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Chapter 2 Connectionist Models of Cognition(page 37-65) #17

Closed xdpwjj closed 5 years ago

xdpwjj commented 5 years ago

Chapter 2 Connectionist Models of Cognition(page 37-65)

Artificial neural networks (ANN) or connectionist systems wikipedia




2.1 Historical Context (可输出为时间线)



再次发展 人们对用数学技术描述神经细胞网络重新产生兴趣(1930s-1940s)

2.2. Key Properties of Connectionist Models 联结主义的关键属性

联结主义模型的灵感来自神经系统:一组简单的处理单元并行计算,并通过一个加权的网络相互影响激活状态。 Rumelhart, Hinton, and McClelland (1986) identified seven key features that would define a general framework for connectionist processing.

xdpwjj commented 5 years ago





xdpwjj commented 5 years ago

CHAPTER 5 Declarative/Logic-Based Cognitive Modeling(page 142-180)


1.1 What Is Logic-Based Computational Cognitive Modeling?

1.2. Level of Description of LCCM

1.3. The Ancient Roots of LCCM (three challenges)

1.4. LCCM’s Sister Discipline: Logic-Based Human-Level AI (the logicomathematical foundation for LCCM)

1.5. Different Levels of Description (how LCCM addresses the three aforementioned challenges)

1.6. Brief Overview of the Three Challenges ( the future and limitations of computational cognitive modeling )

1.7. Structure of the Chapter 已添加至各标题括号

2. The Goal of Computational Cognitive Modeling/LCCM

To understand the kind of cognition distinctive of human persons by modeling this cognitionininformationprocessingsystems.

3. Three Challenges Facing Computational Cognitive Modeling

3.1. Challenge 1: Computational Cognitive Modeling Data from Psychology of Reasoning

3.2. Challenge 2: Unify Cognition via a Comprehensive Theoretical Language

3.3. Challenge 3: Computational Cognitive Meodeling Suffers from a Lack of Mathematical Maturity

4. Logic-Based Computational Cognitive Modeling

4.1. Logical Systems

4.2. Sample Declarative Modeling in Conformity to LCCM

4.3. Logic-Based Computer Programming

5. Meeting the Challenges

5.1. Meeting the Challenge of Mechanizing Human Reasoning

5.2. Meeting the Perception/Action Challenge

5.3. Meeting the Rigor Challenge

6. Limitations and the Future

7. Conclusion

xdpwjj commented 5 years ago

CHAPTER 5 Declarative/Logic-Based Cognitive Modeling(page 142-180)



1.1 What Is Logic-Based Computational Cognitive Modeling?

As Brachman and Levesque (2004) put it, when speaking of declarative computational cognitive modeling within the field of artificial intelligence (AI): It is at the very core of a radical idea about how to understand intelligence: instead of trying to understand or build brains from the bottom up, we try to understand or build intelligent behavior from the top down.Inparticular, we ask what an agent would need to know in order to behave intelligently, and what computational mechanisms could allow this knowledge to be made available to the agent as required.

Logic-Based Computational Cognitive Modeling(自上而下)vs artificial neural networks(自下而上) | |Logic-Based Computational Cognitive Modeling|artificial neural networks| |approach| top-down|bottom-up| |basic unit|declarative|numerical| | | formal logic| |

Logic-based computational cognitive modeling is an interdisciplinary field that cuts across cognitive modeling based on certain cognitive architectures(such as ACT-R, Soar, CLARION, Polyscheme, etc.)

1.2. Level of Description of LCCM(略)

1.3. The Ancient Roots of LCCM (three challenges)

Declarative computational cognitivemodeling is the oldest paradigm for modeling the mind. Over 300 years b.c., logic and logic alone was being used to model and predict human cognition. 声明式计算认知模型是最古老的表征思维的范式。公元前300年人们已经开始使用逻辑学来建模和预测。

For example, consider the following argument:(经典三段论) (1) All professors are pusillanimous people. (2) All pusillanimous people are proud. ∴ (3) All professors are proud. Thesymbol∴,oftenreadas“therefore,”says that statement (3) can be logically inferred from statements (1) and (2); or in other wordsthatifstatements(1)and(2)aretrue, then (3) must be true as well.

(1∗) AllAs are Bs. (2∗) AllBs are Cs. ∴ (3∗) AllAs are Cs.

1.4. LCCM’s Sister Discipline: Logic-Based Human-Level AI

1.5. Different Levels of Description

1.6. Brief Overview of the Three Challenges

2. The Goal of Computational Cognitive Modeling/LCCM

To understand the kind of cognition distinctive of human persons by modeling this cognitionininformationprocessingsystems.

