karashiiro / TextToTalk

Chat TTS plugin for Dalamud. Has support for triggers/exclusions, several TTS providers, and more!
MIT License
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Can't login with Amazon Polly #125

Closed Errol246 closed 1 year ago

Errol246 commented 1 year ago

I can't login via Amazon Polly. I put in my access code access key into the the two fields and click "save and login", but I do not get the option to choose engine, sample rate etc. Incidentally, none of the other TTS options work either. When I click system it says "this TTS provice is only supported on Windows", and I am most definitely on Windows.

ryankhart commented 1 year ago

I just saw this. I thought I was getting GitHub notifications for things like these, but I guess not.

I've just come back from a break from the game and had a similar problem. I don't know if this will solve it for you but try this:

Double check that the Amazon Polly "Region" is set to the exact region you set up an access key for in the AWS Console -> [Your name in the top right corner of the screen] -> Security Credentials -> Access Keys. If you forget your secret key that matches your Access Key ID, then just create a new one.

ryankhart commented 1 year ago

If you are still experiencing this issue, you may be using the current testing version, which I found that the only likely reason why it was working for me on the testing version was because I already had my credentials stored, but when I backed up and deleted my TextToTalk config folder and tried again, I couldn't login at all.

If you are on the testing version, try reverting to the normal version by going to Dalamud Settings -> Experimental and uncheck "Get plugin testing builds". Then uninstall TextToTalk and reinstall. It should keep all of your configuration between uninstall and reinstall.

Errol246 commented 1 year ago

Thank you. I did as you asked and it worked wonderfully :)

Foebik commented 1 year ago

Im having the same problem. Doubled check everything but just can seem to get it to show me the available voices. I know I have it configured correctly within Amazon Polly as I have been using the service for a few months now with other apps. Any ideas? I generated new keys even and also redid the amz CLI commands. No luck.

Foebik commented 1 year ago

NVM I figured it out...was the region. Even though I had the correct region that I have selected before, I had to pick a different one because the error was there was no voices in the region.. which is weird because it works fine in other apps.

karashiiro commented 1 year ago

Should be fixed in testing v1.17.1