karawin / Ka-Radio32

esp32 version of Ka-Radio (https://github.com/karawin/Ka-Radio) by jp Cocatrix
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Working configuration for ESPDUINO-32 and VS1053 MP3 Shield #194

Closed Zdenalus closed 3 years ago

Zdenalus commented 3 years ago

Hi, I can't get it to work, still:

CLI.ICY4#: Invalid audio output. VS1053 not found

E (7341) main: Invalid audio output. VS1053 not found

I modified standard_minimal to:

gpio_space,namespace,, K_SPI,data,u8,2 P_MISO,data,u8,19 P_MOSI,data,u8,23 P_CLK,data,u8,18 P_XCS,data,u8,27 P_RST,data,u8,12 P_XDCS,data,u8,14 P_DREQ,data,u8,34

s-l1600 (1) 13995263400_1

Thank you Zdenek

hevet commented 3 years ago

Change P_DREQ,data,u8,34 on P_DREQ,data,u8,26. I have the same configuration

Zdenalus commented 3 years ago

I have changed it, but still no success

Wiring: ESPDUINO VS1053 wiring

Here changes to standard_minimal.csv: ESPDUINO VS1053 diffs

hevet commented 3 years ago

According to the DREQ drawing, you connect to the RX or TX pin, and it must be to one further, the one with "2." 101943725-e9c09d80-3beb-11eb-82ac-a6c2ba3484bb

Zdenalus commented 3 years ago

Ok, I'll try it. CSV configuration is correct? DREQ to 26? But connect to tx or tx on espduino?

hevet commented 3 years ago

CSV configuration is correct. You don't need to connect RX and TX.

Zdenalus commented 3 years ago

So I connected DREQ (2) with ESPDUINO 26, What should I connect to TX or RX? Still not working... ;(

hevet commented 3 years ago

I wrote that you do not connect anything. For me, this configuration works on these settings, so I can't help you with anything else.

hevet commented 3 years ago

Use this configuration again


Zdenalus commented 3 years ago

It's working now! Thank you very much!