karawin / Ka-Radio32

esp32 version of Ka-Radio (https://github.com/karawin/Ka-Radio) by jp Cocatrix
515 stars 155 forks source link

Statio URL Convert #282

Closed Beppi4U closed 1 year ago

Beppi4U commented 1 year ago

Hi! Buil one with VS1053 and 1.3 OLED Workes like a charme from the start! But when i try to put in my favourite stream URL's i only get errors! How to put in these URLs correct? Thank you and Greetings Andi

LIST: Ignore Presets and after # preset_00 = swr-edge-20b5-fra-lg-cdn.cast.addradio.de/swr/swr3/live/mp3/128/stream.mp3 # 0 - SWR3 preset_01 = swr-edge-10b5-fra-dtag-cdn.cast.addradio.de/swr/swr/raka05/mp3/128/stream.mp3 # 1 - SWR3 ROCK preset_02 = # 2 - NRJ RADIO preset_03 = 22333.live.streamtheworld.com/AFNE_STU_SC?csegid=12 # 3 - AFN The Eagle (Stuttgart) preset_04 = stream.antenne1.de/stream1/livestream.mp3 (128)# 4 - ANTENNE1 preset_05 = streams.bigfm.de/bigfm-deutschland-128-aac # 5 - BIG FM RADIO preset_06 = edge.live.mp3.mdn.newmedia.nacamar.net/ps-dieneue_rock/livestream_hi.mp3 # 6 - Die Neue 107.7 preset_07 = mp3tx.duplexfx.com:8800 # 7 - ENERGY98 Dance Music preset_08 = webcast.wonc.org:8000/wonclive-128s # 8 - Pure Rock FM 89 USA preset_09 = stream.inselradio.com:20800/high.inselradio.mp3 # 9 - INSEL RADIO MALLORCA preset_10 = stream.inselradio.com/high.sunshine.mp3 # 10 - SUNSHINE MALLORCA preset_11 = mp3-live.swr.de/swr4bw_m.m3u # 11 - SWR4 SCHLAGERALARM! preset_12 = swr-swr1-bw.cast.addradio.de/swr/swr1/bw/mp3/128/stream.mp3 # 12 - SWR1 BW preset_13 = swr-dasding-live.cast.addradio.de/swr/dasding/live/mp3/128/stream.mp3 # 13 - DAS DING LIVE preset_14 = str2.creacast.com/sudtirol1a # 14 - RADIO SUEDTIROL preset_15 = uk3.internet-radio.com:8405/live # 15 - Majestic Jukebox Radio preset_16 = listen.radiomax.technology/penny # 16 - Penny Live Radio preset_17 = dradio-edge-30af-fra-ts-cdn.cast.addradio.de/dradio/dlf/live/mp3/128/stream.mp3 # 17 - Deutschlandfunk preset_18 = streams.regenbogen.de/rr2-rn-128-aac # 18 - Radio Regenbogen2

karawin commented 1 year ago

Not a KaRadio software Issue....... Try [Edzelf] project.

Beppi4U commented 1 year ago

These are just example streams that worked with EdZelf's WebRadio. Thought i could easy copy&paste ......but no!! ;-) Well at least, after a few try&error, i figured it out!! The List is just the beginning! Will post updates from time to time! Thanx for helping out! Andi


karawin commented 1 year ago

Double click on the encoder to toggle the display mode.

Beppi4U commented 1 year ago

That's right! Merci !