karino2 / tegashiki

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model history note #1

Open karino2 opened 5 years ago

karino2 commented 5 years ago

Note of each model.

karino2 commented 5 years ago


Initial model. Data is not yet reduced by Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm. Mask is just mean properly ignoring padding of sequence. This is the initial model and basically many parameter (more than training set size, I guess).


karino2 commented 5 years ago


Reduce embed and hidden layer parameter from model_vec_mask3. Similar tendency with bad score.


karino2 commented 5 years ago


Just reduce embed size from model_vec_mask3. Similar tendency to model_vec_mask3. A little bad score. Accuracy score is very fragile.


karino2 commented 5 years ago


Reduce data by Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm, epsilon 0.05. Model is the same as model_vec_mask3.

From here, we use this dataset.

This is the best acc of 0.39, but it seems too random picking.


karino2 commented 5 years ago


small parameter trial for rdp reductioned dataset. More stable, but bad score.


karino2 commented 5 years ago


Just reduce embed size from rdp_mask3. Accuracy is fragile, but score is similar (a little worse than mask3).


karino2 commented 5 years ago


TCN for encoder. with avg pooling. depth=6. acc 0.335.


karino2 commented 5 years ago


Add dropout in TCN (not in decoder, though). Raise learning rate 0.001 instead of 0.00009. learning rate seems too high.


karino2 commented 5 years ago


Lower learning rate from above trial.

Dropout seems learning a little regularize, but the final score is not improved.


karino2 commented 5 years ago


Add dropout to rdp_mask3. We call previous conv1d+RNN encoder model as cnnrnn2 from now on.

acc 0.3228. Accuracy goes down with dropout. I don't know the reason, but the score of this model is fragile and it might just pick randomly good value in previous trial.


karino2 commented 5 years ago


From tcn_dropout, add dropout in decoder side, and apply FC in last output of tcn and plug into decoder's init state. acc 0.344

Training becomes stable, but score is the same.


karino2 commented 5 years ago


Increase dilated layer to 8 to cover wider range for encoder init state. acc 0.347. A little better, but almost the same.


karino2 commented 5 years ago


Add l2 regularization of 0.1 to weight, kernel, activation with previous model. acc = 0.34. The same score.


karino2 commented 5 years ago

Parser fix

I realize that parser for tfrecord had bug and stroke is wrongly concatenated.

I had tried to reshape to

[[x1, y1, type1], [x2, y2, type2], ..., [xn, yn, typen]]

But the reality was

[[x1, x2, x3], [x4, x5, x6], ..., [type(n-2), type(n-1), typen]]

So it might be hard to match x, y, type relations. All previous experiments was conducted with this bug.

karino2 commented 5 years ago


I fix parser with above model. acc=0.335. Almost the same.

Learning curve is changed, so fix seems applied. Hard to believe that the final score is almost the same.


karino2 commented 5 years ago


cnnrnn2 with weight regularization the same as above model. And fix parser. acc = 0.407.

It seems this is the best model and this model can take stroke data into account. Almost perfectly fit to training set, though it's severely overfitted. (final training loss is 0.2179).


karino2 commented 5 years ago


Reduce parameter size with above model. acc=0.379

Less overfit, and score is stable, but getting worse.


karino2 commented 5 years ago


Increase dropout rate from 0.1 to 0.5 in above model. acc=0.377

Overfit is not improved.


karino2 commented 5 years ago


Increase dropout rate to 0.9 with above model (cnnrnn2-small). acc=0.355. Becomes learned more gradually, but converge to the same score. Overfitting is not fixed with dropout.


karino2 commented 5 years ago

This cell is move to #3

karino2 commented 5 years ago

Use feature extractor

From discussion, I guess it might be better to compress each stroke to more compressed data. So create feature extractor from subtask one symbol dataset.


Basic design note:

karino2 commented 5 years ago


acc: 0.36

No Improvement.


karino2 commented 5 years ago


I couldn't believe previous result. It must be bug!

Previous dataset is different stroke num for training set and validation set. I guess this might cause some loss function calculation mismatch (I wonder attention code might not handle stroke mask correctly).

acc 0.34

No improvement. Seems not a bug.


karino2 commented 5 years ago

No matter what I try, the accuracy tend to converge to 0.3. And training error lower much further, but not validation loss improvement.

Why? One guess is that decoder combination is too complex and not so much data, so our model can't learn structure with this model. The best he can do might be just predict prior distribution of math expression tokens.

To confirm my hypothesis, I create model that just ignore input stroke.


Just ignore input stroke and only train from decoder input-output. This is some form of math exp language model. It is most idiot model.

acc 0.38


Getting better!

All attempt so far seems just not working, ignore stroke input and just predict math expression general symbol distribution!

karino2 commented 5 years ago


Previous experiment suggest current dataset might too complex. So filter dataset that tex symbol len seems too large, and just keep less than 10. Dataset becomes only 3000. It seems this is too small to learn. But I try anyway.

acc 0.31


No Improvement. It seems this task is impossible to solve!

karino2 commented 5 years ago

Go to #3