karansher / computer-graphics-bounding-volume-hierarchy

Computer Graphics Assignment about Bounding Volume Hierarchies
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What kind of error is this? #33

Closed MicheleMassa802 closed 1 year ago

MicheleMassa802 commented 1 year ago

image Like I have never seen something like this, the vector inputs have that weird matrix form, nothing is being highlighted as the normal errors that you see when you have a syntax error. I am just confused at what this is. Keep in mind this is for the modified implementation of ray intersect triangle, which makes this even worse, I made sure to transpose my vectors, and the algorithm is the same, why am I getting this weird error?

eon704 commented 1 year ago

Looks like compiler can't find .transpose() method.

Have you by chance included the Eigen/Dense?

MicheleMassa802 commented 1 year ago

Even after doing so I still getting a similar type of error, but a different one at least, thank you, I'll look into this new error. Now that I have included Eigen/Dense its still complaining about 'scalar difference' and a bunch of other stuff that didnt happen previously, still feels so weird

MicheleMassa802 commented 1 year ago

It feels like an error in imports, I have also included Eigen/Geometry as I realized I had it in my asn3 code but I'm still getting the same.

MicheleMassa802 commented 1 year ago

Just solved it, man python wouldnt do this to me I hate c++ lol. Thank you so much for your quick answer. Sent me a lifeline :)