3. Three Challenges Facing Computational Cognitive Modeling

3.1. Challenge 1: Computational Cognitive Modeling Data from Psychology of Reasoning

3.2. Challenge 2: Unify Cognition via a Comprehensive Theoretical Language

3.3. Challenge 3: Computational Cognitive Meodeling Suffers from a Lack of Mathematical Maturity

4. Logic-Based Computational Cognitive Modeling

4.1. Logical Systems

4.2. Sample Declarative Modeling in Conformity to LCCM

4.3. Logic-Based Computer Programming

5. Meeting the Challenges

5.1. Meeting the Challenge of Mechanizing Human Reasoning

5.2. Meeting the Perception/Action Challenge

5.3. Meeting the Rigor Challenge

6. Limitations and the Future

7. Conclusion

xdpwjj commented 5 years ago


sparrowtectum cajal_retina cajal_cortex_drawings

karanotsingyu commented 5 years ago

Chapter 5


Furthermore, the purpose of this chapter is not to introduce a new competitor to extant, mature computational cognitive architectures, such as Soar (Rosenbloom, Laird & Newell, 1993), ACT-R (Anderson 1993; Anderson & Lebiere, 1998; Ander- son, & Lebiere, 2003), CLARION (Sun, 2002), ICARUS (Langley et al., 1991), SNePS (Shapiro & Rapaport, 1987), and Polyscheme Cassimatis, 2002; Cassimatis et al., 2004), nor to declarative computational simulations of parts of human cognition, such as PSYCOP (Rips, 1994), and programs written by Johnson-Laird and others to simulate various aspects of so-called mental models-based reasoning (a review is provided in Bucciarelli & Johnson-Laird, 1999). These systems are all pitched at a level well above LCCM; they can all be derived from LCCM. The formal umbrella used for the systematization herein is to offer a way to understand and rationalize all computational cognitive architectures that are declarative, that is, that are, at least in part, rule-based, explicitly logic-based, predicate-and-argument-based, propositional, and production-rule-based. The ancient roots of this kind of work date back to Aristotle.

此外,本章的目的不是为现存的,成熟的计算认知架构引入一个新的竞争者,如Soar(Rosenbloom,Laird&Newell,1993),ACT-R(Anderson 1993; Anderson&Lebiere,1998; Anderson,&Lebiere,2003),CLARION(Sun,2002),ICARUS(Langley等,1991),SNePS(Shapiro&Rapaport,1987),和Polyscheme Cassimatis,2002; Cassimatis et al。,2004),也不是人类认知部分的声明性计算模拟,如PSYCOP(Rips,1994),以及Johnson-Laird和其他人为模拟各方面而编写的程序。称为基于心智模型的推理(Bucciarelli&Johnson-Laird,1999中提供了一篇综述)。这些系统都处于远高于LCCM的水平;它们都可以来自LCCM。用于本文系统化的正式um-brella是提供一种方法来理解和定位所有声明性的计算认知架构,即至少部分基于规则,明确基于逻辑的,基于谓词和论证,命题和生产规则。这种工作的古老根源可以追溯到亚里士多德。

karanotsingyu commented 5 years ago

Yan LeCun强推的AI简史:两大流派世纪之争,神经网络华丽回归 | 机器之心存着备用

karanotsingyu commented 5 years ago

TERM 联结主义

联结主义的基本思想早在20世纪40年代,其基本思想就有表达(McCulloch & Pitts,1943)。但联结主义因未得到重视和资金支持,其研究受到限制而逐渐落入低潮。直到1986年鲁梅尔哈特(Rumelhart)等人提出多层网络中的反向传播(BP)算法,联结主义势头大振,多方面取得重要进展(叶浩生,2005)。

《并行分布加工:认知的微观结构之探索》(Mcclelland & Rumelhart,1986),第一次系统阐述了联结主义的观点和成就,因此这一著作被称为联结主义的里程碑式的著作(叶浩生,2005)。

McCulloch, W. S., & Pitts, W. (1943). A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous activity. The bulletin of mathematical biophysics, 5(4), 115-133. Rumelhart, D. E., & McClelland, J. L. (1986). Parallel distributed processing: explorations in the microstructure of cognition. volume 1. foundations. Rumelhart, D. E., Hinton, G. E., & Williams, R. J. (1986). Learning representations by back-propagating errors. nature, 323(6088), 533. 叶浩生. (2005). 心理学史. 高等教育出版社,p.287.