karenhodgkinson / portfolio

The starter portfolio repository, basically empty, but with a few helper files.
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Pattern Library - Personal performance rationale #7

Open karenhodgkinson opened 4 years ago

karenhodgkinson commented 4 years ago

I think my end result is generally well-designed and functional, with lots of room for improvement. I have a hard time translating my sketches and intentions into the actual pattern library. I also struggle with remembering which variables effect which elements, and feel that I waste a lot of time changing things that I would prefer to get right the first time (colours of various elements and text sizes in particular). These are simple issues, but I end up spending the most time trying to correct these. My biggest struggle was in strategizing how to build and combine my cards, galleries, and sections. I always want to create a lot of different patterns in the beginning, assuming that I will need many different options for my various page layouts. I invariably end up spending a lot of time building patterns that I never end up using. Through this, I have learned that having too many patterns hurts the website's overall consistency, and I need to trust my ability to work with fewer, more simple patterns. Consistency and simplicity have always been difficult for me, and I see this reflected in my pattern library. My website is similar to my original vision, and I feel it represents me adequately as a designer. I am proud of some aspects and a bit sheepish about other aspects. I would be happy to show this website to friends and family, but not necessarily potential employers.

karenhodgkinson commented 4 years ago

