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the chain #2

Closed karekareraisu closed 1 year ago

karekareraisu commented 1 year ago



github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago
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[info] Writing video subtitles to: The Chain of Acheron: Ep. 1 - Red Sky at Morning | Matt Colville's D&D Campaign [iRhnx4lI6TA].en.ttml
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github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago
we are MCM productions and we play D&D
we are Motorhead are we play rock'n'roll
that was your that was your logo Phil
that was awesome designed by Dan
Connolly and then you updated yes
so I mean this is it this is the show
and I feel like this is probably the
most viewers were all over happy so I'm
gonna just take a couple seconds and
thank all people cluding tom schmuck for
that awesome intro you just saw and
yunchan for doing the he did the MCD and
presents part Yun Chen did the chain
intro custom intro for our dandy game
and our friend Silvano did Silvana
Matthews did all the music you just
heard and also I just first of all I
want to thank my players for waiting a
year it was like a year and a half ago
we were like hey where we gonna play dee
dee again and like well I had this idea
so thanks for being patient also super
super thanks to the unsung hero of this
entire thing our friend Jerry who is
about 30 feet over in that direction in
his own room and and if it wasn't for
him we would literally not be doing this
right now it was close
came down to the wire but he pulled it
off so let's see what have you folks
missed oh I want to thank our sponsor
our first and maybe only ever sponsor
you folks back the Kickstarter you folks
paid for this these cameras these
microphones these lights the studio is
all as a result of the Kickstarter and
and you have enabled us to glyph this
crazy dream where we get to play a D&D
live and some people watch and who knows
what'll happen the thing you missed is
that I promised everybody that you would
get to see us make characters live on
the stream cuz I thought that would be a
lot of fun but then I changed my mind
because I thought that would be
incredibly tedious and boring and it'd
be 45 minutes of people saying wait what
is this a proficiency bonus and which I
which skill is the one I want to take
and that's not interactive and it's not
fun to watch so what we did was we all
everybody came and made characters and
they rolled dice and they generate their
stats but they all did it separately so
the players do not know this would be
the first time many of the players have
seen the other characters they've made
and we filmed the die rolling part and
we made a video
that we're all gonna watch now so not
only are you gonna get to meet the
heroes of this campaign for the first
time so are the players okay so now can
we tell who that is just buy the dice
they're using wooden toys you can't read
I think as long as yes I think so
so twelve thirteen nine so far I think
this is this is a sign of things to come
this is Captain average a professor a
solution doctor average 15 I think is as
good as it gets for this dude too low so
I had up my own little house rule which
is you get to re-roll the stat if it's
below eight I think for eight or lower
and then if your total bonuses didn't
equal plus two or more if you had a
player bonuses if it wasn't plus two or
more than you get to reroll and I don't
think anybody had to reroll actually a
couple of people got the eight or lower
problem so this is a human fifth level
everybody starts a fifth level fighter
battle master which is as close to a
warlord the commander lay that guy well
the chain is the place to be a ninja
Lord 12 well unfortunately there's no
way for you to get out right you
literally are trapped here it's probably
a bad idea Lord it's probably bad I
didn't try to get out because you'll
trip over something or break something
twelve twelve twelve fifteen fifteen
this is the most average group ever well
I think for last the best stats I think
for those number one and number two in
the total bonuses well you know if you
strategically place your stats and then
you pick the right ancestry then you can
end up with some decently high stats by
the time you're safe level okay you may
of course of course
yeah cuz neither feel nor Laura's
pugilist is a coupling of that guy
the lieutenant yes so that ya pugilist
is a custom class I think you can get it
on the D unskilled they're using my dice
those are the Madagascar rosewood the
electric inlay fifteen twelve thirteen
again once again no one gets a heist at
the good news is the good news is your
Scouts aren't gonna be low the bad news
is your stats are not gonna be totally
legal character the difference which is
not I did not prescribe that these
people just wanna play humans
nails is a badass name for a [ __ ]
sorcerer Tom sooner or later these guys
do not match so who could this possibly
be matching dice one of those literally
had like 30 sets of dice 16 so far is 16
the high staff in the entire group
okay ready for this some pretty good
rolls look at this
charisma based a lot of people thought
paladin when they were like oh that's
how high charisma paladin that's very
very good guess that's what fills when
Phil saw the retainers okay
nice it'll record so the ill rigor is a
custom class that I built from scratch
right so I think if Jerry if things are
working well then you'll be able to
everybody watching can now read about
the I think you ran into him at
Starbucks if you're gonna play that this
is the this is the party to do it I mean
the name of the group is the chain
hopefully Jerry has got it set up so
that folks can be apart Jerry yeah so I
ordered this video in order of the most
normal characters to the weirdest
characters know from most normal to
weirdest no one got an 18 yeah so I
think that went pretty well
yeah I built Tom want to play Beast
Master Ranger he wanted to have a cool
pet and we talked about him having like
a boule I thought it'd be cool from the
ride around on a boule what's a boule
it's like it's like it's a lamb it's a
giant like rhinoceros sized so I mean
I'm fixed to the Ranger for you sort of
yeah like I just get bashed something
together that people should if Jerry has
the link hooked up
cherry directly clicked up yes
productions awesome MCM productions calm
/the - chain should take you to a link
those all documents all the handouts and
everything including the Ranger that
it's not a new Ranger I just kind of
replaced some of the existing Rangers
abilities and talking to Tom about how
he thought his cap clash would work with
you know teaming up with being his pet
being like a team member that he
coordinates with we threw some stuff in
there this is all super alpha stuff the
ill rigger no-one's ever played this
before so you're gonna see a lot of
crazy probably overpowered or unbalanced
or just broken stuff well actually I
prefer I prefer like overpowered stuff
because I find it it's easier to down
something back right if somebody likes
if I like it but everyone agrees this is
crazy overpowered I can start dialing it
back but if it's broken and doesn't work
people just get frustrated out of the
game they don't wanna play anymore so
let's see oh by the way thanks to our
friend Jason for all that awesome
character art I think you're not the
part also are you guys now we're
actually gonna get into this is the pep
talk that I normally give my players of
new campaign but I waited for you guys
to be here and that is that this session
might be kind of short because I usually
like to just get like one or two combats
under our belt and then call it good and
do a buncha setup because you guys have
never played these characters before we
have never played together at this group
has never played D&D together so it's
probably gonna be weeks or months before
you guys actually figure out like who
your characters are and you got put
somebody put a lot of thought into your
backstory but then you got to play the
character and things may change you may
discover that specialization that you
picked you don't like or you can you
know the way you're even the class you
chose for the background all of that
stuff is stuff we can swap out as we
play as we find out how stuff works
don't worry about any of that stuff you
will discover who your characters are
over time you don't forget it right out
of the gate that's totally normal
also you guys have a bunch of magic
items Matthew still if not only one
person who's really picked well yeah
okay there's the Phil took the built of
hill giant strength and then everyone
else is like I kind of like this I'm
kind of like that and then so much this
is all completely by the rules fifth
edition is a thar's guide to everything
I think we used actually the belt of
hill giant strength is because fellow
youtuber Janie Nicholson came down here
to have lunch and hang out and I was
almost done in the last item I had to
come up with was like what's the coolest
died on the chain has and so I just gave
this sounds cool and there were a couple
things a lot more even the last which
was kind of over the top the stuff that
you guys don't pay is just going to be
in party treasure and that means you
guys have access to it but you're not
going to be able to get it in schools do
want scroll I believe
climbing in the Treasury then okay
absolutely but even like role which you
know if they're in junior officers or
just rank and file around they problem
okay so because what I've done is I've
printed out cards with everybody's
titles of grants and what they do so for
instance judge is the leptin master so
these aren't on your character sheet
because they don't belong to your
character they are a title that belongs
to the company if your character dies
you're gonna pass this on to somebody
phil is the lieutenant yeah the
commander the standard bearer and the
staff sorcerer so you guys want to go
around the table and just say and also
Lara's made me a special one you're
everyone's favorite wanker
there's still a huge [ __ ]
especially from Mars thank you
so yeah what is your thing dude I am the
staff sorcerer
I studied The Chronicle during a long
rest and choose a spell and no that can
be cast at higher levels I'm a cast this
spell at one higher level without using
a higher level spell slots does that
make sense
maybe a little bit like a lot of your
spell say hey if you cast this first
level spells aside for the second level
slot it doesn't what stuff yep and that
means you get the benefit of that stuff
without having to the standard if you
fall unconscious after an enemy attack
all members of change within 60 inches
feet sorry can move up to their speed as
a reactions if I go down we can't let
that standard touch the dirt okay so the
lieutenant once per battle is as a
reaction to a senior officer rolling
initiative you may swap two officers
initiative results so officers are all
of us right so if he gets a really good
one and he's really cocky one we want
him to go first exactly that's exactly
right just lets you kind of be like he's
the commander you're the lieutenant you
are sort of more tactical he's more high
level what is the weapon master do the
weapon master when a senior officer
rules damage with a weapon attack they
treat all ones as twos so good roll a
one it's just honestly a two that's only
for weapon attacks yes yeah little the
idea is that judge is just an expert
with weapons and spends his downtime
kind of sharpening things and making
sure you guys have the best weapons the
first place yes I'm the commander as a
bonus action I can choose a senior
officer of the
Chane they may either move their speed
or gain a free melee attack once per
about once per battle that something's
even more slightly warlord II than you
yep all right so I think I threatened
that this was going to be one of that
they pretty kind of cinnamon there's
gonna be a big cinematic quasi railroad
II opening to this but then as we play
over the next like this session in the
next session things are gonna open up
you guys get a lot more freedom in
choice so one of these cameras is up I
think that's the one that people can see
blues light painting painted this is a
Pegasus minis model yeah he did an
amazing job with like the torches the
torches illuminating the walls and the
stained glass is pretty cool yeah we
need to have a light behind there yeah
if there was a light in here yeah that
would be awesome
I have no idea there's no top to this
but it looks like there's a place to put
tops weird all three of these working I
think only the middle is the middle one
is the one that people can watch on the
mainstream I forgot to tell anybody that
we have two streams we literally have
two streams one is the one you're
watching right now MGM the other one is
/ MC d m2 and I think we need to switch
back to the yeah the other ones MC BM -
and that's the stream that is the
overhead camera and all the tactile
cameras and that way if you are
obviously if you're on mobile it's not
gonna be great but if you're on your
computer at home you can be switching
back and forth and minimize or maximize
any window launched and get yeah you
could use simultaneous aim time but the
idea is that it's very limited our
ability to show you what's happening on
the table I tend to run a kind of
tactical game so the second stream is
literally anis I think it's like 15
frames a second or something like that
so it's super low bandwidth this is the
Cathedral of Saint Clement the
and it is the largest building in Black
Bottom and it is probably the last
freestanding Church in all of as Lauria
because the Ajax the overlord destroyed
all the churches and that was actually
quite a white black bottom is a big city
it's one of the biggest cities in vaz
Laurie it's a port city and it's a six
o'clock in the morning it's just after
daybreak and black bottom like you guys
have been all over the world this is a
big city for the locals that live here
but you guys have seen an alloy you guys
have seen the city of brass so this
place is like a hovel to you none of the
buildings are taller than like three
stories it's a big deal to have a
building like this and this is where
this is where the final contract of the
chain begins what was the contract
captain lieutenant this is where you
debrief the rest of the party so we've
been hired we got to assassinate ajax
ajax the Invincibles
his wizard yeah the contradict assessing
his wizard yeah so if you saw on the
opening there was like the contract in
the back oh yeah so you know the wizard
that makes his castle float yeah that
was it and created the war breed that
was okay yeah so okay so we have five
arrows that you were most likely gonna
use mom because I think you're the only
arrow boy that we got and I got
according to the person that gave us the
contract that it'll get through all of
his boards it's made out of the same
stuff as the teeth of Dragon which is
swords we had in write other campaign
yeah that Jess's character ran away with
and we've been hired by Jess the Baron
of the whole wrath who's from the last
campaign and Nicodemus character so we
got later we've been hired by them we've
been hired by them to kill the staff oh
wow so well we know as the chain is that
Ajax has basically been taking out all
civilized life and conquering it and we
kind of had a choice to make what we
were gonna do what side we're gonna be
on the other mercenary company that we
know about is dunzo the tower I think
they're cold yeah
so you know we can either make a stand
now or we can be hunted down yeah this
is something about this like I remember
she said actually yeah you can see it's
the contract you can see the things
names more so what we know is that he's
going to walk out that door at 6:00 a.m.
when the bells toll he's in there being
a priest in this temple they're trying
to switch them over to you worship Ajax
if he's the saint and that also happens
in last campaign so we gotta figure out
what we're gonna do he's gonna be in
there he's gonna walk out this door
that's it when he comes out we need to
come we gotta jump in got it so he's
there's people out here there's there's
guards at the church my suggestion was
that we you know pose as city guards I
don't think it's gonna work for you
because you're a goblin probably not
thinking tells your
so your name in man you're gonna be
sniping anyway most likely with the
arrows so I don't know I assume this is
a building right yeah those are
buildings yeah yeah you can and those
are alleys the black bottom is
notoriously with twisty windy narrow
streets and the volcanoes are buildings
yeah the wards are the wards on him
the boards are on him so he's guarded by
you know don't you have a ton of like
model building something yeah but I
don't wanna block everything so uh yeah
well we'll use that we'll use that in
other scenarios well like if I put a mic
here you wouldn't be able to see what
the hell's going on that's right so Ivan
had a lot of time to figure out tactics
for this obviously got it and here we
are so the only thing I got is that we
come in as city guards so people are
gonna think much of us probably Phil and
I since we're melee fighter type people
we're gonna get up near them we can't
attack him I don't think until you can
land a hit so that's where we can maybe
use your lieutenant ability to make sure
tom has the highest initiative I would
think that we might get some sort of
surprise but who knows if he knows what
we're gonna do
yeah this is us kind of figuring it out
what are these buildings look like they
slanted roof flat-topped
they're slanted roof yeah okay yeah are
there any upper storey windows looking
out onto the street uh yeah there are
yeah all these buildings have these like
private reticent presidencies yeah this
is one of the nice parts of town so it's
as these are these tend to be two-story
building with some three-story buildings
yeah there are people kind of it's very
light traffic it's just added on but
that you know shortly after dawn the
bells are ringing for the first service
so we were given this contract last
night yeah right okay so we've had we've
had time to plan yeah you've had time to
scout the area out and plan yeah I mean
there's maybe like moves maybe like
eight or nine people walking around out
there was somebody setting up a cart
getting ready to sell apples for the
church where the two guards and you said
that he's inside beating up the priest
they're trying to cover their tracks
and not beating okay okay you never know
yeah cuz maybe the because I don't know
if the priest is any power whatsoever
but if so might be inclined to us does
so what is what is the reaction of
people in the city to seeing like horn
head and the Goblin well that's a good
question do you guys walk around like do
you have any aversion to people knowing
who you are there's nothing there's no
law part of it and we're like this is
part of the chain which is a large group
of and we all have like black bottom is
pretty eclectic because of support city
and in fact a lot of people use it to
trade like people who have no trade with
fast Lauria will trade here at black
bottom and as a result you see all kinds
of crazy stuff here okay so you see it's
not unusual like people it's unusual but
it's not like that's never happened so
when people see you first like that and
actually a tea fling is super unusual
and so they'll stop and stare and
whisper afterwards and they'll talk
about demoness and stuff like that but
no one raises a ruckus no one calls the
cops right well no one's are much less
rare I'm just enabling thinking that if
if the street isn't heavily populated
right it's gonna look weird to see so
well I think Tom should be posted up
somewhere where he's gonna have vantage
over there is a heavy fog everywhere on
the ground it's still very early I don't
know anybody's name oh right we should I
know I know nails nails and a judge do
not actually have a name you're just huh
commanders what I'm supposed to be
called the commander so your characters
probably like Heimlich Lars knows what
his character his nickname was before he
became the
character head was red yeah right so
yeah you guys well you guys all remember
him most of you probably remember this
red all right yeah wait so you go by the
commander you go but it goes by the
commander yeah okay there's like in
front of all the rest of the you know
people it would be considered almost
insubordinate yeah so it's like the
commander's the top he tells us
Concannon is it the lieutenant then is
like the next yes sir
like your character actually saved my
dudes life long before so I think you
would know my my character's name sweet
is it what does it weird you out when
does it weird sweet out what other
officers in the chain just refer to man
as a lieutenant or do you prefer to call
okay I think I think he would probably
prefer to be like for his friends to
call has he seen his many I don't think
so did you put your Vinny in your in
your drawer oh yeah yes happened
I want people to see Tommy so yeah what
I was thinking was that it'd be cool if
we could get copper up high off the
street but he's a private residences
well I mean make an investigation show I
don't know if we want to put those in
front of the tactical stream I think
that's team so I got a seven so this
house is much like the other ones it's a
it's a nobles house although keep mind
that a noble go by bottom is like
really nice place but there doesn't
appear to be anybody coming in round you
know there's activity in the other
houses but not in this one so maybe it's
it's well I thought I forgot my mini
that's cool where's where's Leon Thomas
minis dope and that's a mini anime yeah
and and it hit bash that thing together
like 48 hours there was you know mini
like two days ago
okay so then why don't we like at least
during the night you know try to get in
there and get in the house that looks
like it might be oh so then we can sit
copper up in the upper window okay yeah
that sounds good I mean cuz there's
hardly any distance between the front of
the church yeah that's definitely within
shooting range yes one I have the arrows
supposedly have a limited range or they
do so but I mean I'm sure I'm sure
that's fine who's trying to get into the
house this is like technically the
evening before or the we want to get
copper posted up yeah it's about it's a
little after midnight when the commander
and lieutenant show up and say alright
this is the job and the job is basically
alright so I think if you guys are gonna
be breaking and entering
judge is probably gonna be off on the
corner just keeping an eye out and not
really getting involved in whatever that
is we need you not on the street though
cuz people are gonna be drawn to a demon
around right it's gonna be like they
know like so I mean it's uh I guess I
should say that like it's probably been
a couple of days since the chain arrived
in black bottom there's like 360
soldiers that are now in the taverns
some of which are just right down the
street from here so people know the
chain is in town the fact it's not a
secret that you got it's not a secret
that you guys are here and you're it's
not unusual for mercenary companies to
roll into town especially consuming
Black Bottom against a port city and it
just means a lot of opportunity for
people who have to have earns or make
money and they'll jack up the prices and
charge you a lot so the fact is
especially the fact that like you've got
I think all of you have the chain symbol
so you know people know if they see
they're gonna freak out
so people need to be able to see mystery
that's crazy it does look like a
transfer and if it's not that see more I
love them by the way this is this is
Jerry's idea to use regular everyday
smartphones as the tackle of cameras
because tactical cameras because they
are not only really good cameras and
he's got these little stands but they
have a monitor built into them so we can
actually see what you folks see
uncatchable screening and that is yeah
look we had webcams before and you just
we couldn't see what the people what the
viewers are watching alright so yeah you
guys are about six hours to plan and
plot and skiing gotcha so I mean we
don't have any feed rogues do we have
any kind of dispel any thing like that
like what do you have some sort of spell
that we can dispel what there something
like that we don't right now player well
he's got wards and stuff but that's what
the harrows afford well I'm more
thinking of getting into the house the
breaking in in aren't you I can I can I
mean I have the used tools and I is is
picking walks sleight of hand in 5th
edition because I don't have it's a
function of having these tools if you
have these tools then you can make I
think it's a dexterity chef of
proficiency I think actually I think
actually we have low latency chat turned
on yeah I'm curious as to whether or not
we can instead of looking it off if we
can get an answer from chat
that'd be great moderator just went yes
I think it works one of these three ways
it's your dexterity prosper craft as
fast yeah let's go look at that works
I'm a huge believer by the way in
enfranchising chat and trying to make
chat part of the process it's very
difficult we have a couple of ideas one
of which you're gonna see later in the
stream but part of that is just we have
mods the mods know a lot about D&D you
folks know a lot about D&D the wisdom of
crowds means that we might be able to
actually save time at the table instead
of stopping the game to look something
up we could just ask Chad and find out
and it's apparently it's thieves tools
lets you use your Dex poster oceans in
my bar see if I am preferably a back
door if there is one there are side
doors in the back door yeah come like
one in the alley or well also it's it's
super late at night 18:18 is more than
enough though no one in this part of
town has even the noblemen are not used
to basically professional they make sure
it's coming by to try to break into
their house it's a nice lock don't get
me wrong by the way it's a nice lock
can we all five of these need him
before they said they will kill him okay
yeah I mean we brought up that we could
use more than that but that's all we got
okay was the plan that copper and hang
out in this place all night yeah slowly
over time as members of chain dies like
I want to be a goblin just an army of
goblins on display so yeah all right so
we're in yeah it's an it's a it's a nice
house but there are coverings like
sheets over everything and there is a
very very very thin almost unnoticeable
layer of dust somebody's there stairs
Dorian Gray or some [ __ ] there are
stairs up mmm check it out yeah
what do you want we want to get into
that one there's a study like like where
you would relax and have you know coffee
or smoke so stuff like that there's a
huge bay window with I got balcony and
okay so I'm gonna say post up here sure
have you can't watch your back yeah the
cat big cat is a large creature so are
you do you write it into the building or
okay okay so you you ride you ride this
displacer feets into this nobles house
and you can hear it behind you because
there's this noise this cacophony of a
displacement he's just knocking
everything over yeah yeah well I mean
the big cats do her best
yeah it's you know it's not a displace
or be size palace so as a result you can
hear the sound of paintings on the walls
the stairs clattering and falling off
and so you know eventual stealth is not
really common well I think that the can
if we split up but yeah and and if
you're not trying to squeeze through
this is not this is like you know cats
normally like manacles yeah has two
hands six legs basically yeah and so
yeah and it's it once it gets up there
you see you see you're looking you're
looking outgoing is a good place to set
up copper coming up here and yeah copper
is literally riding this thing is head
is scraping the ceiling and he's writing
on the cat pretty low the cat sees you
and the cat just kind of flops down so
what do we what do we didn't get to you
ask questions I asked but now what do we
know about the boards other than that
the arrows are supposed to get thrown
you know that like the chronicle talks
about powerful wizards being able to
ward themselves and that the wards
happen automatically even if the wizard
isn't aware what's going on and they're
defensive but they can also do things
like warts can do things like summon
creatures so the there are lots of
cactus to deal with but they're all and
they all they typically involve a higher
level party like a lot of the encounters
the crop the chain have dealt with
past thousand years that deal with
wizards that hi you're typically higher
level and you can do things like you can
counter their words so it doesn't
actually it sort of assumes that whoever
is reading this is high enough level to
understand how high-level Wizards work
but the idea is they're defensive but
they can do things like summon creatures
or whatever and they go off
automatically the person doesn't even
have to be aware is happening do we know
what this was Ernest traveling Ollie by
the party and if so how many because
you're the one to talk to ladies area I
did not talk to latest Ariel you talk to
ladies Harry off-screen I talk to you
guys what was the question I was
learning how many uh like if the wizard
trapped has to travel alone or the was
are traveling with like a group she said
he probably will be alone ok
the others guards other the church has
I imagine if he's going there trying to
shake up the church that I don't
anticipate them running Tuesday and
unless they've just sworn oh really
fealty right
they might it's true good to see it like
you know the mercenaries causing trouble
yeah I think you know we probably would
have asked for a description of this guy
right sure yeah never seen him well we
didn't have very long in there yeah Matt
do we know any like that yeah I just I
don't have to describe I guess we know
so yeah lady Cyril knows exactly what
the students like even though the other
people with him or just taking her word
for it but Morton looks like nobleman he
dresses and really fine clothes he has a
cape he has a high collared cape and dr.
strange he had was a little it's a it's
a sort of doctor stranger and he wears a
he wears a silver skullcap and he you
know is somewhat notoriously sinister
looking a chapter that wouldn't happen
to be over similar-looking cave it's
gonna wait for the dragon
hike it could be yeah yeah let's Yanks
what was your question and if it was a
cape that we put in the book okay well I
mean he's a Chinese these H accident
visibles wizard he's got lots of magic
yeah I mean dimensioned or can one it
just like you know grab them and jump
through and just never see us again
alright so we know we're gobble we don't
know we know we're copper copper and big
cat are gonna be where the rescue flow
is gonna be alright what are these other
buildings they're also noble girl houses
so are we doing there's a tavern just
right down the street
what was the name of the same for the
church Saint Clement yeah he's a saint
of mouse he's one of the gods of as
Lauren is the god of like knowledge and
craftsmanship so it's my question if I
try to mail them inwards Ward's are
still up do I have a rough idea of
what's gonna happen so he said I
appreciate this as a reference to the
black company in the ambush of the liver
as far as I know that spirits probably
subconscious otherwise it was fun having
Lars reading the black dumping books and
being like okay they finally killed the
liver I was like that's true it's among
the many books you haven't finished
great yeah all right so all right so are
we doing the town guard thing well he
said that we could have been you know
wait time we have leading up through
that we could have gotten some so we're
not out there conspicuously well don't
forget you guys you guys have junior
officers you can rely on although this
is supposed to be top secret so they
probably shouldn't know depending on how
much I wouldn't know we just need some
static questions so I don't think you
guys are going to need this but I have
actually index cards for all of the
junior officers I swim okay so they are
around yeah but I don't expect you to
need them in combat
you just we just have them grab us some
uniforms okay no problem they'll take
care of that yeah so you and I could be
that I love you what you want to do with
your guy schmuck uh well I'm from fast
Laureus so I don't stick out too much no
he looks like a native I don't have
points man I'm ahead six tentacle so am
i but it's us
our colors I don't know you look around
yeah this area straight to me yeah oh
yeah okay yeah yeah well what do you
think lieutenant should I hang outside
and flank him
yeah I think we should just get in our
guards uniforms and sort of mosey around
Lebel act natural yeah and like we'll
hang out down here and then when the
bells start ringing we'll just start
walking no it's not but the the hour is
a holy hour a daily so crawl so when the
bells up with the bells call people to
service so when the bells are these
people are gonna start showing up in it
is it 630 feet is six squares yes so
it's been so long that's right that's
right it's only been a week for you
right but it's been a long time all
right so problem we're gonna be a lot of
stuff once combat breaks out that people
are gonna forget you and get wrong why
you guys were breaking in that place I
was just at the corner of Sharpe Ian
yeah yeah now we need to figure out
warrior where are you gonna be at this
corner and we're gonna fill be within
cuz this is roughly six to get up if we
want to you know charge look I don't
know if we're gonna get surprised or
anything like that
well should be surprised
well like an amateur someone I mean this
and arrows and arrows and am I waiting
from a signal from the commander or
someone or am I just oh I used to be and
that's what's gonna trigger us worried
that people remember my nethack run that
is a
amazingly successful nethack run that
started when I ate my bat gap that's
they're afraid that that's gonna happen
a big pet cat and big cats can I don't
like I mean you guys the guy until this
room is appear
but judge is a kind of intimidating guy
so also judge can definitely carry
himself nobly so if the bells start
ringing if it's about to be Church time
well no that'd be really unusual
well Clement the journeyman and the god
that he has the same time are both super
neutral gods like they are they are he
is a god of craftsmanship all right
and Saint Clement is the god of
apprentices there's a saint of
apprentices so it's it's not you're not
going to get any kind of like for
business you're not gonna get like I'm
not gonna like Emily no you're not gonna
sell family Nakada there's not gonna be
any sense of like good or evil coming
from this church okay from judges point
of view it's gonna be a completely
neutral place yeah because the thing is
one of the reasons it's still standing
because the only thing is I'm worried
about it's like if I grab him and try to
do something to them in the wards fire
off that might be bad news for me
well we we definitely need him to start
with the arrows because the arrows are
what are going to take down the wards so
we can't like we're going to get [ __ ]
wrecked if we do anything before an
arrow hits so Tom misses were kind of in
trouble I'm gonna get ya give me some
work well maybe so then maybe either
judge could be like sort of around the
corner on the side on the side of the
thing could be inside like the front
door and brush out the front door well I
guess let's let's take one step
you're a custom thing I have no idea
what you can do so you're punch the [ __ ]
out if you touch things but like what so
like say you're gonna come in and get
attacked what what is the thing that
you're gonna do to make you be the most
effective like I said I'm gonna punch
the [ __ ] out of this ass no but like so
for here on here I'll start I'm gonna go
up and I'm a battle master so I'm gonna
use one of my maneuvers which is goading
attack try to get in to focus on me
so you guys can get advantage that kind
of yeah that's cool because if if you
get if we can set it up so that I have
advantage then I can do haymakers which
will give me maximum die damage okay but
I guess I get I get hurt I get fired
Wow yeah but yeah I get disadvantaged on
hand makers but you know we could cancel
it out like yeah okay yeah
what's your chance to hit with your
punches like a seven I got a plus eight
plus a it's pretty good
yeah my I also I can I can do three
punches I believe Wow because I get I
get an extra attack I connect attack
twice instead of once whenever you take
attack action and then I also have
where's it at the old one-two is a
couple of you have to careful with it
like actually I might be able to do so
Tom what do we have for you like what
can we do anything to improve your
chance - oh just condone at the bar know
a little Eric again I was just gonna
mention it okay okay so part of my yeah
uh well that's the that's that's the no
okay I just call it monster tamer
yeah monster tamer so yeah I could be
wrong but I think I can do four so one
of the one of the abilities that I have
is Kenai if I don't move on my turn as a
bonus action I can make a wisdom check
against an enemy and if I get that one
mark if I get one mark on them I'll get
advantage on my next attack yeah so I
could do the bus as long as you don't
yeah you can use your bonus action to
mark the guy so on so one end you can
immediately shoot it with your actual if
I if I make this yeah but then you're
yeah so if I do that just one mark over
I can yeah advantage um I think I'm a
ways back so I can I can't give you an
extra attack there's a bummer man I do
have to tax oh you okay the first one
will have an advantage if I make
destroyed and then that one that
consumes the market yeah I definitely
want to be within 30 feet of this guy to
be able to do I think almost all of my
stuff so you're if you're here one
two three four five six so your your one
or two away from well maybe I should be
over by the pillar kind of over here
direction kind of opposite of how your
nails in here just chillin like a
yeah I just got there like the way the
the heel kicked up on it you're you're
gonna try to get it closed we're gonna
try to get advantage schmuck what are
you gonna do when you comes out the door
well we'll see what happens I think I
need to wait until one of these arrows
hits well no absolutely but we're like
it's gonna be that we're gonna plan to
basically we're going to set up our
action so he comes out of the door Tom
gets a shot and Tom taking a strop it's
gonna be what I don't have intentionally
so I don't have you think I would but my
mini collection is somewhat random I
don't have you peasant peasant minis
these guys are just random Gargas though
yeah but there's not this many cards
right so these are just random peasants
there's actually guys setting up a cart
right here selling apples right there
I'm eyeing those apples are not couches
yes setting up or is he selling he's
setting up he's getting ready for the
bells to ring people to show up yeah
if this were we should like that way you
don't think what I said was you
sacrifice all
if you did that if you sacrifice to
language then you guys know the secret
language of the chain
okay okay so okay so what I'm gonna do
fireballs bolts so just FYI this is one
of the first times table is ever played
D&D V battle so it's no surprise do
there's miscommunication we're figuring
stuff out that's normal sure okay well I
guess I mean
whenever he comes out after that words
go down flowers oh nice okay yeah I know
that does all right well I mean they've
seen this before what is it you're
talking about doing burning hallo mmm I
gift an enemy with a fiery halo that
infects their mind with infernal
thoughts causing them to see allies as
enemies so I choose a creature and they
have to succeed on the charisma saving
throw against peeny which good luck and
while under my sway a halo of fire
floats above their head and they have to
use I basically use my action and I am
them and they are just using their
allies I had an immediate I thought I
look like Billy the Blue Ranger but
Marcy's alright
we need a solution but I'm glad Jason
was still here there boo this is really
nice dude the disgrace actually actually
it's not a crap see what I've got a
pretty beefy deception bonus so as I
walk by I'm just gonna give him one of
the old listen I just pocket his pocket
you're gonna he's gonna steal an apple
that he couldn't pay for he's got plenty
of money he's got but he just wants to
steal kinda like barter with the guy
I'll wait [ __ ] away philosophy back so
this guy's probably yeah like Oh badass
women - shouldn't the partners parts are
close to LA where there's about to be a
wizard bail that's true that's what he
gets your moment a snake again yeah yeah
whenever one of town's turned into a
bunch of bunnies okay that's what I get
so we're just going for long as you get
back answer the question Lars can I go
refill my water is then crazy [ __ ]
that's gonna go down stand by guys
question while we're waiting no so it
says do you not want me to turn you may
use your bone section to make a wisdom
persist perception check against an
enemy the DC is 8 plus hit enemies hit
die if you are successful you have
parked to be so huh I'm actually
confused how does it maybe that sounds
like something combined from something
else no keep the keen eye so jealous
that you guys were actually able to use
the character you don't know what the
deuce is that's normal okay like when
you attack
so but what is it same thing it's a
number I have is it comparing what is it
about well you you make a rule do you
make a with some perception shadow
Wizards one - tyrant at all their PCP
basically basically you think it's their
level a higher level they are the harder
it is for your Thor yeah yeah of course
so it's all on you Tom I try to use the
phone you come here versus but even if
that doesn't work and this guy is too
high level which is entirely likely even
this guy is way too high level for that
ability to work they're still the best
archer in the chain yeah they use it
that's a shame
why isn't it whisper wizards and five
four fires the bells ring yeah all right
no I apologize for the crudity of the
model I didn't have to actually scale
yep as it turns I didn't have time to
build it just Galen I get a payment so
the doors open after the bells ring and
a priest comes out and the ramón's of
Saint Clement to the journeyman you give
me what I'm just listening raptly
okay and someone very closely matching
the description of Ajax's arch wizard
mortem walks out and he and the priest
are smiling and having wrapping up some
kind of conversation and he notices the
apple cart and it's like he's gonna it's
like it's like and more time kind of
claps his hand on the priests shoulder
and the priests kind of you know but
then that's sure yeah yeah please don't
kill me and they're gonna go buy apples
unless somebody does something okay work
the I know I don't know if we're waiting
for no wait for so I assume I assume
yeah that you're ready in action yeah
yeah you're you're sitting now stand in
the window okay so then that means its
mission okay
I need a little tape too it's not great
I got 14 just want to point out oh by
the way if my plan was to play for like
an hour and a half take a break play for
like an hour a 15 15 awesome entre 17
years so I think he has the highest so
probably want to make sure Tom goes
yep that's why we will use my reaction
as a it's a senior officer well yeah
standby because his things gonna happen
immediately like a sumo guy walks out
his ready to action is gonna yeah oh oh
he gets it he gets a free shot I see
okay okay and then you guys you guys
have surprised and I forget how
surprised works in fifth edition I think
consult the chat yeah I think well let
me say what I think Italy you guys have
advantage on attacks I think is what it
boils down to and I think maybe they
don't get to act but I don't member by
McKean I'm sure somebody watching knows
how it works yeah I figure I can see the
discord keeping or typing oh crap
I have ever video you guys I'll just get
a free round if I'm at okay yeah what
did you get 17
and copper it's 2:15 I just posted it
did you all get your spell cards
yeah I'm looking over that well you have
a lot of spells that there's no parts
yeah that's true I was like I need spell
cards for this because uper curious I
hope people have had access to yes man
I'm really glad we're playing D&D again
yeah super [ __ ] glad we're doing this
I just suddenly overwhelmed with
yeah just like it's just I think the air
conditioning just kicked on so it's cool
so tis well a few water bottles are
actually also I forgot to thank Mary
McLain for the overlay this is all art
from strongholds and followers so it's
not obvious it's not themed for the
chain it's from our book I think it a
war theme for the chain did just took
that and turn it into an overlay with
some help maybe cereal death yeah lady
the lady circles original player helped
us take our our books layout and turn it
into a stream overlay which i think is
dope as hell and i'm looking at right
now and is super [ __ ] impressed with
how with the wall and jerry call the
animations to work and everything and
people are suggesting stuff i'm seeing
this in chat already people are saying
oh it'd be nice to see like the names on
the characters on stuff we will do all
that stuff we listen to your suggestions
this is our first stream doing this the
next one will be better and then one
you know that if anybody's still
watching you'll notice a lot of
improvements alright so I'm gonna give
you a free like you get to go okay and
then initiatives so go ahead and do what
you're gonna do copper so as my bonus to
action its yeah top o copper yeah yeah
I will use my bonus action mmm Kinari
yep okay gonna make a so perception
wisdom procession I'm gonna give you
advantage on this because he does not
know that you're there okay so I wrote
to 1919 wait nineteen-year-old 15% of
bonuses don't you have plus plus five on
your perception this would be to hit I
think so total it's always that would
mean he would have to it would work if
he were like eleventh level it's it's
weird the way he you don't seem to get
any kind of you know he sees he's
somehow moving in such a way that does
not present weak points do you can still
shoot him stay there but yeah he hasn't
made it it's confidence and started yet
so you haven't seen how he behaves in
combat so we haven't got a read on where
exactly is the best place to shoot man
okay well yes more than as far as you
know in Mortimer Xena
so yeah you can't it doesn't it doesn't
be seems like you're not getting a read
on okay I will shoot them okay here we
go yeah this is actually a pretty
standard ambush like if we were did to
the fact that this is the start of the
this is a this is kind of an embossed
your putt to shoot yeah I know I feel
like I feel like you have literally been
well you've been to the house I have to
make sure I have been nice okay we all
get to go as a tourist so he doesn't
know you're there I would say that's I
would say considering this is a surprise
attack so there's just yeah so I mean it
may be that just Kenai is something that
doesn't really become useful until
combat starts so in situation like this
well you already have a drop on them
you're a dead man okay so now I'm using
my lord arrow you're the red arrow the
red area or zone of the watch or red
arrow prompts so I have a question yes
who has those five arrows I mean you
have all five of them
I have crossbow so what I have taken one
would you give me my crossbows Firebolts
oh there you go they're called they're
just called the red arrows I have one
ever sent I'm gonna use it I feel like
maybe ego just is overkill okay I'm
gonna use one all right 21:21 well that
would serve
Stanley so at this point at this point
several things happen in rapid
succession okay yep aha we did that so
the arrow you all see the red arrow go
like a dart and smack into Morgan's
shoulder and spin him around for a
second and the Bishop of st. Clement the
gentleman freaks out and takes a step
back but then it seems almost as though
mortem changes and his cloak and his
finery start to transform almost like
there was like armor underneath it no
ward seems to go off but the process of
this armor revealing itself continues
until eventually he realized he is
literally transforming himself in front
of you and it's not morning it's
somebody else it's a brass dragon man
well that is not the right mini egg but
it's a large not literally large but
large as a Nadine D large but a huge
Dragonborn paladin brass skin so it's
not dude that's the dude that killed the
other the killed killed the King King
omens yeah yeah he's got this he's got
this kind of this black well so we all
know this but this is the guy who killed
a good king omens look at his version of
this wizard yeah there was dragon fate
Lance's of every color but he is the one
who'd be traded the others know there
was a hole there was a hole bronze
dragon flight yeah and they hate this
guy yeah oh so he's a bit like a
defector yep mmm-hmm we need to get our
buddies from the last campaign so he's
got this huge smile on his face right
and he looks right up to the window but
before anything else can happen the sun
goes out oh geez
it gets dark okay because this giant
structure Oh God it blocks out the Sun
goes and it makes a sound like it's a
it's a sound you'll never forget it
makes the sound that sound it's just
like womp and there's this massive
floating city hovering over black bottom
that is casting the shadow it takes a
couple of seconds for your eyes to
adjust and you realize all the sun's not
out it's just that we can't see it right
and from this floating citadel come
hundreds of giant Hawks [ __ ] and oh
yeah floating platforms it's hundreds
hundreds of la-5 hundreds of giant
Eagles people on them come streaming out
of this giant Citadel I mean this thing
could be as large as black bottom it's
hard to see how big it is from down here
you're just looking at the underside
with dirt and stone the roots and stuff
growing out from appearing you know
around here up here about you know what
is that 60 feet up in here is a figure
you have only heard described well holy
[ __ ] wait is that Ajax I don't think
you've ever seen Ajax a invincible but
that Saint Ajax now but that certainly
matches the description he has huge
wings that beat slowly and give him the
flight that he has he is basically as
you see him yes he has blond hair he's
got blue eyes he looks kind of a philip
of macedon look to him the Cape so did
that guy yeah and as he descends this is
the cutscene by the way I apologize for
your combat but this is the setup as he
descends everyone in the area is
overwhelmed all the citizens many of
them are cowering some of them have
fallen to their knees unsure of what's
going on the Bishop of st. clement is
looking up at ajax an AJAX sees him and
sees Mandrake and looks back at the
bishop and says again the piece that I
have sacrificed so much to bring is
disturbed he looks at the bishop and
says Bishop Ives I know you had nothing
to do with this your life will be spared
your church on the other hand and the
hawk Lords fly over in each of these
giant Hawks is carrying a massive like
super cannonball and they each just
dropped cannonball after cannonball as
you can ball and they smash into the
church and it basically disintegrates
huge pieces of masonry go flying off
pieces of glass go shattering everywhere
the buildings over here all fall apart
so just big metal bowling balls yeah but
they're like they're like they're like
they're massive yeah they're like you
know artillery fire right world war one
level artillery fire I know where did
you get these yeah explosion of people
on those two you can see if it's that
little fiber-optic stuff and let's see
he yeah just you see the church being
demolished these buildings being
destroyed and Ajax's voice seems
supernaturally loud like everybody in
this entire city block can hear him when
he speaks and as the church is
disintegrating he says rebellions are so
tedious but they must be taken seriously
and he makes a gesture with the jade Han
this is his turn he is he uses the jane
hand and the swirling vortex in fact it
looks a lot like the hunger of Heydar
except instead of cold and stars it's a
hell it's dope yeah it's a dope-ass
thing again
blues light painting hope I hope I know
that the when the stream starts there's
a whole bunch of people watching and
then over time they're like oh it's just
a bunch of nerds playing Dean I hope
they stuck I hope you stuck around for
this because I think it's a forge world
vineyard sometimes some company that
makes I think I don't member it's some
company that makes hated by our friend
blue slight pain this swirling vortex
about and he's literally like that big
opens over about you know thirty feet in
the air and from it is deposited lit up
with this huge all its fat jiggling this
giant demon you smell brimstone and fire
and you can hear for a moment as the
thing opens these howling Souls
and closes up and Ajax says realm and do
something about this William and the
demon is in the middle of eating
something intestines are going to call
hajikko okay boss mmm-hmm it's like you
got any preference and Ajax is like
dealer's choice and a creature when
someone gets to act and he's gonna
attack somebody one two three four all
I'm gonna read will sixes but I assume
I'm gonna make an executive decision one
two three four five six
well you're the commander you are the
commander I had a sea of three four well
we're not fighting this right rel we
need two reaches out and it looks almost
as though the hand that he has that has
just all these entrails itself are
wrapping around the commander I'm
starting firing as to how the applecart
business is doing I'm a simple Apple
cellar yeah
you take 40 points of damage yeah you
stole our you survived holy [ __ ] you
still alive alright so people are
running screaming but it's now your
actions Anna what does Judge do oh it's
my turn
yep so fYI the commander is grappled and
lifted and he's being crushed by these
entrails the twist and screw around him
and you can see his head sticking out as
one of them wraps itself around his neck
you can see one arm sticking out but he
doesn't care to have a lot of motion and
I need to get you that super glad they
were me they were made for the Wizards
though yeah that's why I'm thinking that
I don't think I'll use on anyone else
cuz it's for like the only information
we got is that they were for to take
down his boards I mean we could try it
but we got four I don't want our
contract is to kill that guy yeah like
we already lost one because it's on him
so sorry yeah some headshot was like
lieutenant there's four hit points yeah
fill your four hit points this is what
we just got from chat you are four hit
points away from a battlefield promotion
and then we all rise and not interdict
that's a completely different there yes
interdict again interdict yeah interject
it means to get it means to me needs to
get in the way of something you want me
to leave I want you to because you were
so nauseous are you gonna die I probably
am going to die but I'm grappled my foot
but you are also going
also I should say that this is largely
just like body language and because this
is so quickly
yeah but also you guys know each other
so well that just a glance okay a lot
okay so so how are we gonna work this
out so yes you're gonna toss me the
thing before I do my thing well I'm
gonna get I'm gonna get the turn but I'm
good on my turn I'm going to prop and
I'm get a second wind and well what
would what would dropping I don't think
you can drop the arrow like you're
you're you'd have to break the gravel
like this thing this thing is your your
not your only only tiny parts of your
body are visible like you can let go of
it but it's not gonna fall it's wrapped
I'm gonna try something you know
so with grapple I thinking you need to
make some sort of save well yeah I mean
strap a warrior or a fighter my
precision so you could probably break
out of that yeah maybe the thing is I
think I could do something that he will
not be able to do well against boldly
that will cause him to give it a shot in
real well bless as he as he holds you in
his hand and as you twist and try to
communicate with the weapon master he
pulls you closer and says I like
officers so whenever I do my billfold
Internet yeah okay
it says it's a bonus section but I print
a spell slot with it yeah
does that mean I can do this is a better
section for my spell slot and then
actually use my real action and still
burn a spell slot to do something else
depends on what that something else is
probably okay I just want like in a
single turn I'm very multiple spells
yeah there's no there's no research in
you can't cast multiple spells but there
are resources you can burn spells lots
of different things okay so what I'm
gonna do first is as a bonus action is
it whenever says price spells what is it
always just a first level spells or does
it take you so few usually like you can
do to make it stronger or something
anyway this is a little different it
works basically like a paladin's divine
smite they stuff like that okay got it
okay so I'm spell slot to place a seal
on relic yeah that'll be there okay so
one of the things I was gonna have liked
but hey this guy's way too big for that
usually a magnetic disks usually is and
put them under the miniature but yeah so
you put a seal on this guy yeah okay
it's a symbol I think only you can see
so I'm gonna do that and then as my cool
action I'm going to cast or no actually
it's not even a cast it's just it's my
invoke authority that I can do get some
architect of ruin you are different
experts and tell them you [ __ ] jinx
me so I choose a target so I choose
if they're Curt's compel the credulous
so if their charisma is less than mine
they must make a wisdom save and if they
feel that say if they attack their
closest ally if they're Christmas equal
to or higher than mine their ability has
no effect I believe that their wisdom
saved is against my my spell DC probably
we haven't what my printer does print
double-sided by the way well you just
have to know you have to know that hey
and you have to know how to do it but
yeah okay so he needs to make a wisdom
save of 16 okay
he does he does huh
how can he be so wise he is an extra
planer Demon Lord he has super high
stats sighs is he just rolled like all
of Matt's deeds I don't think you can
let go of it but it's not clear that
it's gonna drop anywhere it's just gonna
get lost in in the entrails of whatever
extra plane or creature he was pieces on
am I am i within like if I move am I
gonna invoke opportunity where are you
can't even see where you are at the
pillar of weight where the church was
between was uh how you don't think so
cuz he's currently grappling Lars
oh no yeah you might from Ajax no not
from Ajax okay but you're not you're
you're not close enough for rel to do it
okay in that case I'm gonna scream Tom
do you want to just move me towards you
guys up six squares that's out of town
this way that way or those welcome to
the applecart game hahaha
Oh Yankee he might get ya opportunity
yeah what are the guards doing right now
well it's not they're actually up but
they're freaking actually that mean
kickball initiative for them mm-hmm who
is it freaking out at this point well
you know what this is the apocalypse
wait did you just run right past dragon
dude I'm sorry I got the initiative
screwed up tonight I got the initiative
yeah Anna does not have a shitty nails
my first I will fix that door yeah did I
remember haps the dragon guy in that was
the dragon I'm gonna whack me okay
yeah Mandrake will get a free attack on
you if you run costume okay I guess
either you have to run past him or the
big guy are you gonna run past them well
you already used your action okay so use
your bonus action that was the thing I
just say it against that was no that was
the seal okay he's gonna steal on cry
okay I was gonna I was trying to find a
way if it user actually to disengage but
yeah I use action to try and do the
thing to UM make him attack an ally okay
why don't you go this way and you're not
gonna get a tax opportunity I mean I
guess that's true yeah I could go that
way instead and then try to get up into
the building
oh man I mean we know we're pretty sure
that that's that guy the sword looks
like it he's gonna [ __ ] your day up okay
so I was here yes
I have an airplane mode I need to turn
it off
I'm know if I like I've always found
that especially in this day and age
especially if it's not you're turning
this in combat and it's late and people
are just like what use their phone to
check Stanford right right now I just
looked up what up ocean of climbing did
yeah look things like that my friend
Brian like is watching and he sent me
like a million texts so that was
supposed to be so what happened was Tom
was supposed to go first and he wasn't
supposed to go first aha and then judged
it so I screw that up I apologize I'll
figure out this teeny game one of these
days so for some sort of CeCe I'm sorry
did you move I I didn't the other way
yeah cuz I don't want to but I don't get
that opportunity from the bronze dragon
board good nails it too well all I could
think to do is like I mean I'm not gonna
be able to the best I could do is like
maybe irritate him enough to like turn
around I think she's gonna try and kill
both of us
crowd control I have fear oh but I don't
imagine that I can make a demon afeard
of me just remember the light or you can
double booked it yeah if you if you use
your action right and then you one of
the things you can do with your action
is you can convert your movement into
movement that doesn't provoke a tax
opportunity so if you need to get out
and you need to run past somebody who
might otherwise be able to black you you
need to use your action to make sure
that does that make sense so that's what
just happened to Hannah what just happen
Ana was she wanted to grunt past
Mandrake and but she was like well he's
gonna get an attack of opportunity on me
because I can't run past him without and
ignore him right and in order to run
past him and the defensive buzzer do it
takes her action and she'd already use
so that's the trade-off is you can try
something but then if it fails whether
it succeeds or fails if you want to move
past any of these people they might get
a free attack on you gotcha this is
actually he's selling apples pants I'm
selling apples now he's now he's
drumming animals in the soil drawers
business but it turns out it's a
seller's market all right well let's see
I realized this Hobson's choice well I'm
wondering is do our guys
so so I think I think I'm [ __ ] and I
think we did not worry about me and if
you know playing in character I think
that would be the thing so what I'm
gonna do now is because I had my bow out
intending to shoot I don't know if
Matt's gonna let me do this but I'm
gonna actually try to shoot into where
Thomas so Tom can recover the arrow and
leave I don't know if it's gonna work
after it's been shot once but I don't
see what else we got
I can use my Hobbit you know what else
we're gonna do with it and I can use my
action shirt to heal a little bit but he
just did 40 points of damage to me so
even if you throw it like here I can I'm
gonna go downstairs yeah we'll see we'll
see on my turn where I might do it but
that's all I can thank you well you're
gonna want to try for a treat from the
graphics but that's gonna take my action
so I see
since our thing is we complete the
contract you're right I should try I
need to get that back to you guys
because you she hasn't really liked
charisma she just blew it on that tom is
also for this but he can't do anything
you could try to shoot him but I don't
think we're gonna kill this guy at level
5 the job was to kill um more than the
warden or to thank you guys immortal and
we got our job yep and I'm [ __ ] so
playing a character if I can hit him
with fear and succeed he will drop you
that'd be awesome
what's the safer here is it wisdom
he is a really good wisdom like my
that's good that's good money means it
was like a 20% chance anybody could say
yeah so I mean it depends how it rolls I
mean you get you're activating your
movement you're not that far from off
the board so you're actually yeah like
you're five or six will get you off the
board so you could do it then book it it
is worth a shot yeah I'm going to you
might be an arranger yeah I'm gonna move
well if you do that you're not able to
get out of there
what laura's is kind of planning your
movement yeah and he's saying if you
want to move your max movement that way
to get out then just stay then spending
ten feet moving that way won't get you
off the map in other words if you move
ten feet that way to cast the spell you
won't have enough movement left over to
get off the map as well our society well
you get close enough to try and cast
this so don't you go for walk right in
front of but I can go there and then I
can I can split move and attack and I
can we actually got together I think you
were here with this we got together with
Tom and just ran a couple danger about
calls because he's never little went
okay I was like okay Tom don't you get
your ass kicked I mean technically yes
yeah like also yeah yes it was super
useful he thinking some stuff out and
learn how to use the spells and learn
some tactics and stuff I have not been
using thirty Jerry am i safe to use the
the players thing to change in issues
and stuff it could be one back if you
want sure okay thirty oh sorry I'm
counting him no you're right yeah I'm
mistaken if I hate your comes are
schmuck okay I can run initiative from
here and having that change and since
I'm the one that calls initiative anyway
so you're gonna cast a spell great yeah
I sneak up behind him and I gaze at his
humongous warty ass
phrase over me and I can tell it to fear
me okay go ahead and make a second mark
off the spell oh what's the DC 15 it was
worth a shot
yeah do you what what do you have
movement left I do have my left - you
look ugly so that's five ten fifteen to
get forty work you were here right yeah
we're here
20 25 30 and it is hey your grapple
should I just like I'm not gonna I mean
I'm I'm one of the senior officers here
I'm not just gonna drop drop these guys
panic this guy tries to panic and falls
on his ass nice this guy panics the
applecart someone starts trying to drag
his car his oxen have run but he's
trying to pull slowly pull his apple
cart from what's happening and you know
the hawk Lords are continuing to bomb
the city they haven't stopped
oh they're bombing the city okay I'm not
just bombing no yeah well rebellions are
you know tedious but they have to be
yeah all we did was shoot an arrow at
that guy yeah and he's wrecking the
whole city because of that well seems a
bit suspicious Wow well maybe we were
set up over let's see it's like somebody
calling you poopoo head and then you
I mean look look at this [ __ ] cape
dude he's obviously how dare you
those are fighting creases no one calls
me that part of this cave yeah you
should be on your turn shouldn't i five
be king
certainly my emperor of the world no
what's that I said look at that guy
shouldn't he be the Emperor world yeah
he definitely thinks he deserves a
Warhammer many isn't it I think it is
but it's got it's got a unique head in a
unique hand I think yeah but it is a it
is a straight-up there was somebody in
shirt was but somebody and Chad went
during a hex dream I was talking about
getting a I described what Ajax looked
like and I got a whole bunch of really
good suggestions and this was I want to
get like a 75 millimeter mini and just
to make them look like right it wouldn't
be to scale but to impress people but
yeah I think that's that is literally
what Ajax looks like like he looks like
a noble leader his blond hair blue eyes
he looks like you know the hero of the
people not these people these people are
all going to die but but some people
some great all right so that will come
oh I'm covered big guy so I'm gonna move
and I don't know how much I can move
with Wow that's the same I can see you
gonna use your for now no this one turns
out to be a bad idea you're gonna use a
mouse move it
so basically actually I think we make an
animal handling check me and Anna
Landing check and you can command your
mount to move its movement and that's
your movement okay I didn't know if
there's a Oh Carter something there's
yes he has to make a check to have his
animal key while he's riding his annal
he has basically like a riding check and
it doesn't take an action right but if
he's not if he's not in tune with his
animal then it's only gonna move 30 feet
which is but if he's if he's being a
good writer if he's kind of good at
being a ranger
Pet dude and then he will get his pets
full movement which is 60 feet nice
which is quite a lot and if you fail
they just don't movers no no no if you
fail you just move through you got it
okay the question is are you good enough
are you a good skilled enough
to be able to what you said [ __ ] off
yeah uh best ranger alright okay
or was it hey hey hey hey I'll try this
dice against you in NY and the couple
does looks like a it's not hard it's not
nine nine is not good you look at 30
feet of movement and you're right in
your back um how do i how do you get up
from there yeah well you have a couple
of options you can either have big cat
leap right out of the window which in
your experience would be no problem for
big cat Oh bacon has six legs they are
you could try to go backwards down the
stairs and get out the front door or
they door yeah with a side door which
would be probably the rest of your
movement and then some no I'll jump if
it's if he's if it's I guess if he's he
can he's like a cat he can hit make a
safe or not okay absolutely does does
does he have any skills probably not
he's but creatures have creatures have
skills like people proficiencies so it's
same like the middle section Tom after
the stats after the list of stats where
it says strength X underneath that would
say skills if there were dark vision
passive person okay so go se go ahead
and make go ahead and make a yeah go
ahead make a dex check and add +3 to it
okay yeah plus we could get some mercury
in 25 min in the sea what if they're
weighted 28 no problem yeah so you're
able to you're able to leap out of the
where do you want to win right here yeah
no problem no problem okay senior
officers of the chain you all see Connor
odd big cat come bursting out and
and just like a you know a cat always
lands on its feet and the tentacles are
waving and because and then I'm gonna
move this way all right you move you
move that way and as you as this thing
slinks along its legs don't seem to be
moving very quickly but it's got six of
them almost like a spider and as it goes
by realm it turns us did you have a cat
he rides around so you make your cat I
don't question your apparently you can't
quite the checkbook copper at mercury it
would dissolve it that would be a
terrible way to find out
thank God for chat letting me know you
can't put copper mercury because how do
you like is this way definitely not it's
now a liquid when I when I bought it on
the little description it says like one
of the questions was will turn green
after boxes copper yes yes it well so
you know what they say about their any
pennies where those have been so I'm not
quite done no don't you have another
view an action or if you want yeah you
have you have three more red arrows time
I feel like they told specifically this
is for excuse me that's my emotional
support displace of these this is
working great I can't tell if these are
comments from chat or their from the
moderators but I love getting the
getting the comments from chat it's my
emotional support displacive basin I'm
not gonna use my arrow I think I'm
trying snaring strike to stop him from
moving did we specifically need all of
these arrows I mean we got game is five
we got we got that one in four states
Isaiah five bullets and once we're out
of those bullets we're [ __ ] and we
can't complete the job when they took
the job you know was a half work with
them and the half work said that five
arrows was a waste of Oreos because they
were only gonna get much that sounds
like Nicodemus
yeah five boroughs is a waste of forums
cuz you only get one shot well so no I
don't think we should know all right I'm
wondering now if I should try because we
got one leg has one in his bot in his
shoulder oh it actually wound him no
because he was [ __ ] smile and after
he got hit based on the description
okay but it's like in I'm still yeah
okay it's probably like the if you know
their true name thing and it's edge
tonic or something I think he's just
using disguise self or something you
probably like anticipated like the
wizard real wizard probably can't risk
going out like on his own so they
probably just send somebody who they
know can like you know [ __ ] shouldn't
shut up if he gets attacked yeah I mean
you could get a shot off far away what
you were gonna
oh yeah um I guess he's probably pretty
strong it's a strength save I mean I
think he did 40 damage to me so yeah I
don't think I'm stuck starin i KITT just
gonna be a waste
yeah you might as well that's right if I
gotta lose the body it's a bad guy in
like 16 that is correct that's pretty
typical Matthew 100% I'm a big believer
in recycling
I recycle all the PCs and the bad guys
some of those bad guys are still kicking
our ladies are still kicking around
I use my bonus action I take an apple
like the tentacles reach out a new piece
grab one apple and one tentacle ferries
it up to you yeah yeah cats don't like
apples all right that was a Tom it's now
a little transaction oh you've gotta get
used to do this through [ __ ]
I don't know first stream who dis look
at this figured out tell me how the Java
love lightning works yeah somebody throw
it you're gonna burn it like you're not
gonna get it back so yeah when you throw
it it turns into a bolt of lightning
bases yeah but if then it's gonna stick
into something and we don't recover it
it's gone I think you can throw it and
not say the command word and then it's
just normal javelin but otherwise if you
throw it and say the command word it
turns into I'm just doing this from
memory it turns into a lightning bolt
okay do it but you do have to physically
recover it it's not like magic no
correct when you early enough the
command transforms only buliding five
feet wide hundred twenty feet long each
creature the line so it can affect many
people must make a very reasonable DC 13
Dec save and take 46 lightning half as
much on a safe it turns back into a
javelin we were used as the target you
make a ranged weapon attack on a hit
counts as a magic also might kill the
commander it doesn't you said it was
five feet you said it was five feet wide
Boston Oviedo says the lar should play
the applecart I mean it's not it's not
it's indiscriminate damage right I mean
could potentially kill the cow like why
is my skin feeling worried I was like oh
that's not really my skin that's why I
got the other thing because my hands
just got destroyed by building that
house anyway like we would we would try
to save the captain yeah I don't I don't
think that's the case I think please we
complete the job but like you say
company man but that's again that's not
I mean I'm the only one here to read the
black company but that's not the contest
and he tries to give you know drop off
the chest somewhere they can get it but
he's [ __ ] and he you know he does what
he can but he's [ __ ] and he crashes
that magic carpet then he dies but I
have four health I'm grappled by this
thing Ajax is right here
the night's right there mm-hmm [ __ ]
like you're not dead yet yep you're
right I have four hit points but I mean
we were in your experience does the
lieutenant leave people behind
in my experience the lieutenant
completes the job and the job is done
here well he can't get your yeah no I
mean I drop my dude doesn't leave people
if you read my backstory you'd know that
that's your action
come get me dude I'm just trying to
think of what I mean I think the javel
javelin of lightning is a chance to drop
it mm mm you uh I mean I might be
sacrificing it well I can recover if you
know these guys you brought up two
infested buttcrack yes face it right at
me in real life well there's no there's
no there's no facing in D&D so we could
turn them around if you haven't seen the
Magister you we're just talking about
character can I can I is it a religion
check is like being a tiefling [ __ ]
I want to Knievel's I want to kind of
get an idea like if this guy's up
killing the commander like do we have
some [ __ ] to worry about like is he
gonna try and like you know resurrect
him against this kind of thing yeah that
would definitely be a religion sir okay
fourteen it's certainly I mean they'll
have the commander's soul baking them
yeah and what if somebody else kills
well that's a good question I don't
think I don't think this you don't
you're if you roll higher you might get
a clear answer but for what you rolled I
think that
you know certainly if this demon kills
the commander then if this demon kills
the commander then they're gonna have
the commander soul and what they do with
that you're not sure but they can use it
to fuel things they might be able to use
it to bring him back and make him a tall
they might learn everything the
commander knows about the about the
chain well that kind of but you don't
know that bill right actually a judge
could explain that talking takes no time
but it's up to you whether or not yes
what would judge what would judge chain
sign to the lieutenant like kill
commander save soul it's up to up to
Phil have a lieutenant enter what's that
I think that's this is do I know this is
not the done thing but this is [ __ ]
cool yeah my guys been around like he's
been around you can have other planes
and you've been doin to the world below
so I don't think I mean he's not gonna
just be like oh that's [ __ ] right
absolutely knows that kind of stuff can
have yeah Plus judge is kind of the
local expert on fiends and demonology
and stuff like that like judge is a
paladin of Asmodeus right so a judge
talks about it yes yeah judge judge is a
paladin of Asmodeus yes so then so
looking at this guy yeah I just got a
link to the TV Tropes shoot the hostage
I don't know I don't know I mean I think
I don't think my character would expect
that we could kill this thing all right
no but might you try to do whatever you
could desperately right well I'm trying
to I'm thinking okay so based on the
circumstances what would be what would
he think is the most prudent thing to do
right would it be to kill the commander
so he doesn't get his soul eaten by a
demon was it yeah or like try to hurt
the demon but you guys haven't even
heard the demon yet
I mean the only chance there is is that
möhippa demon and somehow he drops the
guy yeah well you're just even if you
hit me with the Lightning you're just
gonna knock me unconscious you're not
gonna doing it you have to do it's like
what three times my hip points to kill
me how much boys doing right now or
what's your maximize 44 he'd have to do
48 hit points oh geez so basically the
the only thing I can really is for the
javelin atom and hope that he drops them
if you if you javelin the commander and
the commander went unconscious mmm a lot
of creatures a lot of creatures stop
attacking unconscious things to focus on
the threat you played aiming for yeah
but I mean this dude probably just eaten
I'm glad everybody like their retainers
a bundle said cuz you're gonna get to
play with yeah I mean I'm thinking that
that like out of desperation I'm gonna
I'm with three javelin who you javelin
I'm gonna throw it at the demon okay to
try and get him to drop its bite be
quiet is the lightning bolt is that what
it said yeah this might be wide in 120
feet long
yeah I mean I should you can definitely
angle it upwards if you want to avoid
hitting other people and I mean if you
have enough movement you could maybe try
to hit both well to end now I mean I'd
have to get I have to get over here I
would use all my movement to get over
there people want high-res photos of the
minis and we will provide them yeah
that's because we're incredibly happy
with the work that blues like being did
although I might be able to move to the
side and catch [ __ ] they're like this
way yeah they're the ruins of the church
Dragonborn what's it oh that's mandarin
Mandrake the betrayer he was the captain
of the bronze dragon flight not the best
train here so we got Morton and Mandrake
he likes ends well I mean things I mean
yeah I mean this feels like one of the
end Lars is also playing all right so
how many spaces would I have to move to
be able to get Mandrake and and big
sloppy in the line you're pretty much
you're gonna hit them so 30 feet I mean
you have to get you want steam engine
yeah you'd have to get like here stay in
a line actually actually no you could do
it from here if you stood here no no no
they're not at me they're not they're
not yeah they're not unfortunately
they're just far enough apart that one 5
foot wide line could not get both of
them just keeps going it's literally
like a 46 lightning man can I get up in
them and look yeah don't have anything
yeah yeah I think most of the rest of us
are used to it from code names but yeah
when you lean and you forget whatever
you start to back out so this one see
the mods are doing amazing or so are we
talking the base yeah I gotta hit the
any of these squares if you can
intersect if you can inspect any so any
square that the base touches so
basically I need to get here I'm
thinking yeah that would do it sure what
did you this is also gonna pass priest
hey Jack specifically said I knew yeah
but he's consorting is consorting with
the enemy
alright so then I guess what I got to do
is I'm gonna try and hit well they
actually you just say yes it's just 46
are you I'm right here yeah oh it
doesn't stick into rel just keep it all
you aiming at rel no well actually
that's a good question my guess is it
turns into a lightning bolt and then I
think it falls to that then he
I really hope I get us booking area I'm
gonna roll 20 damage do I don't get to
add my stream oh no I told a lie it
doesn't really work like a lightning
bolt so but you know what'll happen is
it'll it'll I'm gonna make a ruling it's
gonna embed in Ralph's okay so he's the
target so it's gonna go zap zap zap
anybody in anybody between you and
relegates gonna zap and then stop it
oh you hit somebody do I get why I don't
I don't die I probably don't have my
strength to that since I didn't have to
roll javelins or javelins uh no because
there's a spell no what you're doing is
you're basically will launching a fire
I got 20 damage you hit a target that I
have a seal on I'm gonna go ahead assume
the seal and I rolled 26 damage I do 28
between the two of us okay maybe I'll
drop the captain normally I have you
guys track damage to bad guys but in
this case this guy has so many hit
points yeah you noticed the javelin arch
into our candlelight butt cheek and
there's like a little and a little like
black scorch mark on it since he doesn't
say no I mean appears to have worked
it's just this is a huge demon okay a 46
lightning bolt is not enough to him he
gotta be reaches around with his giant
axe or any kind of scratches his ass boy
there's something poking at me does he
drop the c'mere did-did-did chump you
take any damage man Drake man Drake
saved into a calf damage okay so he took
I had the priest deal my with with my
actually I don't think he was yes he is
is I think you have no using priests he
does not make his saving throw he was
badly wounded and falls to the ground
but he seems just to be like it seems to
be mostly cowering Phil so the
lieutenant throws this javelin it turns
into a lightning bolt it arcs it hits
the bishop knocks him down he seems
alive but unwilling to get up it
scorches Mandrake's face and causes them
to turn away and embel embeds into realm
causing a slight tremor in relics and
that is that is the it's the push your
arm through meat and blood okay so I'm
gonna fire this way
so you can make an acrobatics check or
enough actually I think that would be an
action and you just took your action
quick oh no I did second one that's
opposed Robbie you're gonna fire the I'm
gonna fire there that's gonna be your
action yeah but I'm a little five eight
two attacks dos attacks por favor
so I can at least uh I can at least make
way down yeah that's interesting you can
still make it you can still make a
regular attack with a javelin because it
can do its damage in addition to the
lightning damage that's right because
whenever I used to using your rope
javelin damage and the easy it's easy
Christmas thing it's as big as a house
so you roll 4d or way number of javelins
damages roll twice
your strength once 26 so it's just a
oh you don't get to re-roll it it's just
that instead of one it's just - yeah
that's what I create this no no a critic
written is just you roll the weapon down
you roll your damage again okay are the
damages you roll it again I think that's
javelin is just visits judge so
critically javelin is just 36 and you
have a weapon that's 1 d6 I see yeah you
have a weapon master so like when you
when you were passing out the treasure
when Judge handed the javelin to you
judges like hey I can sharpen sharpen
sharpen sharpener Katanga ice little bit
sharper than also that's for plus my
strength which is crazy so 9 damage so
he has 30 negative got it got ya the
javelin sticks in him thank you for chat
for crack event
mind you I think this javelin lightnings
about to [ __ ] off to the interval so do
I need to roll to fire the arrow over
or uh do you need to roll the fire the
arrow over there yeah you're a fifth
level experienced soldier commander of
the chain so we can ask strapless I have
a second attack in a while can I use my
second attack with a different weapon or
is that one uh yeah does counts as part
of your anywhere I'm gonna try stab them
in the eye okay what am i two-handed
sword and that's not gonna be hit twice
14:14 it's huge
like it's it's hard it's almost
impossible to miss damage okay actually
when you hit with a weapon attack expend
one superiority die and attempted to
storm the target that's probably I might
as well yeah you're the drop one I have
your choice that it's holding hey there
it is a superior died of damage role and
the target must make the strength saving
throw is probably gonna build a few
drops the object so that's a not is that
the one is that the max that is the max
so seventeen wait 17 more damage it's
now 17 DC ODC 17 drink strength god oh
well sorry you struggled people eat
unable to unable to get him to releases
there's a lot of folks because you know
I've this I didn't write these rules and
so I'm sort of making stuff up on the
fly as we go
like really animal handling just fine
like that and as long as it seems fair
and makes sense to me then we can
revisit stuff afterwards it's pretty
typical look stuff up after the game and
figure I has this work so does the stop
the game but we have if you want to talk
about the rules and how how terrible I
am an implemented
I believe we have a whole separate sub
channel just for rules discussion which
we created on purpose I think it's a
room in the chat which we created on
purpose for people to go talk about rule
stuff and thereby leave the main chat
for discussion of the story so it's like
yeah rules complaint room
well yeah that's true you know people
people who have invested a lot of time
into learning the rules want to show off
that they know the rules
and I completely respect that and we and
I like to play by the rules that's the
reason I want to have chat available so
when we do stuff wrong they could be
like oh you're trying to sound but it's
more like if I make a ruling on the fly
and it's it's not according to the rules
that's no problem we'll just go back
later in the next game and I'll do right
yeah that's the process of learning the
game and that's something any DM should
be comfortable doing are you done so
that's the yeah okay cool all right well
let's see I have we are going to cut to
back to the cinematic because it is now
a Jackson realms turn all boy huh so you
notice now at this point that either
because of Ajax or realms presence there
are demons coming out of doors and
windows chasing people out of their
homes and you see members of the chaîne
like you see angel fall out or jump out
of a second-story tavern window and land
on his feet and
this spike demon sticks his head out and
angel who is not completely dressed is
hurling daggers at it and stabbing in
the eye and driving it back and does
this halfling turns and sees what's
going on and it's down that alleyway so
I don't think I don't know I think maybe
judge can see him in terms of judges
people are running screaming all the
normal citizens are freaking out huh can
I sign back to the angel sure actually
you see cook come bursting out of the
double doors of the same tavern and with
a giant meat cleaver and cook sees you
so I think I signed to him because they
both can see me right they're both sent
me the message so I think I signed a Jax
here commander truck commander in
trouble yeah well with you with you in
his hand realm
turns to a Jackson says just this one
boss and a jack says no no kill them all
so as a jack says that he kind of floats
forward and you notice all the fog on
the ground starts to kind of move and
swirl it seems as though it's making a
vortex centered on AJAX rainbows no no
no he doesn't even seem to notice it it
swirls and rotates and took into this
kind of like little whirlwind a little
tiny tornado spinning white tornado with
that the fog whips around almost like
cloth it becomes so solid that the cloth
is spinning this thing that was once fog
and a figure materializing
oh you may need a camera on that yeah a
beautiful elven I don't think any of
your you two have seen this character
before the rest of you have not this is
the woman you met last night and she is
very pale elven skin unnaturally pale
bright resumix bloodshot eyes and she
has she pulls from the robes of her
dress this ornate elven sword that is
quite obviously valuable and almost
certainly very powerful are any of you
none of you guys are elves or have any
kind of familiarity with millennia or
probably I speak elvish I mean I did
grab an owie
that's true but you didn't grow up like
a mirror Pannell for that yeah she takes
this sword and plunges it into a Jax's
back or worse or she would [ __ ] get
him but Ajax at the last minute steps
aside the sword misses him by an inch
and he grabs it with the Jade and using
the Jade hand he grabs a Ryan and pushes
ladies Ariel down like he's trying to
force her to kneel yeah
and he says to Lady cereal he has a
smile on his face like like this is the
thing he was waiting for and he says
your father kneeled to me and lived
because he knew this is an age of men
and he moves to clench his fist and
ladies Ariel unyielding not forced to
unlike her father who was mortal she is
a vampire Lord and she is strong enough
to resist she does not go to her knees
she pulls out a second elven artifact
Ajax clenches his fist and Orion the
Master Sword detonates Wow ladies Ariel
the vampire the vampire queen her flesh
starts to shred and disintegrate as the
energy from the sword is released and
she howls in pain and frustration and it
echoes throughout the city and the
explosion from the destroyed sword turns
her body into a vapor and it blows away
holy cow there is a detonation of this
energy this opalescent energy that rises
up into the sky that fills the air and
kind of chorus gates across the land and
looking up seeing the stuff in the sky
the camera pans down and the camera and
now it is cut seeing that we are looking
we are looking at a forest and in the
forest our three carts and there's a
handful of what looked like normal
peasant Carter's it's dark here wherever
this is and they are looking up at the
sky and they see this energy wash across
the sky and panning into the third cart
going inside there's a woman recumbent
lying in the cart she has a gold skin
she has a white hair and she has our
glasses for eyes and she's she's awake
she seems like she's suffering from like
some kind of sickness like what we would
expect somebody would like to Buerkle
osis to have and her face is kind of
twisted in depression and sadness and
she says Sariel you [ __ ] and life
leaves her body and her eyes turn back
to normal normal eyes and her body ages
like a thousand years and slowly
collapses in the cart and then we're
almost done and then
as though waking from a nightmare is
another woman who sits on a throne in
what looks like a mausoleum and like
ladies cereal she's human but likely to
Cyril she has pale white skin and red
lips and bloodshot eyes and she's like
she just was sleeping and was awoken by
some horrible vision and she looks
around her mansion this dead lady who
rules over a dead City and says ladies
organ and this black sucked manifests
immediately into the figure of a lady
Knight with this heavy armor big badass
huge helm you can see her face and she
is filled with hatred being here ladies
organ says my lady and this woman says
the game has begun bring me the book and
lady's organ kind of sneers she doesn't
like whatever compulsion is on her that
forces her to obey and she says by your
and then realm use this a special attack
against a creature I can't you can't go
home and play Kingdom Hearts he's gonna
know my soul but you could pick up my
weight like all that the cinematic stuff
you guys didn't see we didn't see it
I rolled that fancy one okay yeah you
can only do this to somebody who's
already grabbed I hope that all of those
have like numbers on them it or not
can't display your happiness oh yeah the
old numbers funny I don't think I have
any eggs that are pips Oh Dean states oh
don't you boys stay around for well wait
I can do the second one
oh no that's right I have 13 you take 68
points what's your total points 44 44 so
you go what' Richard what we're at 12 I
was at 13
that's over 44 are you through 48 you
said so it's 50 oh yeah go you're dead
Phil nice ear
oh hang on to this because realm starts
eating your dead body but put the
commander his head into his jaws and rip
you see the sinew of the commander is
neck stretches his head pops off he
starts squeezing the commander and
drinking its blood taki takes no time
Thank You blues we're about to take a
break we're about to take a break
because about to run on a hard drive
space and then we'll come back and
probably 10 minutes 10 minutes 15
minutes does the does the new commander
have any kind of announcement or order
I'd like to before we go and break
before we go yeah you're in charge now
you're in charge now sweet I think we
need to get the [ __ ] out of Dodge that
sounds reasonable be back here look be
back at about 10-15 minutes thanks
I have a button labeled we're back so
hopefully now yeah well this is a
conversation by the way that we should
have welcome back I guess something I
want to point out was this dope-ass
table that we have the I bought even
before with us we had the Kickstarter is
from Rathskeller and I feel like it's
doing pretty good so thanks to the folks
at grass Keller's it's not an ad or
product endorsement or anything I just
like their table also largely there's a
reason for one event announced because
we have a whole bunch of people in our
community who are super awesome and who
regularly gift subscriptions and I think
at least some of them they explained
that like it's because this is the only
way we have to like give you money
besides to support your content besides
our own five-dollar subscription or the
strongholds in followers book so I have
you know we've created a patreon you
know a patreon at patreon /mc DM I think
there are two levels five and ten
dollars a month and we will come up with
some rewards I don't know what off the
top my head but I just wanted to because
like twitch takes half of your
subscriptions which I understand they've
got a business to run but I wanted to
give those few people who wanted to give
us more money the opportunity the
opportunity to do that because that
keeps the giving and a lot of money off
the Kickstarter but that money is gonna
run out and it's revenue that is gonna
keep the doors open
ultimately so we do have a we do have a
patreon and also people who have Amazon
Amazon Prime get a free twitch
subscription that they can that they can
throw to a streamer once a month and
they can they have to manually do it
each month but if you link your Amazon
your twitch accounts those of us those
of you who've been following my new hack
streams already know this you can
subscribe with a twitch Prime free
doesn't cost you anything and we get
some money so that is going to help keep
the doors open and the lights on and you
know we'll be playing D&D either way
make awesome content who knows what were
we talking about before we went on break
I sent me gonna get the [ __ ] out of
Dodge yeah know how so so I want so like
I was asking Lars are you going to are
you gonna roll new stats I said you
could just use I think I know if you saw
this but Lars is like hey that's that's
[ __ ] I literally only got to play
this dude for one round he's dead I'm
not gonna roll new stats okay well I
don't know I don't regret your stats are
so if you want to roll and thereby maybe
get better stats you can do that but
then you start with what you get or if
you want to keep what you rolled because
your character adds actually life
expectancy as it turned out of about two
rounds then go ahead and do that and he
said he was thinking about playing
actually has a okay my retainer he has a
retainer these are in order to Simba
I think somebody already know this an
order to simulate the idea that the
chain is a mercenary company and these
are just the senior officers and there
are junior officers and then a whole
bunch of people soldiers and we're using
the retainer rules from strongholds and
followers so King is one of the
retainers and I didn't think they're
necessarily needed to be a direct
correlation between the player creating
the retainers and then running it these
are just the junior officers in the
chain but king is the one retainer that
Lars made King is an exorcist and that's
where we left this you don't know what
kind of cleric Kings gonna turn into but
if you want to you can run and we will
just assume that King is a king as a
fifth level cleric of some sort but
there could be combat coming up in which
case we're not actually gonna know what
his stats are and a third level retainer
will not survive that combat okay gonna
play okay so King is gonna stick around
with the other retainers who are some of
the junior officers of the chain are all
looking to the new commander and the
commander he said we got to get the [ __ ]
out of Dodge but how does the commander
express that all right so all right so
black bottom is a port city correct and
they're destroying black bottom yes
like the whole city I sparked me you
can't see the whole city but like but
you can see the hawk Lords are flying
around kind of doing their thing yeah
yeah okay where what direction what
direction is that's see here but their
erection is the harbour that way that's
not all right and who is closest
it's this way all right so at this point
yeah go ahead if you like because the
realm is not particularly interested in
which people he attacks or yes and Ajax
is gloating over the death of a serial
so at this point if you guys want to
retreat you can and you can get out of
this combat but then what you do next is
up to you like I said I don't I don't I
don't think we can beat this this guy
and like there's demons all over the
yeah it's not gonna be poor scattered to
the wind you can see that what there are
members of the chaîne there are soldiers
in the chain they're the the chain has
about if you guys were fighting an army
you would have about three units of
infantry maybe one of those units would
be special like sappers or Scouts or
something like that these guys are
taking heavy morale hits right now
people members of the chain I've seen
the commander died was dead run and it
looks as though this is gonna be around
alright so where's the Chronicle The
Chronicle is with this guy King is the
Chronicle and where is he he is you know
on one of these streets the the
retainers are always gonna be like one
encounter behind you guys alright so
they're gonna follow you and they're
gonna go and they're gonna do what you
say but they are trying to they're the
junior officers they're trying to stop
the rest of the chain from completely
disintegrating in Salvage at least one
unit of soldiers so you guys are always
going to kind of be one step ahead of
them they will follow you all right so
all chained here or there's about 360
soldiers they actually call themselves
that look like only recently they
this probably won't last much longer but
they call themself days because it's
about how many days around the year they
call themselves the calendar they
thought they were starting all UNIX
months but that was that was just them
being clever and there was no way three
all 360
alright so Anna's character is closest
to the heart so what I'm thinking is
that you need to get to the harbor
commandeer ship even if you go if like
are there any kind there might be I
don't know I don't know your career
retainers well there might be retainers
who would be good at right but they're
not here no they're I mean they're
really they're there one encounter
behind you guys so when you guys get to
wherever you're going they if there's a
battle there they won't be in the battle
but when that battle is over cuz never
battled might last if a long battle
might last 30 sites well obviously I
mean I think we're not gonna be far
her carrot Anna's character but I mean
we're over here we can't we're not gonna
be able to take that road right we're
gonna take a different Road we have to
go around or sorrow this way don't don't
worry about me I can definitely use my
looks or maybe you scare the [ __ ]
somebody where's the Treasury actually I
don't know who the treasurer is right
now I don't know if you selected one but
if you guys where are you trying to get
to the Harbor the dots to get okay and
so get out of the Treasury to be with
two-shoes sure just go ahead just so the
way the Treasury works is it's literally
a giant box full of gold and gems and
it's a it's a giant lockbox it takes at
least two people to carry it to strong
people and so the it's got a size how
much gold is in it measured by a d6 and
anything you could buy has a rating of
like you know a suit of armor might be a
1 right
buying a galleon might be a 6 right like
we did we need to pay off a prince that
might be a six and so depending on what
you're using the Treasury for that would
the dye or if it's cheap enough if the
treasury's currently like a six and what
you want to buy is a one if you wouldn't
even need to do anything you can just
afford it and you get it and somebody
with a really high charisma couldn't
negotiate and try to get the cost level
of something down one I don't think we
had said negotiate but just the two
shoes can two shoes can definitely be
the treasure for out and maybe forever
alright so then you're the
standard-bearer right I've got a guy who
might know a guy a guy who might know
again is it when your retainers yes
boots boots all right well I mean oh
yeah the dualist yeah that makes it yeah
so what I want I think I wanted to do is
I want I want copper to book it on his
done big cat catch up with Hannah right
or with judge judge will get us a ship
you can you know use the Treasury don't
use it all try you know if if if copper
catches up to him then when you get to
the ship you can raise the standard so
that all of our guys know as many of our
guys as we can
yeah know where to go are you
communicating what your goal is to the
junior officers and yes yeah I'm
probably using chain sign really okay
it's as much well I mean because I don't
want those guys to hear overdoing
alright fair enough
we're like spread the word like tell
everybody and you're being just kept and
yeah and it's basically like put the
word out to get to the docks
okay well getting to the docks is gonna
because the city is now literally on
mm-hm because there are demons running
through the streets and those of you who
have fought demons before these aren't
you're not it's nothing like this right
they're the kind of things that you
would expect to fight and probably deal
with normally but for peasants and
they're being ripped apart right getting
from you here to the docks there's gonna
be a skill challenge
alright so skill challenge does
something 4th edition that I quite like
and what we do is you guys use your
skills to describe to me how your
can make it easier to get to the docks
without getting in a fight right and you
can only each this is cool
so you have to get six successes before
you get three failures you're going to
get to the docks right that's not an
issue the question is how what what
happens once you get there is there it's
are a ton of demons there because it
took you guys too long to get there or
did you guys get there ahead of this
wave of chaos that's rippling through
the city so you're gonna get there no
matter what skills you use you have to
be trained in the skill you have to be
proficient in the skill and each person
can only try each skill right what beach
skill once right so if you tried I'll
give you a couple examples like if
somebody wanted to use there are gates
throughout the city and the city guard
are closing the gates trying to stop
stem the tide and stop the demons from
getting from one quarter of the city to
another you could for instance use your
athletics to try to bend bars and lift
gates and open one of these gates and
that would if you made it that would be
a success but if you fail then you waste
time with this thing this it turns out
to be too heavy and you accumulated
failure so it's always a risk reward
scenario but you got your soonerlater
you got to get six successes the only
question is can you do without getting
any failures and in fact in fact I know
if it's gonna work but chat is going to
take the role of the citizens of Black
Bottom and they are gonna have some
effect over your successes or failures
because it's up to them to decide how
did the citizens of Black Bottom react
to what's happening there should be a
straw poll I know that Jerry is super
overloaded right now but I will check
and see there should be a straw poll
where they have three options give me a
minute I just heard the voice of God say
give me a minute your three options
don't bother don't bother voting in chat
right now cuz it's we're nuns no way to
track everybody voting but you're in
your three options also Phil correct me
if I'm wrong but sweetness from black
alright it's been a long time since you
bigger stuff has changed and black loud
was always notoriously squirrely
it was never designed to be a big city
it grew that way doesn't matter but you
will be able to convert one failure into
a successful well let me just tell you
I've got a couple skills up here you
have this one you might be the guy you
might make all six of them my my
background feature yes my virgin
background here gives me the city
secrets whoo when I'm not in combat I
and any companions I lead can travel
between two locations in the city twice
as fast as my speed would normally allow
in addition to that yeah as a pugilist
I have street smart so basically that's
super cool once I have caroused in the
settlement for eight hours or more which
oh yeah you guys right I know all public
locations in the city as if I were born
and raised there and you cannot be lost
by non magical means while within the
city I mean I was born and raised here
you were born and raised here so what
I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just use the
board here to mark successes and
failures you guys need to get one too
you could set up a little whiteboard
here well yeah but are you trying you
can sure yeah and here are three
failures so you guys are trying to get
six successes before you get three
failures I wish my to skill challenge
and the size of your background you guys
already have a success total between all
of us correct got it okay
yeah you can cast you can cast
invisibility yes but is that gonna help
the chain get through like it's like a
company it's what we used to call the
a-team scene that is now an obscure
reference but it is you guys moving
together as a group so uv-visible means
that you're not gonna have a problem
getting to the docks but if you want to
leave these people behind then you know
he doesn't have that if judge doesn't
have that skill we might actually be
able to catch up with judge somewhere
over here and then go as
there are lots of different ways to use
skills I have written down but it's up
to you guys to kind of give me some
examples like it gave you that one you
know you could it's up to you to
determine how do I use my skills to do
this but there was a bunch of different
scenarios like you could use perception
to notice an empty building that you
could cut so it's up to you guys to you
this is your opportunity to use your
skills creatively how could you use the
things you're proficient at to use
players each player can only use each
skill once but like let's imagine you
all have athletics right you could all
you could each individually trying to
break through these gates intimidation
is yeah that would be great yeah there's
definitely guards that are trying to
stop people from moving through the city
and you could make an Intimidator and
the thing is if you make it the guards
are gonna help you try to get through
that's a success if you fail the guards
try to stop you and now you've got
you're not get this not be a combat you
could prolly dispatch a city card pretty
easily special love you guys but that
takes time that's a failure is there any
so intimidation
we're totally worth is there any so I
can move through non-magical terrain I
can move through difficult train gonna
affect me some alone you can move
through it stealthily abnormal pace or
did slow me I don't know if there's any
situations where well this isn't this
isn't this isn't this is just regular
but a trip oh I didn't know if like
that's joint buildings would would have
been like doing something you could
combine that with like an investigation
check to see can I find a building yeah
that is ruined that these guys wouldn't
be able to get by but if they follow me
if they follow me they can get through
but that would require you making an
investigation check to see do I notice
can I determine that there is terrain
like that so that you could then use
your special ability to lead the rest of
the group and you know there's no
requirement that you have to do yeah
right I could just persuade these guys
yeah persuade on the shoulder listen man
noticed but I've got the
Linux check cover schmuck Cruden they
got to get out this whole city thought
about joining us today that's actually a
good point is it part of the theme of
this campaign is rebuilding the company
because you guys have been there have
been times in your memory where there
were 10,000 soldiers in shame you're a
kind of a low a bat only 300 so if
you're ever gonna do anything about what
happened today you're going to need more
soldiers alloy yes yeah yeah the fall of
all the way yeah all right
see let's do it yeah I'm ready it's up
to you guys it's you I've described the
scenario so need to take the initiative
interest are rolling to start telling me
what skills you want to use there's no
order to it there's no initiative it is
the 47% so as you guys move through the
city and King for instance this is is
mentioning hey we should try to like see
if we can you know recruiting these
people at these city guards they must be
the tap the city is going crazy it is
now just a nothing but a collection of
grab a stick and finish it because the
chap decided that it's 47% voted for the
city's they had the option they had the
option that they said the city schools
could try to help you guys right which
would have gotten you a success or that
the citizens could decide we want to
live and therefore we're gonna help Ajax
and that would have gotten you guys a
failure yeah but because they basically
go to that this guy they didn't know
that they'll I knew what they were
reveling I'm in charge of interpreting
where their reactions do you think so
what's your describe how you're gonna
use your skill I'm going to use
persuasion yeah that sounds good to sway
everybody to help us [ __ ] out of here
yeah there's as you guys because you
guys are by far the most organized thing
happening in the city right now and
there are three guards that try to stop
you from going they're saying stuff like
martial law and get into a buildings for
your own safety and that guy's coming
and they're gonna they're gonna they're
gonna hold you up unless you go ahead
wrong 16 you have no bonus to persuasion
listen there we go yeah that 16 would
have been enough these guys are just
normal city guards so what does it you
say to them
what does Neil say I take a long pull on
my cigarette listen guys this day is not
gonna get any better
yeah I think I think I'm gonna make a
note that that in fact I need to write
down but that's gonna help with the size
well they're like alright well then
we're with you yeah I mean guy walks up
to you he's like like you guys are like
more competent than even like the
captains of the guards I could just see
him like walking through the crowd
everyone's freaking out just like yeah I
find that Apple that I stole take a bite
all right so that's I guess a bit too
bad all right well any of this strength
II stuff I can go for that and go ahead
and make a shot there's a closed city
gate before you uh-huh and it's like you
know it's not it's light but it's like
16 feet huh yeah so moving it it's made
out of wood plus 8 yeah that's 26 yeah
so what was the main uh it was made out
of wood
yeah the commander now now the commander
commander suite just runs up to this
commander suite and he just clocks it
right he's not there's no common gate he
literally like as a boxer and he just
punches the thing and the thing explodes
cuz he's got a belt a pill giant
strength he's you know what's happening
here hits what are you hard anyway yeah
so the would just splinters into a
million pieces of now there is literally
no gate and there are watchtowers on the
gate and one of the guards like is
watching this news and he tumbles and
falls off and snacks on the ground and
knocked out just purely based on I just
marked that as a success correct I don't
want ya
any guy in the company that's gonna
faint over that well because he was kind
of like gobsmacked by what you just did
was kind of leaning over to watch and
then kind of yeah the moment away from
does anybody else have any other stuff
they might think of any other uses for
their skills except he's dead each get
one skip we we can only use one skill
skill once you can use as many skills as
okay yeah so this card captain yeah a
guard captain stands before you and says
you know by order of the Lord Mayor no
one can move through this gate there are
demons running around what is your role
16 are you serious holy Sh a proficient
oh that's right you have 48 on your
tongue she gets to add double her
permission to modify her when she's
making persuasion cease the demons and
he's like what is your command he's
following you guys you guys I slowly
accumulating cards and by the way these
are you know guards are there like first
level or you know virus there they're
perfect perfect recruits for the chain
and they know we need the chain our
famous I know you guys are so you can
arrange I feel like I should be able to
do some sort of perception thing to me
well you could you were correct tom you
could like knowing you could make a
survival check and see if you could lead
the group through the sewers that would
a lot yeah because there might not be
any demons down there yeah I'll try that
then 11 13 13 these DVDs aren't that
hard actually 30 is the DC for them yeah
there is a sewer entrance that's got an
iron cover over it and you're a goblin
you're no way yeah no problem
so how do you communicate to these guys
that this would be a faster safer way to
get to the city I feel like what this
something do with the banner maybe like
that's good idea like I have the banner
and maybe I raise it and I somehow by
signal you know how the others traffic
cones signals like oh sure sure sure
somehow like oh like this big cat
running the circles so people see the
banner oh yeah that means like come here
or something like I found a way so yeah
the rest of the chain including all you
know the junior officers and the people
that they are leading see copper on big
cat spinning around and then the
tentacles big cats tentacle and grab the
manhole cover and pull it off and copper
big cat jump into the sewer do you guys
follow yep is that a faster way yeah
yeah absolutely well just cause like I
said my guy knows this city well super
trooper 86 can we panic again really
strong perception as well so I could so
I'm not proficient in it so I would not
double for proficiency for deception is
that correct correct you have to be
proficient in the skill - so let's see
what you were saying deception who has
deception yeah
yeah there's a there's a patrol that
there's a band of demons wandering
through the city and they look in your
direction but they don't immediately
appear to recognize that you guys are
who they're looking for uh who are they
looking for well they're almost
certainly looking for you guys
but they don't necessarily know one
human from another and that that's you
guys so there's a moment of their were
they pause I I would I would cast a
minor illusion down a down an alleyway
adjacent to them and create the sound of
rallying members of the change oh that's
awesome yeah okay go ahead make a
deception shot yeah no problem
yep yeah these these demons hear that
and they are immediately drawn to it and
they bark and gabble in their heathen
lingo and start charging down an
okay so that happen you guys go through
the sewers for like I don't know it's
probably like ten minutes because it's a
big city
alright but you aren't booking it and
there's no one higher it smells bad you
know the smell of offal is in your nose
and now you're knee-deep in the waste of
the city but can I just say when I as
were going through it I actually think
it smells pretty good when they were
playing and they were on a raft and they
had to make a skill check in the swamp
and somebody failed their skill check
yeah so coppers like oh great and then
you guys emerge from the sewers and so
was that we do Marcus we didn't mark the
silly though so you guys are seven eight
nine ten
we played for like two and a half hours
before the break so we're getting okay
you guys as you emerged from the sewers
you can see the masts of ships right but
it's still quite a ways away many
buildings so you're definitely going in
the right direction and that's when you
see the band of demon
and that's when nails casts distraction
the demons all book it and I believe
that's your six success correct that was
yes by the way that is a I believe that
is an easy skill challenge like a hard
skill challenge will be something like
it's always three failures ends it but a
hard skill challenge will be you need
twelve successes but given the
circumstance been wonders increase the d
c-- know the d c-- depends on the skill
you're using in what you're trying to do
each skill you're trying to use is a
scenario has a different DC so there
might be so for instance like if you can
come up with the way to use Arkana in
this it probably would have been weird
and obscure and not super relevant to
escaping a city so it so it so if it
were allowed that would be a very high
DC right but a lot of stuff you guys did
was really straightforward and escaping
the city in a scenario like this however
it would not have been easy for you guys
to so yeah you guys make it to the docks
you guys are here yeah go mini cannon we
got all that art for your dude what a
waste of money that's right i'm gonna
invade another D&D campaign to bring it
back one of the little tripods that
holds all the curtains whoa
should we move our guys out of the way
hello how I spent my weekend sweet what
we're saying it's sweet know me sweet
now I'm gonna have to I think I'm gonna
have to name a new commander no tenant
that's true that's true
King I'll have a new character I'll make
them does that does not move actually
none of the parts really move although
you can pick it up and it does it does
it's just it's just sticky kind of took
yeah the layers are really interesting
that's the main reason that so you can
simply get up different fights under
yeah you can have a running battle that
went from yeah this was actually this is
um dark ops is the name of the company
and this is the sea wolf I don't
remember how much this was but it's
pretty cool and apart from the masts
which ship are very tricky and actually
some of these are not glued in some of
these would just come off if you took
them off the it was really easy put
together it took like five hours to do
everything but the masts and then
probably another three or four hours to
do the masts only because like I said it
was really tricky and the problem the
number one problem is the dowels the
dowels like all of these parts dark
Ottomans and they come on a thing you
punch them out and they are machined
very precisely but the dowels they just
ordered and so they come it's like oh
this one's nine millimeters thick but
actually it's twelve right and I I spent
most of my time as animal to test to
sanding these things anyway Andy right
bla bla gonna tell them about your
special made name
don't show it to him Wow anyway so this
you guys are ahead of the junior
officers who themselves are ahead of the
rest of the company but you are now at
the docks and which [ __ ] what what was
boots saying those boots when he's like
we got to get the docks and you're like
I know a guy I know a guy okay
well it's a it is a lady in fact lady
and Margaret messing him captain correct
yes oh so boots is correct me if I'm
wrong boots is like a swashbuckling
swashbuckler duelist kind of a theory
Odin yes he's real honey okay's from
capital so yeah boots yeah boots knows
the captain of the row so CLO and that
is so boots is like I got and they're
also CL is a huge it's one of the
largest ships in heart right now now
there are there is basically an army of
people running to these ships right
all of these ships are people are they
want to get on these things right they
want to leave and the end of you know
the crew of the Rosso CLO are mostly
ryokan and they are in the process of
like loading cargo and they're looking
at you guys running toward them and
they're all these real ones have
typically have like dark skin and dark
hair and they dress very especially
those sailors dress really flamboyantly
and you can see them all on the rigging
and stuff working this large crane crane
yeah basically working a large wooden
crane with weights on one in the biggest
and they all stop and they're like so
what does what does boots say what does
boots do what does what do boots do
there is they're made for walking there
is a way that goes up to I mean that's
that's in dock it's not going anywhere
wait a second but it's getting ready to
leave boots
runs up the plank and demands to see the
minutes to speak to Lady Margaret as you
start running up the plank the crew
members all call for somebody whose name
you recognize Modesto Edisto is the
first mate and this you know naked to
the waist earring be clad ryokan with a
bandana around his neck and this kind of
almost the spirit flamboyant mustache
says Oh their friend I know it don't I
know you
good let's do my boy Oh God what what is
what is Boots's actually I don't know if
there's no if I wouldn't know your real
but he calls you by some other nickname
right because he you probably used some
weird alien I'm hearing several yeah
exactly yeah and he remembers he
remembers one of those hmm and he says
what do you have to do with this uh well
I uh he's trying to stop you from
getting on the ship so you can just make
a persuasion check to see if you can get
past this guy alright and see if you can
talk to the captain listen my friend
remembered that one time with that one
thing when I really helped you out no
anyway I remember this is not how I
remember it
I do not remember I remember you being
quite a pain in the 14 well you do know
him oh it's that guy sorry
he might not be proficient oh yeah no
it's just that he's but he does have
charisma so he's gonna be I think what's
the rule is gonna be +2 with crispo's +
is it +3 with charisma and +6 with these
yeah yeah so your plus if you get +3
from Crosman
sorry and you remembered the captain's
name right yes do you do you use that
when you're talking to this guy like to
impress him with your mid-level of
course okay so
definitely you know reminding good estou
of your relationship with captain
massing ham will get you I mean he's
like captain and so meanwhile what are
you guys doing by the way are you guys
walking at the plank are you guys
waiting at the base on the docks waiting
to see what happens
well I mean I think the standard-bearer
needs to be getting you know like I'm
ready hundred only make sure that our
guys any of our guys that are coming
know to get here I think like we need to
make sure that whoever our chronicler is
yeah King King King is well you guys
hold it with no failures so that means
not only does obviously the standard
bearer makes it but it means King make
so it also means the treasurer makes it
Wow okay one of the things you guys
could have done is if you needed to you
could have jettisoned the Treasury in
order to convert a failure to success I
think I think we need to start just we
just start getting on a ship well
there's a whole but okay but yeah I
think well I mean I don't know I mean it
depends on his on boots a success right
right because if boots is not being
successful then then I mean I think
we're just gonna push our way
well these guys these these sailors are
all marked alright they all have like
fashions right but they have it there
and so they're uh they're basically like
a unit of infantry on their own right
they're not their light infantry so if
they wanted to stop you you know
especially just like the five years I
would there would be a fight and now you
guys are a lot more experienced than a
bunch of sailors on the ship but they're
watching gheh desto seems to be
negotiating okay let him do his thing
he's like home but he's not he's not
saying kill this man right right and
there are guys with crossbows they don't
use bows they're guys with crossbows no
one's firing and there does seem to be a
tech between Kadesh no and boots
okay well definitely bring bring the
Treasury up closer okay yeah no problem
yeah the junior officers actually it's
two shoes right yeah
two shoes we'll have the Treasury
brought up in this giant chest go bump
on the and all of the sailors all stop
yeah because it's a suspiciously large
treasure shaped chest wow this is
catches there this will give her their
attention it'll let them know that we
can pay you see a barn show your family
just regular citizens many of them not
fully dressed it's not yet even 6:30 in
the morning running at this ship and the
they all get to come okay well happen
how do you any of it or any of our men
here oh yeah it's taking time but slowly
more and more memory so it's how are you
gonna take like hours to get everybody
in the chain and there's no one I don't
know that we have hours right but I mean
any of any of the soldiers are here I
think they need need to you know this is
our ship right so the sailors when they
see these guys coming I'll get em the
crossbows with these citizens but when
they see you commanding copper to hold
these guys off
what does copper do so the soldiers are
trying to get on sorry regular everyday
people are trying to get godmom people
are these guys this mob of people which
are growing by the moment is like my god
it's like watch right and so yeah yeah
you give the command from the you know
you probably have like using just animal
handling and your position and your
heels and stuff like I gave his big and
big cat knows you really well yeah yeah
stands up any Flay's his to explains to
tentacles and they shut her and the
people just stop go ahead okay I don't
know if I if I get to do this to reply
but like displacement so yeah sure yeah
so now there's like it's hard to see
looks almost as though he's melting into
the etheric plane or something as this
figure with Brewis stretches and smears
across reality and people stop and they
look and there's another boat over there
I think and they all start running away
and then they spread these fork and
like screw it they're just going on the
path of least resistance right so this
woman approaches and you can you these
guys kappa you can hear her heavy boot
steps and she is dressed like a Vaz
lorry and she's a bad lawyer descent
she's a big Li right she's like six feet
tall she's wide and she's got this kind
of classic tricorn captain's hat on
she's got hair that maybe it was read
once before she spent a lifetime in the
Sun but now it's super bleached it's
like strawberry blonde
it's like flax just sticking out from
under her head just big red cheeks she
has freckles and she's like boots hell
are you doing here lady vetting them it
has been far too long
well I do remember our last meeting with
fondness as do i in fact I wish that we
were meeting again on happier
circumstances is this your fault did you
do this she put the city is like on fire
right there's there's a giant floating
Citadel hanging over everything you guys
by the way are now out from underneath
that okay right to float you can now see
there's a name for it it's the cry stop
ellipse cry stop Alice CH ry s okay it
means city of gold is this your fault
did you do this no rather well listen
that's not important right now
I'm wondering how I might convince you
to agree with me that it might be a good
idea to movin up my men here and set
sail for somewhere else she looks at the
Christ operas and looks back you sis
who's chasing you uh I really wouldn't
worry about that and cadastro says it's
Ajax isn't it uh okay yes it is
you're being honest okay she says black
gods you're asking us to make an enemy
of Ajax the invincible well he's not
here right now so I think if we set sail
you know quick as you like her first
mate Podesta was like me there are yeah
you can stand by him yeah sure well no
I'm just use the things things are
starting to go a little sideways so I'm
thinking we need some persuasion there's
some intimidation boots this is I mean
don't get me wrong boots I like you but
this is a complex situation you're
walking into the middle of she says and
and a good gesture goes and then judge
presents himself what gods she says
again judge is gonna you know actually
she look shot huh yeah anyway so he's
gonna explain you know I'm not trying to
get you all in trouble
hey are those real which ones
it's just point of yours oh yeah okay no
she's not that she's not that she's
curious but she thought that would yeah
so he's an explained how real fast well
yeah um explaining they're not you know
they're not looking for trouble like
they can certainly pay their way if that
would make things easier for them and in
fact that Ajax was after their commander
who has since been eaten and they would
like to leave the city for greener
she's money like how much money it would
take a lot
and she looks at a doorway this there's
a doorway over here you guys can't see
but she's like I mean it would take a
lot yeah you know it doesn't mean is you
can't there's no there's a doorway down
into the hole I mean look at this cargo
I mean we're talking about what you
thousand what your price well how much
you got which it could be worth it could
be worth my ship she says to make an
enemy of Ajax and you can hear that the
men are like we need to get out of here
how many of our men are here well all of
the junior officers are here okay and I
would say well depends are you gonna use
the Treasury or you gonna use their
persuasion are you gonna combine the two
somehow and we're gonna try and persuade
are you gonna try and persuade your way
on without having to use money I would
rather not intimidate them especially
since we need a favor
there's like we don't well here's my
thought is we could take the [ __ ]
captain all right judges no tour you've
worked with judge judges notoriously
like behind the book
judges judges bottled and like super
lawful okay so if there's a way if
there's a way to do this without burning
bridges life's always easier when you
make friends which come off of what lot
for what you're a priest of Asmodeus you
could probably guess and be correct well
no we certainly wouldn't be a chaotic
act we would just be getting rid of the
captain and installing a new one
chaos is usually involved in a Hannover
term Union of those sorts well I can
order you to do I mean it's gonna be no
but now go ahead it's gonna be tough
finding anything crew well after you
kill no remember when we found the
ghosts and the first campaign reserves
that and you can use all the things you
know like you can convince them by
talking about like look the longer we're
here we're all going to die there's
several things that you can do in that
to your role it's up to you how you guys
use your resources you can just make a
persuasion check which I mean you're
doing a pretty good job I'd like to I'd
like to see if I can use my persuasion
to basically I know we're gonna have to
pay but I would like us to ideally not
pay so much okay so the combination of
boots being here and then having some
kind of prior relationship and then me
stepping up and kind of persuading this
captain that you know hey we're not
trying to mooch off you like we just
want to get to capital go ahead make a
going make a thirty so by the way there
are demons now flooding onto the docks
now the docks are huge this is a big big
structure there are many boats but there
are demons flowing and cadets toes like
captain we have to leave yeah because I
think Delaney is just like sort of she
sees the chest that you guys have and
she's like we can work out a price after
it get on all right
is there like a TripAdvisor for escape
galleons how many dollar signs is this
crying I mean Cobra yeah so yeah you
guys get about you guys get the okay so
here's a question like the crane it's
gonna take another you know a couple of
rounds to load this cargo up and it's
make it substantive eight for them to
load the cargo well if we if we wait a
little while
does that mean more of our guys can get
here uh yes yeah but we might have to
fight yeah it could maybe have never
being a strand there was an I can maybe
shoot some demons and air as they're
coming about that what are we talking
like that we can take uh individually
yep but not as a little like a baked
pork yeah it's basically a army of
demons us marching for the city well I
mean it might just be the matter of like
like how much is that cargo worth
captain oh you don't know who you're
pissing off can use your he'll giant
like just it's a combination of pulleys
ropes and also weights and so yeah if
you brace yourself against the mass you
could just start yeah yeah I mean it's
it's it's very heavy
but you were supernaturally strong and
so yeah you just say yeah grab this
thing and yanking it and looked kringles
all right like that wrenches around each
each time you pull it it moves this like
30 degrees and you drop this giant
package on it's you know it's like bound
together what's I'm looking for like a
giant crates like giant crates nailed
alright and they go coop and they land
on the deck and they're all in netting
and the netting collapses and yeah a
little bit yeah
alright so we need to order our any of
our guys that are here to get on the
guide on the damn boat okay looks like
you get you get you get about between 60
and 70 guys on the boat and is that I
mean they're close
yeah yeah and now there's just demons
everywhere the they are pulling up
anchor yeah and the sails are already it
doesn't look like this the sales are
and they start you know slowly pulling
out now that you guys are on board now
that the sailors are all in the rigging
doing their jobs moving around like they
were like it was regular just walking on
the ground now a flood of people are
coming at the docks people are jumping
off the docks trying to get on this boat
and it's only like right now it's only
like five seven feet away but the ship
is slowly pulling away and people are
just jumping into the water and these
demons are starting to just rip people
apart do we I'm how much space do we
have on the boat still hate so Gabby no
there's I mean I mean did our guys fill
it up no there's a lot of those I mean
they fill up they pack the top deck but
there's like three different levels
below this thing you know what can carry
you well I mean any of those people in
the water look like other ships none as
big as this but also there are some
three masters are also a pulling leg and
at this point you see as these ships are
escaping the harbor all these tiny
little dinghies are trying to get away
you see this tiny floating figure that
actually does look a little bit like
this or like this character represented
as Morton was described to you and he's
super far away and kind of floating
around and from him spells are meeting
yeah and one of the galleons as is
pulling out of port gets hit with one
fireball and then another fireball the
masts are destroyed and the ship starts
listing and sinking and he's you know
got some kind of crazy extended range on
his spells they allow them to stay how
far away is he you can't get it sent it
could be a thousand feet so not within
armor aurait not within weapons range
actually you would probably recognize
that this is like battle magic this is
magic that you only have access to when
you have a strong this is there's his
stronghold is right there and so it it
decimates units right the entire crew is
now very heavily motivated to make sure
that the sails are properly rigged and
the Rosco's yellow is in spite of being
the biggest ship in poor it's it's
somehow built for speed and so it is
accelerating and there was at least one
other ship a pirate ship well I mean
like a merchant merchant ship for godot
says it is early in our relationship for
us to be is calling each other names
he's like how would you like it if we
all refer to you with filthy murderers
do we do some piracy you know who can
say piracy is in the eye of the beholder
my mother always said so there's one
other galleon that's that's kind of
keeping pace with the Ross OClO
and captain massing ham is at the mast
and she's barking orders to the crew and
the entire crew all move as one person
and Gaston is up here trying to kind of
coordinate the efforts of the riggers
and as you guys the wind fills the sails
and the sky above you it's now like 7:30
8 o'clock in the morning it's a bright
beautiful day and you can see the giant
floating Citadel is retreating getting
smaller and smaller as you pull away
from the city and this one other ship
and she points and she knows the name of
the ship it's called the sparrow and
she's like eyes on the sparrow because
she's using them as kind of a gauge to
see how well are we doing and she's like
we should beat them and the process
yellow is pulling ahead and these giant
tentacles come up from the water and
start wrapping themselves around the
sparrow and you can see the tiny figures
on the ship it's a it's a bad Lorient
ship you can see these guys they they
don't look like pirates they almost look
like they're in uniform you can see them
hacking and
these chemicals but there are you know
dozens of them and they slowly wrap
around the ship and break it in half and
pull the ship below water and Wow
captain massing ham says who it turns to
boots and says which one of you is in
commander you really know how to make
things tough for me where are we going
capital well someone's not going to be
happy with that and there was a this
dude comes out of the hole and let's see
perhaps yeah he's a heifer and he's he's
you guys are I don't know how familiar
you you would be with this but he's
wearing a Jax's livery and he says turn
the ship around and as he's talking
other other half works start coming out
of the hole there's like there's a bunch
of them and they all have they all have
the symbol of st. Ajax on their on their
two barns on their clothing on their
shields and it's all eleven o'clock it's
funky place it's not oh my god Wow okay
anyway thanks for putting up with the
final contract of the chain and now it's
just a question of how you guys get
kappa and as i said before like the
first half of that super super cut scene
ii and then there's what do you guys do
and the skill challenge and now you guys
are a little more in control and it's
still gonna be a little railroad e from
here to capital but like this encounter
it's gonna be lots of stuff I use guys
to do and then once you get to capital
is gonna be very kind of open the world
sandbox e and so cool so anyway I think
that's it I think we streamed Indy for
the first time
I hope you guys had fun and our is also
played we gotta get any work for you we
got to talk to Jason and get any work
for your new dude how many Infinity
stones does Ajax have now well your last
a good question during the break and it
didn't come up and that is did lady
cereal drop the other sword yeah and the
answer was yes so but so now Ajax has at
least one of those just degraded you saw
you saw I described it as a Ryan it's
not clear whether or not I certainly
somebody in the chain is familiar with
these ancient elven artifact swords and
then now you guys are on the ship you
can kind of talk about what happened and
part of that is that was a Ryan the
Master Sword and it makes you basically
invulnerable to all weapons and it's
gone now yeah and what what what the
power is of the teeth of the Dragon when
the Master Sword is broken is unknown
but they were pretty sure that the
second short sword she pulled out was
scorpius's Eliza also so something you
have to decide and we should do it
either right now or we should wait and
talk about it next time we stream so the
folks don't miss anything is who's the
lieutenant I mean yes it could be Lars
is character that's up to you because
they already have ranks and you can only
have one but but somebody could give up
their rank and become lieutenant but
then that means so the relationship
between the commander and lieutenant is
the commander decides what jobs do we
take you don't you don't necessarily
really issue orders and that would be
bad leadership to be constantly telling
her what to do the lieutenant figures
out okay how are we gonna do this mm-hm
right neither one of them really is the
tactics commander that would be like the
sergeant if there was one of nobodies
like that so you guys are still free to
play your characters in combat whoever
you want but that's lieutenant's job to
kind of like coordinate the effort after
the captain decides what we're doing so
that's something you can think about
Lars I assume you'll have a new
character you work here you have nothing
else to do but make a new person
keep saying VARs PTO key departs I think
that's it I think we're done I think
we're gonna sign off thanks for watching
as I suspect this is the largest crowd
we're ever going to stream to I think
probably a lot of East Coast folks have
probably already logged off will upload
the video to YouTube as soon as we can
that probably means Friday morning and
then we'll do probably a campaign diary
tomorrow and I'll talk about what
happened and we'll do a live stream
world-building live stream eleven
o'clock on Saturday and we might talk
about this but the one thing that I want
to wait to talk about is the death of
the captain because that's gonna require
me talking to lawyer's office offline
and so when we do the post-mortem on
this I'm going to declare that
off-limits for now but not later later
we'll talk about it otherwise thanks for
watching everybody see you next