientation behaviors of the common house fly. Flies orient toward moving objects, which they chase as part of their mating behavior.

When a control system makes decisions, selects among a range of inputs, and generates behavior basedonitsowninnerstate,thenthismight represent the most elementary form of cognition.

The flight control system of house flies is capableofsuchflexibility.Whenconfronted with several patches of visual motion on its facet eye, the fly selects one of the patches and directs its flight in pursuit of that visual object,This capacity to select emerges from the control dynamics. Superposing the torque patterns dynamical systems approaches to cognition 105 generated by each motion patch, two attractors emerge (Fig. 4.1c). One of these is selected depending on the initial orientation and on chance. When the two patches are close to each other, the two attractors merge, and the fly flies in an averaged direction (as shown in Fig. 4.1b).

the principles of adynamic approach to behavioral patterns

  1. Patterns of behavior are characterized by inner states
  2. The evolution in time of these state variables is generated by neural networks
  3. Asymptotically stable states structure the solutions of this dynamical system
  4. Behavioral flexibility arise when states are released from stability



Dynamical Systems Approach and its neurally Based

xdpwjj commented 5 years ago

chapter 5 Declarative/Logic-Based Cognitive Modeling(page 142-180) https://github.com/MaiYunfei2000/IA003ComputationalCognitiveScience/issues/17#issuecomment-455839603

xdpwjj commented 5 years ago

维基百科: 逻辑 人工智能领域用逻辑来理解智能推理问题;它可以提供用于分析编程语言的技术,也可用作分析、表征知识或编程的工具。目前人们常用的逻辑分支有命题逻辑(Propositional Logic )以及一阶逻辑(FOL)等谓词逻辑。 机器之心: 逻辑编程的最初想法是,你应该告诉计算机什么是正确的。给定这个真实的事实和规则数据库,逻辑推理可以用来回答用户的查询。这种编程风格被称为“声明式编程”(declarative programming)。它描述目标的性质,让计算机明白目标,而非流程。声明式编程不用告诉计算机问题领域,从而避免随之而来的副作用。声明式编程通常被看做是形式逻辑的理论,把计算看做推导。声明式编程因大幅简化了并行计算的编写难度,自 2009 起备受关注。

CHAPTER 5 Declarative/Logic-Based Cognitive Modeling(page 142-180)



1.1 What Is Logic-Based Computational Cognitive Modeling(LCCM)?

1.2. Level of Description of LCCM

1.3. The Ancient Roots of LCCM (three challenges)

Declarative computational cognitivemodeling is the oldest paradigm for modeling the mind. Over 300 years b.c., logic and logic alone was being used to model and predict human cognition. 声明式计算认知模型是最古老的表征思维的范式。公元前300年人们已经开始使用逻辑学来建模和预测。

For example, consider the following argument:(经典三段论) (1) All professors are pusillanimous people. (2) All pusillanimous people are proud. ∴ (3) All professors are proud. Thesymbol∴,oftenreadas“therefore,”says that statement (3) can be logically inferred from statements (1) and (2); or in other wordsthatifstatements(1)and(2)aretrue, then (3) must be true as well.

(1∗) AllAs are Bs. (2∗) AllBs are Cs. ∴ (3∗) AllAs are Cs.


1.4. LCCM’s Sister Discipline: Logic-Based Human-Level AI (略)

1.5. Different Levels of Description (略)

1.6. Brief Overview of the Three Challenges

2. The Goal of Computational Cognitive Modeling/LCCM

声明式计算认知模型是通过在信息处理系统中建模来理解人的特有认知类型。 LCCM致力于:

  1. 做出选择、决定的自由意志
  2. 对经历的主观感受
  3. 自我意识
  4. 语言交流
  5. 了解和相信
  6. 对实践改变的渴望
  7. 推理

3. LCCM面里的3大挑战

4. Logic-Based Computational Cognitive Modeling (略)

5. Meeting the Challenges


karanotsingyu commented 5 years ago
