karansher / computer-graphics-ray-casting

Computer Graphics Assignment about Ray Casting
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Project isn't rebuilding properly #19

Open RamDaj opened 1 year ago

RamDaj commented 1 year ago

Hello, it seems once again the project wants to give me compilation issues. Normally in A1 I'd just do (Cmd + Shift + B) to compile the assignment, then type .\Debug\raster to run it, however in this project, (Cmd + Shift + B) does nothing. i.e. lets say I add a printf("Test") statement and (Cmd + Shift + B), followed by .\Debug\raycasting, the "Test" doesn't show up, it only shows up when I rebuild raycasting.sln, which makes testing extremely difficult.

FYI I'm on windows, and _getcwd shows that the project is being run from the build-release directory.

RamDaj commented 1 year ago

I'd like to mention this means I can't even use a debugger, which is vital for this assignment

panuelosj commented 1 year ago

Do you have the correct build target selected? Either ALL_BUILD or raycasting?

RamDaj commented 1 year ago

sorry I hadn't received a notification of a reply! This problem still persists with A3, can you clarify what you mean by a selected build target?