I sometimes get the following assertion fail when I start to run the program, before libigl window pops up. While other times, I get this assertion error after the libigl window pops. Is there a solution to this problem? I did locate that the problem happens after I implemented end_effectors_objective_and_gradient.c, but I have no idea how to fix it
Assertion failed: (internal::UIntPtr(array) & (15)) == 0 && "this assertion is explained here: " "http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox-devel/group__TopicUnalignedArrayAssert.html" " READ THIS WEB PAGE !!! ", file C:\Users\v2-Za\Desktop\= =\University\grade 3\CSC317\A7\computer-graphics-kinematics\build_deps\eigen-src\Eigen\src/Core/DenseStorage.h, line 109
I sometimes get the following assertion fail when I start to run the program, before libigl window pops up. While other times, I get this assertion error after the libigl window pops. Is there a solution to this problem? I did locate that the problem happens after I implemented end_effectors_objective_and_gradient.c, but I have no idea how to fix it
Assertion failed: (internal::UIntPtr(array) & (15)) == 0 && "this assertion is explained here: " "http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox-devel/group__TopicUnalignedArrayAssert.html" " READ THIS WEB PAGE !!! ", file C:\Users\v2-Za\Desktop\= =\University\grade 3\CSC317\A7\computer-graphics-kinematics\build_deps\eigen-src\Eigen\src/Core/DenseStorage.h, line 109