karasusan / OpenVDBForUnity

Unity plugins for OpenVDB
MIT License
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Can't make openvdbi plugin :[ #19

Open InactivatedPyschiopath opened 4 years ago

InactivatedPyschiopath commented 4 years ago

Hi , It's 3 day I'm trying to build openvdbi , I get 773 error , I installed everything and followed up wiki.

I installed boost , openvdb lib , openexr lib and etc.

Can't you just ship it with library ? Is anyplace I can get it ?

baroquedub commented 4 years ago

+1 for a package that can just be imported into Unity

ElfnagaWang commented 2 years ago

Spent two weeks, I built openvdbi.dll on Windows 10. Steps below:

  1. Copy file conanfile.py into folder OpenVDBForUnity\Plugin and open it with IDE, modify the package "OpenVDB/4.0.2@kazuki/stable" to "openvdb/8.0.1".

  2. Open PowerShell and cd into folder OpenVDBForUnity\Plugin, then follow the Wiki page.

    conan install openvdb/8.0.1@ --build=missing conan install .. conan build ..

  3. If you got some error like: ERROR: The 'zstd/1.5.0' package has 'exports_sources' but sources not found in local cache. Probably it was installed from a remote that is no longer available.

    just use commands below: conan remove zstd -f conan install zstd/1.5.0@ --build

  4. If errors gone, continue step 2.

  5. Finally openvdbi.dll in folder OpenVDBForUnity\Plugin\build\bin.