karask / bitcoinpos

This project provides a Bitcoin Point of Sale system to allow merchants to accept bitcoins.
MIT License
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Inclusion of Inventory, Client names, Payment modification and Barcode functionality #3

Open tykees opened 6 years ago

tykees commented 6 years ago

Hello, I have some proposals


I have used the application, and I felt some fundamental features that will enhance its usefulness are absent, and I would like to see the following on the application.

Inventory: is a list of items that are available on the store cart showing Item name, quantity, price and this will be altered that when selling from the available items it will automatically deduct the quantity of goods sold from the quality available I.e Samsung S9 41 pc $250 each And 21 pc sold it will automatically indicate 20 pc left on the inventory These can be accomplished by adjustment of the item page yet there will be a tab for stock in to be able to track sales transaction.

Ability to save client is the means of having a sectioned to save consistent customer names as the app work . As a Point of sales for bitcoin merchant in most businesses there are always customers that are consistent in patronage and having their name store to track every of there transaction with the merchant will be an extremely decent stuff.

There are different kind of business and anyone could grasp the application on his/ her business to utilize and because it is straightforward to interact with this feature is essential.

Payment modification: is the means of adjusting the payment page in modify it to how the merchant wants it to behave, In other to have the ability to manually input amount received by a customer and in a situation whereby amount paid is not complete for good bought by the customer, The balance will appear underneath the name of the customer stored within the application. These could be realized by creating a tab to manually input payment after receiving or having a clickable button to modify payment on the address page.

Barcode functionality: This is an advanced and smart means of getting product details on a computer screen without extra manual typing of product name and details, it is device coherent code or unpredictable pattern that is printed or stick on the product to know the product details.

Mocks up

The picture below shows how Inventory could look like when Implemented. Add stock will function to Input new Items into the inventory

Below is a page for client name showing balances on customers that have outstanding

Pictorial Illustration of Payment Modification

Barcode Functionality, Showing Icon and how it will look like


Reasonably, All the above-proposed features will be of good in addition to on the project since merchant will have the capacity to utilize the application to control loads of his/her business activities.

Inventory is a very nice feature which should be added as the item tab is kind of limited to some extent. These will enable the merchant to have a page to stock in their product/Items and incorporate the quantity of each of the product to be able to track the sale properly as well as when selling there will be a programmed derivation on the amount left. I.e., Product/Item Quantity Price Total

Samsung S9        52             $320    $16,640
Tecno Droid       38             $132     $5,016
Iphone 6          42             $295    $12,390
Huawei Phantom    18             $305     $5,490

TOTAL             150                    $39,536

After sales

 Samsung S9       22            $320    $7,040
Tecno Droid       18             $132   $2,376
Iphone 6          31             $295   $9,145
Huawei Phantom    12             $305   $3,660

TOTAL             83                    $22,221

Total Received Bitcoin $15921.09 and Mr. John balance is $910 and Mr. Brown 485

This way it will be easy to check and balance the account using the available feature though this has touched the benefit of having customer names saved within the application.

And to know if the account is accurate is to sum the

Closing cash           $15921.09
  Debt                 $1395
Closing stock          $22,221

Total                  $39537.09
Minus Opening stock   $39536
                            +1.09 Account Overage 

Ability to store customer names will be an excellent addition as it will give an edge of tracking sales and for some business that cannot avoid debtors, to automatically save their balance on the application because this function will make more merchants to become hopelessly enamored with the application.

Payment modification is still Inline with the principle reason of adding clients names and furthermore to maintain a strategic distance from some restriction inside the application. Currently the application does not recognize if payment has been received by the merchant (That could be bug though) and I think having payment modification will abstain from something of that nature where merchant can include payment manually, And circumstance, whereby the received payment is not complete for all the goods sold, it will help to leave balance for customers on the application.

Barcode functionality will be a nice improvement that is needed for ease adding of products/goods on the application. There won't need to add a product that has barcode manually.

I know these may be some enormous assignment; however, I think each one of those features is required as there were a few impediments I experience utilizing the application and I will love to see it made strides.

karask commented 6 years ago

Hi tykees!

Thank you for your great feedback and the details you have included. Some, I had in mind already (like barcode reading) some not. I like your suggestions overall but I will have to prioritize.

I currently don't have time to work on the app but I am looking for a developer to put significant work on the app and I have several things that I would like to add (including some of your suggestions!).

tykees commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your response, Hoping to see those improvements as soon as possible :slightly_smiling_face: