karimnaaji / vectiler

A vector tile, terrain and city 3d model builder and CLI exporter. Consider using its fully integrated user interface at https://halfmaps.io
MIT License
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Add pedestal (fill underneath geometry) #15

Closed karimnaaji closed 8 years ago

karimnaaji commented 8 years ago

Add pedestal option to fill up underneath geometry when terrain is exported (with a possible height for it).

Export example:

./vectiler.out --tilex 5240/5241 --tiley 12674/12675 --tilez 15 --buildingsHeight 45 --buildings 1 --normals 0 --terrain 1 --terrainExtrusionScale 3.2 --pedestal 1 --pedestalHeight -60
screen shot 2016-07-21 at 12 37 07 am

Also works for wider tile ranges:

screen shot 2016-07-20 at 2 02 47 pm
hugoluc commented 8 years ago

This looks so amazing man...