karawin / Ka-Radio

A wifi webradio with only low cost boards ESP8266 and VS1053 by Jp Cocatrix
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Suggestion : Add automatic reconnect after temporary outage Wifi router #53

Open gerardwr opened 6 years ago

gerardwr commented 6 years ago

This is a suggestion making KA-Radio32 even better :-) I like it!

While KA-Radio32 was running an MP3 stream fine, I had to restart my Wifi Router.

Naturally the ESP32 was disconnected from the Wifi and the stream stopped. Serial monitor reported:

E (3681) wifi: esp_wifi_disconnect 844 wifi not start

When the Wifi router was UP again, the ESP32 reconnected to the Wifi router, but the MP3 stream was not restarted automatically.

Re-starting the MP3 stream by ressping Play in the WebGUI started the MP3 stream again.

Maybe re-starting the playing the "active" MP3 stream after a Wifi disconnection is nice addition to Ka-Radio32.

karawin commented 6 years ago

It seems simple but hard in reality.