karasek / CrossWord

Simple crossword generator
MIT License
26 stars 9 forks source link

Are there any brief examples? #5

Open tonley opened 3 years ago

tonley commented 3 years ago

It would be great if you could briefly explain how to use it. Please forgive my low level.

karasek commented 3 years ago

Hi, check CrossWord/blob/master/CrossWord/Program.cs, with parameters

                {"i|input=", "(input file)", v => i = v},
                {"d|dictionary=", "(dictionary)", v => d = v},
                {"o|output=", "(output file)", v => o = v},
                {"p|puzzle=", "(puzze)", v => p = v},
                {"h|?|help", "(help)", v => help = v != null},

input - use any template file from project defining crossword layout, then use any dictionary, output file, as puzzle you can define string you want to "hide" as a puzzle solution.

More inspiration you can find in CrossWord/blob/master/TestApp/Program.cs