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vid2wav.py and tool folder #5

Closed lusensama closed 6 years ago

lusensama commented 6 years ago

Hello there! I am not able to find thevid2wav.py and tool/process.py here. Is there a master branch somewhere else?

Tools found in Pix2pix repository

babyjie57 commented 6 years ago

@lusensama Hi, do you find the vid2wav.py file?

shliang0603 commented 6 years ago

@babyjie57 你有找到vid2wav.py 这个文件吗,我找了好久也没有找到,求助呀

babyjie57 commented 6 years ago

@shliang0603 这个在data/processing.py里面的extract_audio函数里实现了。

shliang0603 commented 6 years ago

@babyjie57 谢谢你哥哥,函数extrct_audio只是做的是从视频中提取语音吧,论文中提到的Char2eWav是从text到Audio,这个在这里没有实现吧,其实我特别想知道Char2Wav能不能实现从中文到语音的转换,我应用一下这部分看能不能实现从中文文本转语音,求指导